
Janusz Nowak

Janusz Nowak

Senior IT Manager DevOps Lead, Senior Cloud Developer at P&G

Warsaw, Poland


- Software Development/Architecture 15 years ⚡ - DevOps 12 years 🚀 - Azure Cloud 7 years ☁

Senior software developer with 15 years of experience specialized on Microsoft and Web technologies, enterprise solutions architecture, programming and Azure Cloud computing, PaaS, SaaS, focused on Application Life Cycle Management, DevOps, Cloud,

Passionate about ALM, Cloud, Serverless, Infrastructure as Code 🚀☁ keeping DevOps mindset about value. Providing many success stories like:
-Generate 6M$ savings/year (~70%, 2 days work)
-Delivering MVP Solution, winning 2 CES awards ( in 10 days work)

Worked with multiple Microsoft Technology's starting from .NET 1.1 and VS2003 up to .NET 6 and VS2022 , Microsoft SQL Server, Team Foundation Server, Visual Studio Team Services keeping the big and small picture what is going on.

Master of Computer Science from University of Warsaw

Specialties: DevOps, Azure, Cloud, C#, .NET, ALM, MS-SQL, Systems Architecture and Design, Git, T, multi layer applications, Open Source, Azure DevOps, Azure Cloud PaaS, SaaS.

-Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert
-Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert
-Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate
-Microsoft Certified: Azure Database Administrator Associate
-Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate
-Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Associate
-Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate
-Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate
-Specialty: Microsoft Certified: Azure IoT Developer Specialty
-Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals
-Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals
-Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
-Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate: Web Applications (Charter)
-Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer: Web Applications (Inactive)
-Microsoft Certified Professional: Microsoft Certified Professional
-Microsoft Specialist: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
-Trainer: MCT Enrollment
-Azure Hero - Content Hero
-Azure Hero - Maker
-OpenHack: DevOps
-DevOps Leader (DOL)® Certification
-DevSecOps Foundation (DSOF) Certification
-Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Foundation Certification
-DevOps Foundation® Certification
-Friends of BI Master - Power BI
-Friends of BI Wizard - Power BI
-Friends of BI Builder - Power BI
-D&A Extended DevOps (level 1) at P&G
-Certified SAFe® 5 Practitioner
-Certified SAFe® 5 Agilist
-Information security in the cloud according to ISO / IEC 27017: 2015


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information
  • Health & Medical
  • Finance & Banking


  • Cloud
  • Cloud Automation
  • Azure DevOps
  • DevOps & Automation
  • Azure
  • Azure SaaS
  • Azure PaaS
  • Cloud & Infrastructure
  • Cloud Computing on the Azure Platform
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Software Development
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure CosmosDB
  • Azure Service Fabric
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • Azure SQL Server
  • Azure Active Directory

Unlocking the Full Power of Azure Key Vault: Mastering Security with Minimal Total Cost of Ownership

Understanding Key Vault: Exploring the Basics
Decoding Security Metrics: Why They Matter
The True Cost of Security: Unveiling the Expenses
Mastering Security with Minimal Total Cost of Ownership
Safeguarding Your Investments: Best Practices for Key Vault Security

Workshop about Introduction Cloud and DevOps

Workshop, Introduction to Azure Cloud and DevOps

Shift Left approach using Azure Bicep

"Shift Left approach using Azure Bicep". How, why apply shift left approach for Azure Bicep IaC in Application Life Cycle

Using Azure Bicep as Infrastructure as Code for Azure Functions

In this session, you will learn how to create Azure Pipelines YAML in Azure DevOps that deploys Azure Function in multiple regions using Bicep using new way Infrastructure as Code.

AzureDevOps to create and renew Letsencrypt certificates

How to handle certificates order and renew using AzureDevOps on example of Letsencrypt.

Using Azure DevOps Pipelines for creating and running Azure Functions in Container on Raspberry Pi.

Azure DevOps Pipelines how to create containers and making deploy of container for running Azure Functions on Raspberry Pi.

Open Source in Azure DevOps, on the example Open API for Azure Functions

How to create open source public project in Azure DevOps using it all benefits, creating open source library for generating Open API/Swagger definition for Azure Function and showing what goods it is bringing.

CosmosDB auto scale

No limits with cosmosdb auto scale and cost low solution. How to implement it and by example what it can give You.

Azure DevOps – o co w tym wszystkim chodzi?

Azure DevOps – o co w tym wszystkim chodzi?

Continues Integration and Continuous Delivery with Azure DevOps - Deploy Anything to Anywhere with A

Continues Integration and Continuous Delivery with Azure DevOps - Deploy Anything to Anywhere with Azure DevOps

DevSecOps with Azure DevOps

DevSecOps, building security in development and operations processes using Azure DevOps.

Blue green deployments Azure Analysis Service

Implement Blue-Green deployment using Azure Front Door for smooth deployments for Azure Analysis Service.

Implement Blue-Green deployment using Azure Front Door for smooth deployments for Azure Analysis Service.

MS Tech Summit 2023

Speaking on conference, MS Tech Summit 2023 about "Shift Left approach using Azure Bicep". How, why apply shift left approach for Azure Bicep IaC in Application Life Cycle

May 2023 Warsaw, Poland

Workshop, Introduction to Azure Cloud and DevOps for students from https://pja.edu.pl/ Polsko-Japońs

Workshop, Introduction to Azure Cloud and DevOps for students from https://pja.edu.pl/ Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych.

April 2023 Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw IT Days 2023 (WDI) - "Shift Left approach using Azure Bicep"

Speaking on conference Warsaw IT Days edition 2023, about "Shift Left approach using Azure Bicep". Introducing to IaC, ARM, Azure Bicep. And how to use them for shoring loop when creating Infrastructure in Azure.

