Jamel Abed
Microsoft 365 MVP | M365 Solutions Architect & Cloud Development Expert
Brussels, Belgium
Jamel Abed is a distinguished cloud specialist and Microsoft 365 developer, recognized as a Microsoft Certified Professional with over 16 years of extensive experience in SharePoint. As a Microsoft MVP in “SharePoint and Microsoft 365 Development,” he is renowned for his expertise in developing custom solutions across the SharePoint Framework (SPFx), Microsoft Teams, Power Platform, and the entire Microsoft 365 suite.
Starting his career with SharePoint 2007, Jamel has built a solid foundation in custom development and has become a leader in cloud technologies. He currently divides his time between Paris and Brussels, where he passionately engages with Microsoft technologies. Jamel is not only a developer but also a community advocate, actively organizing, speaking at, and participating in international events to share his wealth of knowledge and insights with the global tech community. His commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation in the Microsoft ecosystem makes him a valuable asset to any project.
Area of Expertise
Choosing the Right Storage Solution for Your Cloud Projects
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint and azure developers.
It will explore how to select the best storage solution for your development project, whether developing in-house applications or purchasing from ISVs or Microsoft.
A comprehensive checklist will be provided to consider before starting your project, ensuring the most suitable storage option is chosen for your needs. The solutions covered will include SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library, and Blob Storage. Each solution will be compared based on different requirements, with a deep dive into the details of working with SharePoint Embedded.
The importance of data for your company and projects will be emphasized, highlighting how crucial it is for informed decision-making, problem-solving, and improving processes. Security and compliance aspects of each storage solution will also be covered, ensuring that your data is protected and meets regulatory requirements.
Additionally, the cost implications of each storage solution will be discussed, helping you make budget-conscious decisions. The session will also explore how AI and Copilot agents can enhance your storage strategy, from automating data management to improving data analytics.
By the end of this session, a clear understanding of the optimal storage solution for your needs will be achieved.
Renforcer l'IA et la Gestion des Données avec Microsoft SharePoint Embedded
Dans le monde actuel axé sur les données, l'importance des données au sein des organisations ne peut être sous-estimée. Les données sont un atout essentiel qui guide la prise de décision, favorise l'innovation et offre un avantage concurrentiel. Pour maximiser leur potentiel, il est crucial d'organiser les données de manière unifiée, améliorant ainsi la collaboration et permettant l'utilisation de technologies avancées comme l'IA.
Lors de cette session, j'expliquerai pourquoi les données sont cruciales pour les organisations et comment un système de gestion des données unifié peut améliorer considérablement la collaboration et la productivité. J'explorerai le rôle transformateur de l'IA et l'importance des données organisées pour des outils comme Microsoft Copilot.
Je présenterai ensuite Microsoft SharePoint Embedded, un système puissant de gestion de fichiers et de documents basé sur le cloud, conçu pour s'intégrer parfaitement à toute application. Cette solution uniquement API permet aux développeurs de tirer pleinement parti des capacités de la plateforme de stockage de fichiers et de documents de Microsoft 365, ce qui la rend idéale pour les entreprises et les ISV.
Je fournirai un guide complet sur la gestion des conteneurs cloud sécurisés en utilisant SharePoint Embedded, en mettant l'accent sur ses fonctionnalités de sécurité robustes qui garantissent l'intégrité et la conformité des données. De plus, je partagerai les meilleures pratiques pour la mise en œuvre et fournirai des cas d'utilisation réels pour illustrer ses avantages.
Rejoignez cette session pour découvrir des stratégies, des techniques de mise en œuvre et le potentiel transformateur de SharePoint Embedded dans le développement d'applications modernes, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur l'importance du stockage dans l'IA.
Introduction à Microsoft SharePoint Embedded
Cette session est conçue pour vous aider à démarrer avec SharePoint Embedded, un puissant système de gestion de fichiers et de documents basé sur le cloud qui s'intègre parfaitement à toute application grâce à sa solution uniquement API.
La session couvrira les bases de SharePoint Embedded, y compris ses principales fonctionnalités et avantages. Apprenez à configurer et à paramétrer SharePoint Embedded, et à exploiter ses capacités pour améliorer la gestion des données et la collaboration de votre application. Les meilleures pratiques pour la mise en œuvre seront explorées, ainsi que des exemples pratiques pour maximiser les avantages de cette solution innovante.
