Jan Schneider
Senior Designer & Agile Coach at Futurice
Stuttgart, Germany
Jan has extensive experience in combining agile collaboration, user experience design, and future foresight, and has studied the Internet of Things. He aims for valuable outcomes as a team, prioritizes collaborative workshops, and pays attention to the details that make a difference.
Area of Expertise
Creatives For Future Live 2024
Workshop around how to integrate sustainability into practice with scenario thinking and holistic view.
Product Owner Summit 2024
Effective Backlog Refinement through Gamification
Ever wondered how to transform the mundane task of backlog refinement into an engaging and productive session? Join Nils and Jan as they share their groundbreaking journey from handling luggage at an airport to reshaping Scrum practices with their innovative Backlog Refinement Cards. Learn how gamification can revolutionize planning, enhance efficiency, and keep conversations flowing.
Key Takeaways:
- Revolutionize Planning With Gamification
- Efficiency Boost By Facilitating Better Conversations
- Gamification Impact in Focusing The Team
Lead Innovation Day Paris 2024 Sessionize Event
agileStuttgart #6
Open Space around agile topics, discussing around agile + sustainability
Push UX 2023
Elevate your team’s user-centered approach to product vision in a co-creative ‘Design Studio Workshop.’ In just 60 minutes, this interactive, collaborative session empowers agile teams to co-create a shared base of a product or service vision. Through hands-on ideation, sketching, and prototyping, participants ensure inclusivity, rapid iteration, and clear requirements. Developers, designers, stakeholders, users – all voices matter and contribute. Reduce bias on the go, and save time in the fast-paced development landscape by sharing knowledge and experience while creating tangible outcome. Join our session to experience the power of co-creation in a team where the outcome is not only a tangible wip product vision, helping to plan and prioritize next steps, but also empowers everyone individually in your team to learn more about the user needs, stakeholder requirements, or general knowledge and experience.
Agile World 2023 - From Hierarchies to Ecosystems Sessionize Event
Lünendonk Podcast – Sustainability at Futurice
Ab dem Jahr 2024 gelten verbindliche Regeln zur Einhaltung von Nachhaltigkeitszielen, besser bekannt unter den ESG-Regularien oder der CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).
Bei der Planung und Umsetzung entsprechender Maßnahmen für die Sustainable Transformation sollten sich Unternehmen nicht nur auf das E (Environmental) fokussieren, sondern auch die Bereiche S (Social) und G (Governance) nicht außer Acht lassen. Themen wie Diversity, Mitarbeiterbindung, Unternehmensführung und Lieferketten bieten ebenso großes Potenzial wie die Verbindung zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung.
Die Erkenntnis hierrüber ist bei den meisten Unternehmen bereits vorhanden, allerdings fehlt oft noch die entsprechende Umsetzung. So haben beispielsweise aktuell nur etwa 20 Prozent der Unternehmen eine Funktion integriert, die sich federführend um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit kümmert.
Was also können Unternehmen tun, um die ESG-Ziele in allen Bereichen zu erreichen? Wie können die Bereiche Social (S) und Governance (G) optimiert werden, und wie gelingt die Sustainable Transformation? Diese Fragen beantworten Sven-Anwar Bibi und Jan Schneider von Futurice in der neuen Folge des Podcasts „Lünendonk-Insights: IT, Consulting und Audit“. Im Gespräch mit Lünendonk-Partner Mario Zillmann gehen sie darüber hinaus auf Strategien und Ansätze ein, um Nachhaltigkeitsziele erfolgreich umzusetzen und auf die Frage, wie Unternehmen nachhaltig gesteu
Developer Week '23 Sessionize Event
MCBW – Designing sustainable futures
Talk around sustainability & agility
Push UX 2022
Designing with the Connected Health Kit
Modelled on the principles of Design Thinking and participatory design, the Connected Health Kit is a powerful mapping tool. It allows visualizing processes in healthcare and identifying opportunities to improve the processes and experiences for patients, healthcare professionals and other partners involved. The open-source kit is ideal for co-creation sessions with your multidisciplinary team and applicable to many other industries.
Join this breakout session to learn how to use the Connected Health Kit to zoom in on single problems, or zoom out and evaluate and mature the ecosystem – no matter what your product or industry!
Lean Service Creation Breakfast Freiburg 2022
Lean Service Creation Breakfast
With roots in Lean Startup, Agile, and Design Thinking methodologies, LSC is a systematic and adaptable approach to creating new services. Thanks to different canvas templates, multidisciplinary teams can grow together even better, overcome uncertainties and thus develop better services. Best of all, LSC is open source!
Meet our team over a relaxed breakfast and learn from UX/UI designers Jan Schneider and Lisa Halbe how LSC can help you strengthen your company's resilience and innovation.
Why LSC?
LSC ensures you're focused on the right things from start to finish, and that you're adding value in everything you do. Faster. More skillfully. Better.
Learn more here: https://futurice.com/lean-service-creation
Modern RE 2022 Sessionize Event
UXcamp Europe 2022
Software Transitions learnings
in_between 2022
Design Studio - a collaborative co-creation workshop
„In today's world, the quality of collaboration really is key - we live in a world where quality and speed of initiatives is limited by the speed at which information moves between minds. “ Alistair Cockburn
In our hands-on Design Studio workshop, you and your team collaboratively and iteratively create a user interface for a complex problem in less than 60 minutes! (In our workshop for a vacation booking app for the current Corona situation).
In complex environments, according to Agile Manifesto co-founder Alaistair Cockburn, collaboration makes all the difference. But how can you as an Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Product Owner enable valuable collaboration without spending too much time in the sprint? Through a design studio workshop. Besides good and sustainable solutions, the agile team as well as the stakeholders and users build a common understanding and relationships.
Ever heard of it? No? No problem! Nils Hyoma and Jan Schneider will conduct an interactive Design Studio session with you. All you need is a few sheets of paper and some colored pencils. Together, we will iteratively create mockups for a jointly defined problem.
Virtuelle Hackerkiste 2021
UX and Scrum – how to combine?
Digital Design, best practices, methods and how to get started based on previous projects and experiences
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