
Jean-Marie Alfonsi

Jean-Marie Alfonsi

Freelance software engineer at Sharpnado

Paris, France


I am an experienced (20+ years) French software developer,
I made myself known through Xamarin and .net MAUI open source components on github: https://github.com/roubachof/
I created the Sharpnado brand to make it fun: sharpnado.com.
Since 4 years I am a Microsoft MVP.
Since 4 years now, I am also a freelance Flutter developer and felt in love with Riverpod.

I gave a lot of talks through the years as an expert freelance consultant in different companies. Mostly on apps architectures:

* I gave a public talk pre covid at Xamarin Expert Day in 2019, called ["Free yourself from IsBusy=True"](https://twitter.com/Piskariov/status/1188825195831857153).
I live coded with David Ortinau, head of xamarin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9BTJyVFPfo
* I was part of the Xamarin .Net conf hosted by Microsoft in 2020: https://youtu.be/AB9PycndUbA?list=PLdo4fOcmZ0oW4W_qQr_dlnKtAfTB0Ezl9&t=2023
* In 2023, I created 2 episodes of the "The Sharpnado's Post-Rock Lo-Fi Live Coding Show" on Twitch and Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx8fCrVhMF81DRoUaN4nMVA
* In February this year I was back at Koln for the Maui Day (https://mauiday.net/) on the mvvm-flux architecture (one-way updates).


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Xamarin
  • mvvm
  • Clean Architecture
  • microservices
  • flutter
  • Firebase
  • riverpod
  • UI
  • MVU

Mvvm Flux: a one way update architecture for MAUI

Mvvm is nice, but not enough...
We will explorer all the architectural patterns we need to implement to obtain a consistent state throughout our MAUI apps.

The key here is the "flux" pattern, the propagation of updates from commands to the domain, and back to the subscribed view models, that will trigger the UI update.

We'll see how to handle different use cases such as:
* loading data
* updating data
* error when loading
* error when updating
* error when updating

We'll see how the sharpnado's TaskLoaderView (https://github.com/roubachof/Sharpnado.TaskLoaderView) can help to elegantly implementing all those use cases.

Through all the presentation a PoC will be showcased to demonstrate those principles.

From state management to UI states with Riverpod

*This session aims at the holy grail of apps: UI states consistency!*

## Why we care about state management?

State management is on your mind, you talk about it all day, you fight about it, you dream about it... But what is indeed the goal of state management?

Give your users a perfect UI consistency!

it means implementing all the everyday use cases of an app consistently, and giving a coherent UI feedback.

The key to UI feedback is the correct handling of error states depending on which UI state we are currently in.

For example:

* If we are loading from scratch data, and an error occurs, we will replace the data with an error view,
* If we have already loaded a screen and a error occurs during refresh, we will show a Snackbar.

## Handling all use cases

We'll enumerate top use-cases:

1. Loading from scratch

2. Refreshing

3. Adding an item to a list

We could also see: updating an item, handle pagination, search in a list... But hey, we only have 25 minutes :)

## Riverpod implementation

We'll see how Riverpod was carefully crafted to handle elegantly all those use cases thanks to its reactive nature.

We'll have a good look at the AsyncValue object: he is our best friend to transform state to UI views!

/// A provider that asynchronously exposes the current user
final userProvider = StreamProvider(User)((_) async* {
// fetch the user

class Example extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
final AsyncValue(User) user = ref.watch(userProvider);

return user.when(
loading: () => CircularProgressIndicator(),
error: (error, stack) => Text('Oops, something unexpected happened'),
data: (user) => Text('Hello ${user.name}'),

Throughout our session we will use the Falotier (https://github.com/roubachof/falotier_riverpod) app (cause I live in Paris, monsieur baguette!) as a support to showcase both the UI states and the Riverpod code.

Intermediate level

The presentation is based on the falotier app: https://github.com/roubachof/falotier_riverpod The goal of the falotier PoC is to implement all real life app scenarios with Riverpod.

We'll see the code in android studio and launch the app to showcase the use cases. I already made 2 blog posts about it on Sharpnado: https://www.sharpnado.com/falotier-riverpod/

We'll start by showing all the use cases with the app, then move to see the providers, and then how we support each use cases with Riverpod and AsyncValue.

Jean-Marie Alfonsi

Freelance software engineer at Sharpnado

Paris, France


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