Découvrez comment SharePoint Embedded peut transformer l'approche de la gestion des données et accroître l'efficacité et la productivité de toute organisation. Que vous soyez un développeur d'entreprise ou un ISV, cette session vous fournira les connaissances et les outils nécessaires pour intégrer avec succès SharePoint Embedded dans vos applications.
Déverrouiller de Nouvelles Capacités de Stockage de Données dans Power Apps avec SharePoint Embedded
Dans cette session, je vais introduire une nouvelle option pour stocker des données dans Power Apps en utilisant les conteneurs SharePoint Embedded. Cette session est conçue pour les développeurs et les professionnels de l'informatique qui souhaitent tirer parti de la puissante combinaison de Power Apps et SharePoint Embedded pour une gestion des données efficace et sécurisée.
Power Apps est une suite d'applications, de services, de connecteurs et une plateforme de données qui offre un environnement de développement rapide d'applications pour créer des applications personnalisées répondant aux besoins de votre entreprise. En intégrant Power Apps avec SharePoint Embedded, vous pouvez exploiter pleinement les capacités de la plateforme de stockage de fichiers et de documents de Microsoft 365.
Je commencerai par présenter SharePoint Embedded, un système de gestion de fichiers et de documents basé sur le cloud qui s'intègre parfaitement à toute application grâce à sa solution uniquement API. SharePoint Embedded vous permet de créer et de gérer des conteneurs de stockage de fichiers, qui sont des partitions dédiées au sein d'un tenant Microsoft 365 pour stocker des fichiers en toute sécurité.
Au cours de cette session, vous apprendrez :
Introduction à SharePoint Embedded : Comprendre les fondamentaux de SharePoint Embedded et son rôle dans le stockage sécurisé des données.
Création et Gestion des Conteneurs : Apprendre à créer, configurer et gérer des conteneurs de stockage de fichiers en utilisant SharePoint Embedded.
Intégration de Power Apps avec SharePoint Embedded : Découvrir comment utiliser Power Apps pour interagir avec les conteneurs SharePoint Embedded, y compris effectuer des opérations CRUD (Créer, Lire, Mettre à jour, Supprimer).
Meilleures Pratiques et Cas d'Utilisation : Explorer les meilleures pratiques pour intégrer Power Apps avec SharePoint Embedded et voir des exemples concrets de la manière dont cette intégration peut améliorer vos applications.
À la fin de cette session, vous aurez une compréhension complète de l'utilisation de Power Apps pour stocker et gérer des données dans les conteneurs SharePoint Embedded, garantissant l'intégrité, la sécurité et la conformité des données.
Manage Secure Storage Containers with SharePoint Embedded on Azure and Graph API
This session explores how to effectively manage secure storage containers using SharePoint Embedded, integrated within the Azure tenant and the Graph API. SharePoint Embedded is a powerful, cloud-based file and document management system that seamlessly integrates with any application through its API-only solution.
The basics of SharePoint Embedded will be covered, including its key features and benefits. Learn how to set up and configure SharePoint Embedded, and leverage its capabilities to enhance your application's data management and collaboration. By integrating within the Azure tenant and utilizing the Graph API, enhanced security, scalability, and performance for managing secure storage containers can be achieved.
Best practices for implementation will be explored, along with practical examples to maximize the benefits of this innovative solution. Discover how SharePoint Embedded, combined with Azure and the Graph API, can transform the approach to data management and drive greater efficiency and productivity in any organization. Whether an enterprise developer or an ISV, this session provides the knowledge and tools needed to successfully integrate SharePoint Embedded into applications
Renforcer l'IA et la gestion des données avec SharePoint online et Microsoft SharePoint Embedded
Dans le monde axé sur les données d'aujourd'hui, l'importance des données au sein des organisations ne peut être surestimée. Les données sont un atout essentiel qui guide la prise de décision, favorise l'innovation et offre un avantage concurrentiel. Pour maximiser leur potentiel, il est essentiel d'organiser les données de manière unifiée, améliorant ainsi la collaboration et permettant des technologies avancées comme l'IA.
Dans cette session, j'expliquerai pourquoi les données sont cruciales pour les organisations et comment un système de gestion des données unifié peut améliorer considérablement la collaboration et la productivité. J'examinerai le rôle transformateur de l'IA et comment des données organisées sont vitales pour des outils comme Microsoft Copilot.
