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Josh Carroll

Josh Carroll

Husband, Father, Consultant. Wrangler of Clouds.

Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


My name is Josh Carroll and I am a Husband, Father, and Web Hacker.

I am an independent consultant with over 15 years of experience and count myself incredibly blessed to be able to help build an amazing consulting practice. I have a beautiful wife, and 5 amazing little kids. We make our home nestled away in Knoxville, Tennessee among the amazing Smoky Mountains.

I've been hacking on computers since I was about 8 years old. It's no wonder I love the web so much since my first "programming" experience was teaching myself HTML and pushing a website out to some academic server. All I can remember is how fascinated I was with being able to access my own site... ON THE INTERNET!!!

I went on to do some real programming in high school, and eventually got to compete in a robotics competition my senior year. Becoming a programmer was all I wanted to do, and I went after it full speed ahead. I graduated from ETSU in 2005 and have been doing what I love ever since.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Finance & Banking


  • Programming
  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • Serverless
  • Cloud Native
  • AWS Amplify
  • React
  • chatgpt
  • IT Leadership
  • Agile Lean

Resilient Code Made Easy With Polly

In today's cloud first world of building applications, we increasingly rely on distributed services for application logic. Many times these services aren't even under our control.

With dozens or hundreds of services that make up the backbone of a modern application, how do you keep the system resilient? How do you prevent minor blips from stopping an operation dead in its tracks? Worse, how do you keep a critical service outage from taking out your entire system?

You can code things like retries, timeouts and caching into your application, but often that leads to code bloat that is difficult to get right, and even more difficult to keep consistent.

Polly is an awesome library that gives you those resilient capabilities in nice little packages that are easy to use, and can be combined to create applications that not only handle the occasional network blip, but can gracefully degrade in the case of a severe outage in a dependent service.

Punch complexity in the face with RxJS

Modern front end programming is hard. Remember when all the data was loaded on the server and then rendered with one big bang?

Now your page loads in data from 10 different API calls, that all come in at different times. Many of them depend on previous asynchronous calls, and then the users are always clicking on stuff!

Trying to manage all of that can get complicated in a hurry. Well don't worry becuase RxJS is here to kick the feet out from under complexity, and replace your tangled rats nest of promises and callbacks with a few lines of elegant composition.

Come learn about Observables from the ground up, and end by learning how to write RxJS like a pro.

Not Your Father's JavaScript: Advanced JavaScript Features You Should be Using

Modern JavaScript came with a plethora of new features, but most people are still not taking advantage of all it has to offer.

Maybe you are using fat arrows and the class keyword, but do you regularly use the rest and spread operator?

What about destructing?

Maybe you have heard of proxies, generators, and decorators, but have no idea when you would ever use them?

In this session we will cover some of JavaScript's more advanced features and how they can make your life easier, and drastically improve your code.

Anteaters, Sandcastles, and Cthulhu: A journey about being less anxious and living your life.

Pandemics, protests, elections, the economy, jobs, family and personal health... Life comes with a lot of uncertainty baked in. If that wasn't enough already, the professional world and "thought leaders" are constantly telling you to hustle, hustle, hustle.

At any given point it can feel like the whole world is spiraling out of control. It's overwhelming and anxiety inducing.

Anxiety can zap us of our energy, creativity, motivation, and joy.

So how do we fight back?

Come with me as we take a philosophical journey together. We'll examine what makes us anxious, and how we can reframe the universe around us to be less scary. Hopefully you'll be inspired to take a deep breath, and move forward without letting anxiety cripple you.

Going Fast: The Art of Delivering Quality Software Quickly

Building software is tricky business and the demands are higher than ever. Agile was meant to free us from the confines of red-tape driven software, but most of us can't help but feel something is off in our software process.

Do you wonder why startups can launch an entire product in a few months, but it took your team 6 months to get that new feature into production?

Do you get tired of having hour long meetings with 16 people just to talk about having another meeting to talk about the color of a button to use?

Are you stuck building a bunch of features "just in case" instead of getting something working in front of a user?

Does it take you more time to plan, document and release a simple change than it does to actually make the change?

If any of these resonate with you, then come learn about a simple question you, your team, and your company can ask yourselves that will help you cut through the bloat in your software process, and start delivering value like never before.

Momentum 2021 Sessionize Event

October 2021 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

CodeStock 2020 Sessionize Event

April 2020 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

CodeMash 2020 Sessionize Event

January 2020 Sandusky, Ohio, United States

Music City Tech 2019 Sessionize Event

September 2019 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

CodeStock 2019 Sessionize Event

April 2019 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


- Punch Complexity in the face with RxJS

October 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Devspace 2018

- Going Fast: The Art of Delivering Quality Software Quickly

October 2018 Huntsville, Alabama, United States

Codestock 2018

- Going Fast: The Art of Delivering Quality Software Quickly

April 2018 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Josh Carroll

Husband, Father, Consultant. Wrangler of Clouds.

Knoxville, Tennessee, United States


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