
Jhon Fredy Trujillo Ortega

Jhon Fredy Trujillo Ortega

Senior Android Developer, Globant.

Senior Android developer with 4 years of experience in the field. Certificated Android developer by Google and With an electronic engineer bachelor. Community developer who is always trying to share a little bit with his partners.

SMART: Como escribir buenos objetivos para tu equipo

SMART es una herramienta de gestión de tiempo, que dicta unas reglas claras al momento de definir objetivos para tu equipo. Esta metodología, se adecua muy bien al marco de scrum usado en los equipo de TIC, en especial al momento de escribir historias de usuario, backlog items e incluso para describir bugs que ocurran en nuestro producto. En esta charla hablare acerca de smart, y como podemos usarla para escribir objetivos y tareas claras para los miembros de tu equipo.

Formato: Lightning Talk

Introduction to Flutter

A new challenger has arrived! Flutter is a new framework for the mobile hybrid application market created by Google. In this session, we will talk about this new framework, about the advantages and disadvantages of it and how this framework looks really promising for the future of mobile development.

Native vs Hybrid, the mobile battle.

In this session, we are going to talk about how It was to write a mobile app some years ago and How you write an app nowadays. We will talk about native apps vs hybrids app, looking for the difference, advantages, and disadvantages of each platform and how these technologies co-exist in the mobile market.

Jhon Fredy Trujillo Ortega

Senior Android Developer, Globant.

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