Je présenterai ensuite Microsoft SharePoint Embedded, un puissant système de gestion de fichiers et de documents basé sur le cloud, conçu pour s'intégrer parfaitement à toute application. Cette solution uniquement API permet aux développeurs de tirer parti de toutes les capacités de la plateforme de stockage de fichiers et de documents Microsoft 365, ce qui la rend idéale pour les entreprises et les ISV.
Je fournirai un guide complet sur la gestion des conteneurs cloud sécurisés à l'aide de SharePoint Embedded, en mettant l'accent sur ses fonctionnalités de sécurité robustes qui garantissent l'intégrité et la conformité des données. De plus, je partagerai les meilleures pratiques pour la mise en œuvre et fournirai des cas d'utilisation réels pour illustrer ses avantages.
Rejoignez cette session pour découvrir des stratégies, des techniques de mise en œuvre et le potentiel transformateur de SharePoint Embedded dans le développement d'applications modernes.
Tout sur les pages Copilot - Comment Copilot est devenu collaboratif
Dans cette session, nous explorerons en profondeur les Pages Copilot, une innovation révolutionnaire qui transforme notre façon de travailler.
Nous commencerons par une présentation des cas d'utilisation et des applications pratiques qui démontrent l'impact puissant des Copilot Pages sur la productivité et la collaboration.
Ensuite, nous plongerons dans les détails techniques de la mise en œuvre, en découvrant comment Loop et SharePointEmbbeded s'intègrent pour créer une expérience utilisateur transparente et intuitive.
Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment Copilot Pages peut dynamiser votre espace de travail numérique !
Unlocking New Data Storage Capabilities in Power Apps with SharePoint Embedded
In this session, I will introduce a new option for storing data in Power Apps using SharePoint Embedded containers. This session is designed for developers and IT professionals who want to leverage the powerful combination of Power Apps and SharePoint Embedded for efficient and secure data management.
Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and a data platform that provides a rapid application development environment to build custom apps for your business needs. By integrating Power Apps with SharePoint Embedded, you can harness the full capabilities of the Microsoft 365 file and document storage platform.
I will start by introducing SharePoint Embedded, a cloud-based file and document management system that integrates seamlessly with any application through its API-only solution. SharePoint Embedded allows you to create and manage File Storage Containers, which are dedicated partitions within a Microsoft 365 tenant for storing files securely.
During this session, you will learn:
Introduction to SharePoint Embedded: Understand the fundamentals of SharePoint Embedded and its role in secure data storage.
Creating and Managing Containers: Learn how to create, configure, and manage File Storage Containers using SharePoint Embedded.
Integrating Power Apps with SharePoint Embedded: Discover how to use Power Apps to interact with SharePoint Embedded containers, including performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
Best Practices and Use Cases: Explore best practices for integrating Power Apps with SharePoint Embedded and see real-world examples of how this integration can enhance your applications.
By the end of this session, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use Power Apps to store and manage data in SharePoint Embedded containers, ensuring data integrity, security, and compliance.
Getting Started with Microsoft SharePoint Embedded
This session is designed to help get started with SharePoint Embedded, a powerful, cloud-based file and document management system that seamlessly integrates with any application through its API-only solution.
The session will cover the basics of SharePoint Embedded, including its key features and benefits. Learn how to set up and configure SharePoint Embedded, and leverage its capabilities to enhance your application's data management and collaboration. Best practices for implementation will be explored, along with practical examples to maximize the benefits of this innovative solution.
Discover how SharePoint Embedded can transform the approach to data management and drive greater efficiency and productivity in any organization. Whether an enterprise developer or an ISV, this session provides the knowledge and tools needed to successfully integrate SharePoint Embedded into applications.
Comparing Cloud Data Storage Solutions: Azure Blob, SharePoint, Dataverse, and SharePoint Embedded"
Choosing the right data storage solution is crucial for the success of your cloud applications. In this session, I will provide a comprehensive comparison of four key cloud data storage solutions: Azure Blob Storage, SharePoint, Dataverse, and SharePoint Embedded. We will explore how each solution meets different application needs in terms of cost, collaboration, and AI capabilities.