March 2023 Warsaw, Poland

MS Tech Summit 2022

Speaking on conference "MS Tech Summit 2022" about using Azure Bicep and how we can apply shift left approach to get value.

December 2022 Warsaw, Poland

[WAW] 53 spotkanie Microsoft Azure User Group Poland w Warszawie

"The "shift left" movement is about pushing activity toward the early stages of software development. By execute early and often, a project can reduce the number of bugs and increase the quality of the code. The goal is to not find any critical bugs during the deployment phase that require code patching. Here, we will cover how to apply this to Azure Bicep."

November 2022 Warsaw, Poland

Global Azure 2022 Sessionize Event

May 2022

MIMUW - Tech Talk


Zapraszamy Was na wykład Procter & Gamble o tytule "Azure DevOps – Deploy Anything Anywhere" który zostanie wygłoszony przez Janusza Nowaka – DevOps Engineer at Procter & Gamble.

Streszczenie: Azure DevOps to wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby zbudować oprogramowanie od początku do końca. Dowiedz się, jak Azure DevOps pomaga zaplanować projekt za pomocą narzędzi Agile, zarządza kodem za pomocą Git i wdraża kod za pośrednictwem systemu CI/CD. Speach skupia się na najnowszej wiedzy i zaangażowaniu firmy P&G w tworzenie nowych wdrożeń przy użyciu platformy Azure DevOps.

Wykład w języku polskim odbędzie się w sali 3180 o godzinie 14:15 w czwartek 05.03

March 2020 Warsaw, Poland

#6 Spotkanie Koduj w Płocku

23 października 2019 Szafrański Michał 0 Comments Spotkanie
Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie płockoderów, które odbędzie się 21 listopada 2019 roku o godzinie 17:45.

A co nas czeka na spotkaniu?

✔ 17:45 – 18:00 Kwadrans studencki, czyli czas na dotarcie i luźne rozmowy.
✔ 18:00 – 18:15 Przywitanie i przedstawienie prelegentów.
✔ 18:15 – 19:00 Pierwsza prezentacja: Kamil Mrzygłód –
„Mam chmurę… i co dalej?”
✔ 19:00 – 19:15 Przerwa.
✔ 19:15 – 20:00 Druga prezentacja: Janusz Nowak – „Azure DevOps – o co w tym wszystkim chodzi?”
✔ 20:00 – 20:30 Pytania & odpowiedzi.
✔ 20:30 – Luźne rozmowy dla chętnych.

➡➡ Meetup: https://www.kodujwplocku.pl/meetup_6KwP

➡➡ Facebook: https://www.kodujwplocku.pl/facebook_6KwP

November 2019 Płock, Poland

ShareCon365 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 Warsaw, Poland


Open Source in Azure DevOps, on the example Open API for Azure Functions
How to create open source public project in Azure DevOps using it all benefits, creating open source library for generating Open API/Swagger definition for Azure Function and showing what goods it is bringing.

October 2019 Warsaw, Poland


Wirtualna konferencja dla .NET developerów.
Nagrania z konferencji są dostępne w agendzie oraz na youtube.

Use Azure DevOps to deploy Azure Function in Docker on Raspberry PI

October 2019

DevOps Offsite

Continues Integration and Continuous Delivery with Azure DevOps - Deploy Anything to Anywhere with Azure DevOps

October 2019 Sopot, Poland

Warsaw Group of Windows Users and Specialists WGUiSW - 110th meeting

The Windows Group of Windows Users and Specialists brings together all users involved in broadly defined Microsoft technologies.
The group's goal is to exchange knowledge and experience.
The meetings discuss topics related to Windows client and server platforms, the System Center family, solutions based on Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Intune, Microsoft solutions security.
Sessions are run by community members, invited specialists, system administrators and engineers, and people with certified titles.
The group was established in May 2008.

June 2019 Warsaw, Poland

Azure Day Poland 2019

This is the 5th edition of AzureDay Poland conference – the first and biggest community conference dedicated to Microsoft Azure technologies in Poland.

In previous years the conference was very popular amongst attendees and partner companies. So again this year members of the Microsoft Azure User Group Poland and partners would like to invite you to the conference which will take place on the 29th of March on the PGE Narodowy arena in Warsaw.

During the conference attendees will have over 20 sessions to choose from which be delivered by Polish and abroad speakers. The sessions will be divided into three tracks – Cloud Development, Cloud Operations and Enterprise IT.
We will have a new addition this year which will be 20-minute long “theater” sessions which will take place throughout the course of the day.

We are also giving you a possibility to attend 4 great all day pre-conference workshops where you will be able to deep dive into presented technologies with hands-on exercises lead by the best specialists in those technologies.

So no matter if you are a developer, an IT professional, a data specialist or someone who makes key decisions in your organization come and join us to learn from the best Microsoft Azure specialist in Poland and all around the world!

March 2019 Warsaw, Poland

[WAW] 27 meetup of Microsoft Azure User Group in Warsaw

Open Source in Azure DevOps, on the example Open API for Azure Functions.
How to create open source public project in Azure DevOps using it all benefits, creating open source library for generating Open API/Swagger definition for Azure Function and showing what goods it is bringing.

November 2018 Warsaw, Poland

Azure DevOps Community Launch

Using Azure DevOps Pipelines for creating and running Azure Functions in Container on Raspberry Pi.
Azure DevOps Pipelines how to create containers and making deploy of container for running Azure Functions on Raspberry Pi.

September 2018 Warsaw, Poland

Janusz Nowak

Senior IT Manager DevOps Lead, Senior Cloud Developer at P&G

Warsaw, Poland


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