Jens Neuhalfen
Bridge between IT and business
Munich, Germany
Jens Neuhalfen lives and breathes IT and has been doing this for over 20 years. He is convinced that the interface between IT and non-IT is _the_ most important lever to run a successful business for IT-centric ventures.
Further he is convinced that sensible IT security not only saves money but opens new business opportunities.
Area of Expertise
18. CCC Gulaschprogrammiernacht
Two talks, one workshop.
* "Meltdown an Spectre for 'normal people'"
Meltdown and Spectre are security flaws that gained widespread media coverage in the first days of 2018. Contrary to other security bugs these flaws are
hardware, not software based
the direct consequence of years of performance improvements
extremely widespread because they affect (nearly all) computer systems, including mobile phones
difficult to patch
This talk fills the gap between _"Intel caused a terrible security bug. Everybody panic!"_ and _"By priming the BPU of the CPU a malicious process can read out of bounds memory via speculative code execution"_.
This talk comes with a side order on "Understanding CPU architecture" and "Managing security vulnerabilities".
* "Practical cryptography"
Unprotected data will put not only your customers at risk. Jens' talk will give you actionable advice on how - and why - cryptography can help you and your managers to get better sleep. His talk will illustrate legal and regulatory requirements, and will then dive into a set of cryptographic patterns to get you started on your way to better and more secure software.
Betting all your data on your cloud providers security might not be the best way to exercise your accountability. Protecting data with cryptography can ensure that your last line of defense actually holds.
* "Git from the inside"
“Detached head” und "Non-fast-forward push denied" - (Fehler)meldungen bei Git sind nicht immer leicht zu durchschauen und provozieren allzuoft Cargo Cult Handlungen (=> Git hat sich zwar seit vielen Jahren einen Rang als Platzhirsch unter den Versionskontrollsystemen erarbeitet, um git aber effektiv und effizient nutzen zu können ist es wichtig zu verstehen, wie git “tickt”. Der Vortrag führt interaktiv am Whiteboard vom Fragezeichen zum Aha-Erlebnis. Vorkenntnisse in git sind nicht erforderlich. Statt Slides gibt es aktives Nachfragen.
German Perl Workshop 2018
Two talks, one workshop:
* Meltdown and Spectre .. for normal people
* Besser schlafen durch Inhaltsverschlüsselung
* Git from the inside (workshop)
FrOSCon 2017
One talk about "Content Encryption":
SHA 2017
Lightning Talk: "Analysing performance issues with the USE method"
FrOSCon 2016
Workshop: Git from the inside
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