By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of how to choose the best data storage solution for your application's specific needs, optimizing for cost, collaboration, and AI integration. Join me to discover how to make informed decisions about your cloud data storage strategy.
Empowering AI and Data Management with Microsoft SharePoint Embedded
In today's data-driven world, the importance of data within organizations cannot be overstated. Data is a critical asset that drives decision-making, fosters innovation, and provides a competitive edge. To maximize its potential, it is essential to organize data in a unified manner, enhancing collaboration and enabling advanced technologies like AI.
In this session, I will explain why data is crucial for organizations and how a unified data management system can significantly improve collaboration and productivity. I will delve into the transformative role of AI and how organized data is vital for tools like Microsoft Copilot.
I will then introduce Microsoft SharePoint Embedded, a powerful, cloud-based file and document management system designed to integrate seamlessly with any application. This API-only solution empowers developers to leverage the full capabilities of the Microsoft 365 file and document storage platform, making it ideal for enterprises and ISVs alike.
I will deliver a comprehensive guide on managing secure cloud containers using SharePoint Embedded, focusing on its robust security features that ensure data integrity and compliance. Additionally, I will share best practices for implementation and provide real-world use cases to illustrate its benefits.
Join this session to discover strategies, implementation techniques, and the transformative potential of SharePoint Embedded in modern application development.
Collaborative Data Management with CopilotPages and SharePointEmbedded
In this session, I will explore the innovative capabilities of Copilot Pages and SharePoint Embedded, focusing on how they can revolutionize collaborative data management within your organization.
Copilot Pages is a dynamic, persistent canvas designed for multiplayer AI collaboration. It allows teams to turn insightful Copilot responses into durable, editable pages that can be shared and collaboratively refined. I will cover how to get started with Copilot Pages, including creating, editing, and sharing pages to enhance team collaboration and productivity.
I will also delve into SharePoint Embedded, a powerful, cloud-based file and document management system. SharePoint Embedded is an API-only solution that integrates seamlessly with any application, enabling developers to leverage the full capabilities of the Microsoft 365 file and document storage platform. I will explain how SharePoint Embedded stores data securely within Microsoft 365 tenants, using File Storage Containers to ensure data integrity and compliance.
By the end of this session, you will understand:
The key features and benefits of Copilot Pages for collaborative work.
How to create and manage Copilot Pages to enhance team collaboration.
The fundamentals of SharePoint Embedded and its role in secure data storage.
How data is stored and managed within SharePoint Embedded using File Storage Containers.
Best practices for integrating SharePoint Embedded into your applications.
Join me to discover how Copilot Pages and SharePoint Embedded can transform your approach to data management and collaboration, driving greater efficiency and productivity in your organization.
Mastering Cloud Storage with SharePoint Embedded: A Modern Approach
In this session, we will delve into the innovative approach of using SharePoint Embedded for managing cloud storage. We’ll explore how this method is transforming the way businesses store and access their data in the cloud. Participants will learn about the numerous benefits of this approach, including improved efficiency and enhanced security.
We’ll also discuss practical examples and use-cases, demonstrating how this new method can be implemented in various business scenarios. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or a business owner looking to optimize your cloud storage solutions, this session will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you stay ahead in the digital age.
Getting Started with SharePoint Embedded
In this session, we will delve into the innovative approach of using SharePoint Embedded for managing cloud storage. We’ll explore how this method is transforming the way businesses store and access their data in the cloud. Participants will learn about the numerous benefits of this approach, including improved efficiency and enhanced security.
We’ll also discuss practical examples and use-cases, demonstrating how this new method can be implemented in various business scenarios. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or a business owner looking to optimize your cloud storage solutions, this session will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you stay ahead in the digital age.
Déverrouiller la puissance de SharePoint Embedded
Dans cette session, j'explorerai les capacités transformatrices de SharePoint Embedded, en particulier dans le contexte de l'annonce récente de la vague 2 de Copilot par Microsoft. J'examinerai ce qu'est SharePoint Embedded, son architecture et pourquoi il est crucial pour l'intégration de l'IA. De plus, je couvrirai les coûts, l'administration et les outils nécessaires pour travailler avec. Des scénarios réels et des cas tirés de mon expérience personnelle illustreront ses applications pratiques et ses avantages. Découvrez comment SharePoint Embedded aide à améliorer les capacités de l'IA."
