Julia Undeutsch
Dev & UX Accessibility Specialist | GDE
Vienna, Austria
I am Dev & UX Accessibility Specialist at Atos.
After graduating University in Musicology and Japanese Studies in summer 2020, I started learning front-end development and specialized in the topic of web accessibility early on. Since then, I take every opportunity to spread awareness on the topic by regularly creating content in form of writing blog articles and such.
I have been certified by IAAP as a Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC) in 2022 and got accepted in the Google Developer Expert Program in 2023.
Area of Expertise
Semantic HTML means it's semantic, right? Right?
I wish I could tell all the developers out there who dutifully use semantic HTML because they are told that good developers who pay attention to code quality, a good developer experience and accessibility will automatically build accessible websites. I mean, in most cases this is the case (lucky us).
That's why I hate to break it to you: not all elements are automatically accessible just because they are semantic. Some HTML elements do not have browser or screen reader support by default. The same applies to some HTML attributes, which should be used with caution.
Let's take a closer look at some of these elements, what they are, why they are not accessible, and what you can do to make them accessible.
"Weird" Japanese Web Design or How Culture Influences Design Decisions
Have you ever noticed the differences in Japanese (web) design and product advertising compared to European / Western design?
Text, lots of text, even a lot of text, hardly any pictures, hardly any white space.
But why is that? And why does it work so well in Japan?
Let me show you the cultural differences that make the design of Japanese products so different from what we are used to.
How blind people navigate the world, on and offline
The WCAG are our non-tactile guiding lines for web accessibility, but many of us working in web accessibility have never experienced the real world through low-vision eyes.
This talk is a collaboration between UX for hardware and front-end development to give you the best of both worlds: on and offline. Together we will explore how a white cane can take you from point A to be and how a screen reader works through your main user flow.
At the core of this talk will be the fact that blindness is a spectrum and therefore, no one-size-fits-all solution exists. However, if you understand how blind users interact with your website, it's going to be easier to make decisions on what will be useful to users in a particular flow, design in a usable way, and choose the right tags in your code.
Getting Started with Designing for Web Accessibility
As UX designers, we want to create designs that users like, identify with, a product that they want to use.
Designers also usually want to reach as many users as possible, and this can be achieved through accessible content. This can be a personal goal, a company goal or because it is legally required. And if you're not familiar with accessibility, it can be quite frustrating at first.
So in this session, I'll show you what to consider when creating your designs and how to create an accessible user experience.
Accessibility in React Applications
If you are familiar with accessibility in HTML and CSS, then you are good to go in a React application as well. Most of the rules still apply. But you may need to write it a little differently, and consider other things in addition, which we will discuss in more detail in this talk.
After the talk participants will have a understanding on how to write react code with accessibility in mind, how to work with DOM and Virtual DOM, how to test with keyboard and screen reader to make future as well as existing apps more accessible.
Accessibility Features in Chrome DevTools and beyond
You speak semantic HTML, aria is nothing you are afraid of and you want to bring your accessibility skills to the next level? Then this session is the right one for you.
Let's get started with testing using Chrome DevTools, familiarize ourselves with scenarios to understand how people with certain disabilities would perceive the web and even practice our understanding of screen reader and the Accessibility API.
After this session I want you to have a solid understanding of the daily tasks I am confronted with as a Web Accessibility Specialist.
Improve code quality with screen reader testing
Web accessibility is a technical challenge. And there is nothing we developers love more than challenges, right? It's on us to figure out how to overcome these challenges with the best solution out there.
So, if you understand how blind users interact with your website, it's going to be easier to make decisions on what will be useful to users in a particular flow, design in a usable way, and choose the right tags in your code.
The tools include automated testing tools as well as manual testing of HTML, CSS and JavaScript code and will be demonstrated live depending on the tool.
Practical Developer Tools to Test for Web Accessibility
Even the best coder makes use of tools like browser extensions, automatic testing tools, screen readers and more to test their web creation for user experience and accessibility before they let it go to the dogs.
Let me introduce you to some of the handy tools I use on a daily basis to create a good experience on the web, and a website that can be used by as many people as possible.
reactjsday 2024 Sessionize Event
DevFest Vienna 2024
Accessibility Features in Chrome DevTools and beyond
You speak semantic HTML, aria is nothing you are afraid of and you want to bring your accessibility skills to the next level? Then this session is the right one for you.
Let's get started with testing using Chrome DevTools, familiarize ourselves with scenarios to understand how people with certain disabilities would perceive the web and even practice our understanding of screen reader and the Accessibility API.
After this session I want you to have a solid understanding of the daily tasks I am confronted with as a Web Accessibility Specialist.
UXCon Vienna: Accessibility is not a checklist!
Accessibility is not a checklist! Yet many focus on checking all the boxes to make their UI accessible and miss the bigger picture. Accessibility is not the goal in itself, but simply a means to an end: an inclusive experience for all users!
In this workshop, participants will learn how to spot the most common accessibility bugs plaguing an assistive tech user’s journey. Don’t know what types of assistive technology (or AT for short) is out there in the big wide world? No worries! Laura, UX Researcher for the AT development company Hope Tech, will explain what exists, how it works and what’s so cool about it. Spoiler alert: It’s the ability to provide access.
Web accessibility has to be anchored in the code, which can look scary at first. But don’t worry! Google Development Expert Julia will guide you through the other side of the console.log and teach you how to communicate these issues to your dev team.
All participants are cordially invited to bring their website for us to test together!
WeAreDevelopers Live 2024 (Season 8) Sessionize Event
We Are Developers World Congress
Stop being cool, be accessible!
More and more people are using special fonts in their socials, adding tons of emojis, using color combinations that are trendy at the moment and much more.
As a content creator you want to make yourself visible, be unique, stand out from the crowd, yes yes I get it. But have you ever thought about the downsides that come with it? How many people can't even notice your content because it's just too cool?
Let me point out these problems, why you should avoid them and how you can make your content more accessible.
WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024 Sessionize Event
Testing Community Japan
Testing for web accessibility. An introduction to (automating) testing tools and manual testing.
高度人材教育と AI - Build with AI - より良いユーザ体験を AI とともに
Google 米国法人を含む、世界で活躍する先進的な技術者たちが、 自身が受けてきた教育や、これからのエンジニアに必要とされる能力、AIの活用法について、 パネルディスカッションや講演、ワークショップを通じて共有します。
International Women's Day 2024 at GDG Shikoku
講演概要: UX デザイナーとして、私たちはユーザーが好み、共感し、使いたいと思う製品のデザインを作成したいと考えています。 また、デザイナーは通常、できるだけ多くのユーザーにリーチしたいと考えており、これはアクセシブルなコンテンツを通じて実現できます。 これは、個人的な目標、会社の目標、または法的に義務付けられているためである場合があります。 アクセシビリティに慣れていない場合、最初は非常にイライラするかもしれません。 そこでこのセッションでは、デザインを作成する際に考慮すべき点と、アクセシブルなユーザー エクスペリエンスを作成する方法について説明します。
Google Developer Expertsが語るWeb技術の最前線
このイベントでは、Google Developer Expert for Webの認定を受けた3名のトップエンジニアが登壇し、最先端のWeb技術に関する洞察を深く掘り下げたディスカッションを展開します。開発者、デザイナー、プロダクトマネージャーをはじめ、Webに関心を持つすべての方々にとって、Web技術の最新動向をキャッチアップする貴重な機会です。
DevFest Calabar 2023 Sessionize Event
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