Jose Javier Columbie
Senior Software Engineer - DevExpress & Microsoft MVP
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Jose is a Master of Electrical Engineering turned .NET Developer/Architect. DevExpress MVP, Big DevOps advocate and Xamarin Certified. Jose spends most of his time on training, consulting and development of Azure based solutions for enterprise customers. Passionate about performance, data access, application design and DevExpress products, specially XAF and XPO. He is also a tech speaker, blogger and is always pushing to grow the community. Blazor is his new crush.
Area of Expertise
Harnessing the Power of Azure AI Studio
As artificial intelligence continues to transform industries, the demand for accessible and powerful tools to develop AI solutions has never been higher. This session will introduce you to Azure AI Studio, a cutting-edge platform designed to simplify the AI development process from start to finish. We will explore how Azure AI Studio enables rapid prototyping, model customization, and seamless deployment, all within a user-friendly environment.
Desbloqueando el Futuro con Azure Open AI
Explora el mundo de la inteligencia artificial con Azure Open AI. Descubre las últimas innovaciones, aprende sobre casos prácticos y ve cómo Azure Open AI puede ser implementado para resolver problemas complejos, mejorar la eficiencia y fomentar la creatividad en diversos ámbitos. Únete a nosotros para un viaje al corazón de la IA moderna y entérate de cómo puedes integrar estas soluciones en tu propio campo de trabajo o estudio.
Chat with Your Own Data in Blazor Apps
Incorporate Azure OpenAI Chat Assistants and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for custom data interactions when using Data Grids, Reports and other Blazor Components.
Serverless Apps with Blazor WebAssembly and Azure Static Web Apps
The recipe is simple: A Blazor WebAssembly app, several Azure Functions, a class library for sharing code and an explosive combination of Github Actions deploying to an Azure Static Web App.
Migracion de MVC a Blazor paso a paso
MVC sigue siendo lider en aplicaciones web actuales, pero que pasa si quiero empezar a agregar una pizca de Blazor o quizas realizar una migracion completa. En esta charla mostraremos todos los pasos necesarios para esto e incluso como usar ambas tecnologias a la misma vez.
MAUI Blazor - One App that runs everywhere
Did you know you can now host Blazor components in .NET MAUI apps to build cross-platform native apps? In this introductory session we will cover everything you need to get your app running everywhere. Yes, MAUI Blazor apps can run in Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. If you like Blazor you will love MAUI.
Manejo de Costo en Azure
Te sientes abrumado con los costos de Azure? En esta sesion cubriremos como entender, pronosticar y controlar nuestros costos en la nube.
Host, deploy and scale ASP.NET Core Blazor Server
Let's discuss Host configuration values, deployment, scalability, SignalR configuration, Azure SignalR Service and more.
El programador remoto en tiempo de COVID
En el camino para lograr un equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal (que la mayoría dice no ser realista en software) nos dimos cuenta de que la mejor manera de hacer las cosas es soltar. Soltar el ego, soltar el perfeccionismo, soltar las expectativas ¿Suena loco verdad? Bueno, al explorar los hábitos de desarrolladores remotos reconocidos, encontramos algunos patrones y preguntas realmente interesantes. Por ejemplo: Fallar te hace pensar de una manera que el éxito no puede. El software no se trata de código, se trata de valor. ¿Cómo prosperamos con la abrumadora cantidad de información que procesamos todos los días? ¿Cómo logramos claridad y evaluamos nuestras prioridades? ¿Es lo mismo trabajo remoto que remoto en COVID? Profundicemos.
Como escalar aplicaciones de Blazor Sever con Azure SignalR Service
Qué es Azure SignalR Service? Qué beneficios nos trae? En esta charla nos adentraremos en las caracteristicas y configuraciones de Azure SignalR service y como usarlo para escalar nuestras aplicaciones de Blazor
Como crear aplicaciones serverless con Blazor WebAssembly y Azure Static Web Apps
La receta es simple: Una aplicación de Blazor WebAssembly, varias Azure Functions, un class library para codigo compartido y una combinacion genial de Github Actions haciendo deploy a Azure Static Web Apps.
Building and Sharing Blazor Components
Let's learn hot to create beautiful Blazor components and how to extract them from your app and share them as NuGet packages.
Build Smart IoT Applications with Azure IoT Hub, Azure Logic Apps and Event Grid
IoT applications are in an all high demand. From Agriculture, to Health Care, to Carbon Sequestration and more. Azure IoT Hub provides a cloud-hosted solution backend to connect devices, secure your communications and integrate with other services. In this session we will build a simple IoT application that covers from provisioning a device to leveraging Azure Logic Apps and Event Grid to display telemetry in a Blazor Server application.
Azure SQL Fundamentals
All you need to know to use your existing SQL Server expertise to Azure SQL including Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL managed instance. Let's learn how to configure, secure, monitor, and troubleshoot Azure SQL.
Azure SQL Edge for IoT applications
Azure SQL Edge is a small-footprint, edge-optimized SQL database engine with built-in AI. In this session we will cover how to set it up and use it in a sample IoT scenario where real time response to key metrics indicators is needed.
Azure SQL Database Ledger​ - Blockchain and SQL for centralized systems
"Ninety percent of permissioned blockchain projects are misaligned to blockchain technology, because they remain centralized database projects at the core." In this talk let's discuss how Azure SQL Database Ledger brings your current SQL skills to the immutable world of blockchain making your data tamper-evident trough cryptography.
Azure load balancing services
Load balancing aims to optimize resource use, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overloading any single resource. What are our options in Azure? How can we choose the right load-balancing solution for our business? In this talk we will discuss the main services available to us: Azure Load Balancer, Traffic Manager, Front Door and Application Gateway
Azure Cost Management
Let's understand your cloud spend and where costs originated within your organization. In this session we will cover how to analyze your cost, customize your cost views, how to create budgets and more.
Azure AD Multitenancy using custom policies in Azure AD B2C
How to enable sign-in for users using the multi-tenant endpoint for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) using custom policies in Azure AD B2C, without you having to configure an identity provider for each tenant.
In this workshop we will cover:
1. Registering an Azure AD app
2. Configuring optional claims
3. Verify your app authenticity
4. Create a policy key
5. Configure Azure AD as an identity provider
6. Restricting access
7. User journeys
8. Upload and test your custom policy
9. Passing the Azure AD token to your application.
Azure App Service and Blazor a match made in Heaven
You can host your Blazor application in Linux, in IIS but why is Azure App Service the way to go for Blazor apps deployments? Is it performance, scalability? Let's respond to this question while building a end to end Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline.
Web, Desktop, y Mobile con Blazor y .NET MAUI
Usa tus aplicaciones de Blazor en desktop y Mobile con MAUI Blazor. Como te lo cuento, puedes re-usar todo tu conocimiento de Blazor, componentes de razor, lógica de negocio, y tus librerías favoritas para crear aplicaciones desktop y mobiles nativas. También puedes escoger entre completamente nativo o hibrido. Si eres amante de Blazor, MAUI Blazor te va a encantar.

Jose Javier Columbie
Senior Software Engineer - DevExpress & Microsoft MVP
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
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