Leveraging Copilot to Enhance Custom SharePoint Embedded Applications
In this session, I will explore the powerful capabilities of SharePoint Embedded and how it can be seamlessly integrated with Copilot to enhance your custom applications. I will begin with an introduction to SharePoint Embedded, covering its core concepts, architecture, and cost considerations. You’ll learn how SharePoint Embedded is designed to be AI-ready, making it an ideal platform for integrating advanced AI features.
I will delve into the various content containers and explain how they can be utilized to create dynamic and intelligent applications. The session will also include a comprehensive demo, showcasing the step-by-step process of integrating Copilot with your custom SharePoint Embedded applications. By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of how to leverage Copilot to add significant value to your SharePoint solutions.
Transforming Cloud Storage: The Innovative Approach of SharePoint Embedded
In this session, i will delve into the innovative approach of using SharePoint Embedded in a manner for managing cloud storage. I will explore how this method is transforming the way businesses store and access their data in the cloud. Participants will learn about the benefits of this approach, including improved efficiency and enhanced security. I will also discuss practical examples and use-cases, demonstrating how this new method can be implemented in various business scenarios. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or a business owner looking to optimize your cloud storage solutions, this session will provide valuable insights and strategies to help you stay ahead in the digital age
Présentation de SharePoint Embedded
Cette session offre une vue d’ensemble de SharePoint Embedded, une solution API uniquement qui permet aux développeurs d’exploiter la puissance de la plateforme de stockage de fichiers et de documents Microsoft 365 pour toute application. Idéale pour les entreprises développant des applications métier et les éditeurs de logiciels indépendants, SharePoint Embedded crée des partitions SharePoint dédiées au sein d’un locataire Microsoft 365, accessibles uniquement via des API.
Objectifs :
Comprendre l’intégration de SharePoint Embedded dans les applications métier.
Découvrir les conteneurs de stockage de fichiers et leur gestion via les API Microsoft Graph.
Apprendre à activer SharePoint Embedded dans un locataire Microsoft 365.
Pour qui ? Développeurs d’applications, éditeurs de logiciels indépendants, et administrateurs SharePoint souhaitant étendre les capacités de stockage et de gestion de documents de leurs applications.
Manage cloud containers with SharePoint Embedded
Microsoft SharePoint Embedded is a cloud-based file and document management system suitable for use in any application. SharePoint Embedded is a new API-only solution that enables app developers to harness the power of the Microsoft 365 file and document storage platform for any app, and is suitable for enterprises building line-of-business applications and ISVs building multitenant applications.
Manage secure cloud Storage with SharePoint Embedded
Microsoft SharePoint Embedded is a cloud-based file and document management system suitable for use in any application. SharePoint Embedded is a new API-only solution that enables app developers to harness the power of the Microsoft 365 file and document storage platform for any app, and is suitable for enterprises building line-of-business applications and ISVs building multitenant applications.
Gérer le stockage cloud avec SharePoint Embedded
SharePoint Embedded est une nouvelle solution uniquement accessible par API qui permet aux développeurs d'applications d'exploiter la puissance de la plate-forme de stockage de fichiers et de documents Microsoft 365 pour n'importe quelle application, et convient aux entreprises qui créent des applications métier et aux éditeurs de logiciels indépendants qui créent des applications multi-locataires.
Gérer le stockage cloud avec SharePoint Online & SharePoint Embedded
SharePoint Embedded est une nouvelle solution uniquement accessible par API qui permet aux développeurs d'applications d'exploiter la puissance de la plate-forme de stockage de fichiers et de documents Microsoft 365 pour n'importe quelle application, et convient aux entreprises qui créent des applications métier et aux éditeurs de logiciels indépendants qui créent des applications multi-locataires.
Une présentation des deux solutions de stockage online et Embedded.
Demo en live.
Unlocking the Power of SharePoint Embedded: Post-Copilot Wave 2
In this session, I will explore the transformative capabilities of SharePoint Embedded, especially in the context of Microsoft's recent Copilot Wave 2 announcement. I'll delve into what SharePoint Embedded is, its architecture, and why it is crucial for AI integration. Additionally, I'll cover the costs, administration, and tools necessary to work with it. Real-world scenarios and cases from my own experience will illustrate its practical applications and benefits. Discover how SharePoint Embedded helps enhance AI capabilities.
Révolutionner le Stockage de Fichiers : SharePoint Embedded comme Solution Innovante
Dans cette session, j’explorerai l’approche innovante de l’utilisation de SharePoint Embedded pour la gestion du stockage dans le cloud. Je verrai comment cette solution transforme la manière dont les entreprises stockent et accèdent à leurs données dans le cloud. Les participants découvriront les nombreux avantages de cette approche, notamment une efficacité accrue et une sécurité renforcée.
J’aborderai également des exemples pratiques et des cas d’utilisation, illustrant comment cette nouvelle méthode peut être mise en œuvre dans divers scénarios d’affaires. Que vous soyez un professionnel de l’informatique chevronné ou un entrepreneur cherchant à optimiser vos solutions de stockage cloud, cette session vous fournira des perspectives et des stratégies précieuses pour vous aider à rester en tête à l’ère numérique
Mastering Data Management in the AI Era: Selecting the Optimal Microsoft Cloud Storage Solution
In the era of artificial intelligence, data is the cornerstone of organizational success. This session is designed to equip attendees with the knowledge to make informed decisions about cloud storage solutions when developing applications on the Microsoft Cloud. Delve into the nuances of various options, including SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint, and Azure Blob Storage, with a comprehensive comparison to highlight their strengths and best use cases.
Explore advanced techniques for data management, focusing on the use of Graph API with SharePoint Embedded and REST API with SharePoint. Gain practical insights and hands-on experience to effectively manage and optimize data in the cloud. Join this session to harness the power of Microsoft Cloud for superior data management and drive organizational AI initiatives forward.
Maîtriser la gestion des données à l'ère de l'IA : choisir la solution de stockage cloud Microsoft i
Cette session est conçue pour fournir aux participants les connaissances nécessaires pour prendre des décisions éclairées sur les solutions de stockage cloud lors du développement d'applications sur le Microsoft Cloud. Plongez dans les nuances des différentes options, y compris SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint et Azure Blob Storage, avec une comparaison complète pour mettre en évidence leurs points forts et leurs meilleurs cas d'utilisation.
Explorez des techniques avancées de gestion des données, en vous concentrant sur l'utilisation de Graph API avec SharePoint Embedded et REST API avec SharePoint. Obtenez des informations pratiques et une expérience pratique pour gérer et optimiser efficacement les données dans le cloud. Rejoignez cette session pour exploiter la puissance du Microsoft Cloud pour une gestion supérieure des données et faire avancer les initiatives d'IA de votre organisation.
Choosing the Right Storage Solution for Modern Cloud Applications
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint and azure developers.
It will explore how to select the best storage solution for your development project, whether developing in-house applications or purchasing from ISVs or Microsoft.
A comprehensive checklist will be provided to consider before starting your project, ensuring the most suitable storage option is chosen for your needs. The solutions covered will include SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library, and Blob Storage. Each solution will be compared based on different requirements, with a deep dive into the details of working with SharePoint Embedded.
The importance of data for your company and projects will be emphasized, highlighting how crucial it is for informed decision-making, problem-solving, and improving processes. Security and compliance aspects of each storage solution will also be covered, ensuring that your data is protected and meets regulatory requirements.
Additionally, the cost implications of each storage solution will be discussed, helping you make budget-conscious decisions. The session will also explore how AI and Copilot agents can enhance your storage strategy, from automating data management to improving data analytics.
By the end of this session, a clear understanding of the optimal storage solution for your needs will be achieved.
Choisir la bonne solution de stockage pour les applications cloud modernes
Cette session est conçue pour les utilisateurs professionnels, les développeurs et les administrateurs, y compris les développeurs PowerApps, SharePoint et Azure. Elle explorera comment sélectionner la meilleure solution de stockage pour votre projet de développement, qu'il s'agisse de développer des applications en interne ou d'acheter auprès d'éditeurs de logiciels indépendants ou de Microsoft.
Une liste de contrôle complète vous sera fournie pour vous aider à choisir l'option de stockage la plus adaptée à vos besoins avant de démarrer votre projet. Les solutions couvertes incluront SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library et Blob Storage. Chaque solution sera comparée en fonction de différentes exigences, avec une analyse approfondie de l'utilisation de SharePoint Embedded.
L'importance des données pour votre entreprise et vos projets sera soulignée, montrant à quel point elles sont cruciales pour une prise de décision éclairée, la résolution de problèmes et l'amélioration des processus. Les aspects de sécurité et de conformité de chaque solution de stockage seront également abordés, garantissant que vos données sont protégées et répondent aux exigences réglementaires.
De plus, les implications financières de chaque solution de stockage seront discutées, vous aidant ainsi à prendre des décisions respectueuses de votre budget. La session explorera également comment les agents IA et Copilot peuvent améliorer votre stratégie de stockage, de l'automatisation de la gestion des données à l'amélioration de l'analyse des données.
À la fin de cette session, vous aurez une compréhension claire de la solution de stockage optimale pour vos besoins.
Gestion documentaire, optimisation des coûts et sécurité : Quelle solution choisir ?
Dans un contexte où plus de 2 milliards de documents sont stockés chaque jour sur SharePoint, cette session offre aux organisations des stratégies pour gérer efficacement les coûts de stockage des données et des documents.
Différentes solutions de stockage seront comparées, telles que SharePoint Online, SharePoint Server Edition (on-premises), SharePoint Embedded et Azure Storage.
Les participants découvriront des méthodes éprouvées pour réduire les coûts, tout en maintenant une sécurité optimale des documents.
La session abordera également les meilleures pratiques pour la migration des données et les sauvegardes, en tenant compte des défis actuels et des technologies émergentes.
Enfin, des conseils pratiques seront partagés pour garantir l'intégrité et la confidentialité des données tout au long de leur cycle de vie.
Cette session est essentielle pour toute organisation cherchant à améliorer sa gestion documentaire tout en maîtrisant ses coûts et en assurant la sécurité de ses informations sensibles
Optimizing Storage Solutions for AI-Driven Cloud Applications
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
It will explore how to select the best storage solution for your development project, whether developing in-house applications or purchasing from ISVs or Microsoft.
A comprehensive checklist will be provided to consider before starting your project, ensuring the most suitable storage option is chosen for your needs. The solutions covered will include SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library, and Blob Storage. Each solution will be compared based on different requirements, with a deep dive into the details of working with SharePoint Embedded.
The importance of data for your company and projects will be emphasized, highlighting how crucial it is for informed decision-making, problem-solving, and improving processes. Security and compliance aspects of each storage solution will also be covered, ensuring that your data is protected and meets regulatory requirements.
Additionally, the cost implications of each storage solution will be discussed, helping you make budget-conscious decisions. The session will also explore how AI and Copilot agents can enhance your storage strategy, from automating data management to improving data analytics.
By the end of this session, a clear understanding of the optimal storage solution for your needs will be achieved.
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
Selecting AI-Optimized Storage Solutions for Modern Cloud Applications
This session is tailored for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
It will delve into how to choose the most effective storage solution for your development project, whether you're creating in-house applications or purchasing from ISVs or Microsoft.
A detailed checklist will be provided to guide you before starting your project, ensuring the selection of the most appropriate storage option for your needs. The solutions discussed will include SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library, and Blob Storage. Each solution will be evaluated based on various requirements, with an in-depth examination of working with SharePoint Embedded.
The session will emphasize the significance of data for your company and projects, highlighting its role in informed decision-making, problem-solving, and process improvement. Security and compliance aspects of each storage solution will also be covered, ensuring your data is protected and meets regulatory standards.
Furthermore, the cost implications of each storage solution will be analyzed, aiding you in making budget-conscious decisions. The session will also explore how AI and Copilot agents can enhance your storage strategy, from automating data management to improving data analytics.
By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of the optimal storage solution for your needs.
This session is tailored for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
AI and Cloud Storage: Finding the Perfect Fit
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
It will guide you in selecting the most effective storage solution for your development project, whether you're creating in-house applications or purchasing from ISVs or Microsoft.
A detailed checklist will be provided to ensure you choose the most suitable storage option for your needs before starting your project. The solutions discussed will include SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library, and Blob Storage. Each solution will be evaluated based on various requirements, with an in-depth examination of working with SharePoint Embedded.
The session will emphasize the significance of data for your company and projects, highlighting its role in informed decision-making, problem-solving, and process improvement. Security and compliance aspects of each storage solution will also be covered, ensuring your data is protected and meets regulatory standards.
Furthermore, the cost implications of each storage solution will be analyzed, aiding you in making budget-conscious decisions. The session will also explore how AI and Copilot agents can enhance your storage strategy, from automating data management to improving data analytics.
By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of the optimal storage solution for your needs.
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
Cloud Storage Solutions: Finding the Perfect Fit
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
It will guide you in selecting the most effective storage solution for your development project, whether you're creating in-house applications or purchasing from ISVs or Microsoft.
A detailed checklist will be provided to ensure you choose the most suitable storage option for your needs before starting your project. The solutions discussed will include SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library, and Blob Storage. Each solution will be evaluated based on various requirements, with an in-depth examination of working with SharePoint Embedded.
The session will emphasize the significance of data for your company and projects, highlighting its role in informed decision-making, problem-solving, and process improvement. Security and compliance aspects of each storage solution will also be covered, ensuring your data is protected and meets regulatory standards.
Furthermore, the cost implications of each storage solution will be analyzed, aiding you in making budget-conscious decisions. The session will also explore how different tools and technologies can enhance your storage strategy, from automating data management to improving data analytics.
By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of the optimal storage solution for your needs.
Cloud Storage: Best Practices and Solutions
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
It will guide you in selecting the most effective storage solution for your development project, whether you're creating in-house applications or purchasing from ISVs or Microsoft.
A detailed checklist will be provided to ensure you choose the most suitable storage option for your needs before starting your project. The solutions discussed will include SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library, and Blob Storage. Each solution will be evaluated based on various requirements, with an in-depth examination of working with SharePoint Embedded.
The session will emphasize the significance of data for your company and projects, highlighting its role in informed decision-making, problem-solving, and process improvement. Security and compliance aspects of each storage solution will also be covered, ensuring your data is protected and meets regulatory standards.
Furthermore, the cost implications of each storage solution will be analyzed, aiding you in making budget-conscious decisions. The session will also explore how different tools and technologies can enhance your storage strategy, from automating data management to improving data analytics.
By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of the optimal storage solution for your needs.
Finding the Ideal Cloud Storage Solution in the AI Era
This session is designed for business users, developers, and administrators, including PowerApps, SharePoint, and Azure developers.
It will guide you in selecting the most effective storage solution for your development project, whether you're creating in-house applications or purchasing from ISVs or Microsoft.
A detailed checklist will be provided to ensure you choose the most suitable storage option for your needs before starting your project. The solutions discussed will include SharePoint Embedded, SharePoint Document Library, and Blob Storage. Each solution will be evaluated based on various requirements, with an in-depth examination of working with SharePoint Embedded.
The session will emphasize the significance of data for your company and projects, highlighting its role in informed decision-making, problem-solving, and process improvement. Security and compliance aspects of each storage solution will also be covered, ensuring your data is protected and meets regulatory standards.
Furthermore, the cost implications of each storage solution will be analyzed, aiding you in making budget-conscious decisions. The session will also explore how AI technologies can enhance your storage strategy, from automating data management to improving data analytics.
By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of the optimal storage solution for your needs in the age of AI.
M365 Philly 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming
Microsoft 365 Nashville Community Day 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming
aMP Tours 02-04-2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming
aMP Yaoundé 2025-03-13 Sessionize Event
Knoxville Microsoft 365 Community Day Sessionize Event
aMP Dubai 2025-02-13 Sessionize Event
aMP Luxembourg 2024 12-12-2024 Sessionize Event
aMP Monaco 22-11-2024 Sessionize Event
aMP Aachen - 12/11/2024 CANCELED ❌ Sessionize Event
AI Community Conference - Houston 2024 Sessionize Event
aMP Manila 2024-10-25 Sessionize Event
aMPKL 2024 Sessionize Event
aMP Seoul 18-10-2024 Sessionize Event
AI Community Conference - Vancouver 2024 Sessionize Event
aMS Leipzig - 27/09/2024 CANCELED ❌ Sessionize Event
aMP Bordeaux 19-09-2024 Sessionize Event
aMS Tunis 2024 Sessionize Event
aMP Salem 2024-08-27 Sessionize Event
aMP Colombo 2024-08-01 Sessionize Event
M365 Community Days NYC Sessionize Event
aMS Brazzaville 2024 Sessionize Event
M365 Community Days MTL 2024 Sessionize Event
aMS Nouméa 2024 Sessionize Event
aMS Papeete 2024 Sessionize Event
Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.
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