Louis CAD
Amande - Founder
Tours, France
I love reliable, efficient, and fun things.
Kotlin is my go-to tool to achieve that in software projects since 2016.
When considering others and their situations enough, it's possible to change a lot of things.
I'm specialized in asynchronous and concurrent programming with coroutines, in Kotlin Multiplatform, Android, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wear OS, Compose, library & SDK development, and Kotlin scripting.
I maintain a few successful open source projects like refreshVersions and Splitties fun-pack, while seeking new problems to solve with new libraries.
Always trying to innovate, I am interested in a lot of technical subjects of all scales, and how they are linked, directly or not.
I also specifically love commuting by recumbent bike, velomobiles, and lego technic.
Area of Expertise
It's Compose O'Clock, draw on my watch!
Compose Canvas APIs are a simple and powerful foundation to draw and animate nice things. If you didn't try those yet, you might be missing out!
Also, now, with Compose O'Clock, we can render to a watch face on any smartwatch running Wear OS.
In this talk, you'll see short snippets to draw the time in many different, and, hopefully beautiful ways, using simple and short building blocks from Compose Canvas, or built on top of it.
Hopefully, it inspires you to draw nice things you didn't know you could, whatever your target platform is, thanks to Compose now being Multiplatform!
Effortless Notifications and Permissions with Kotlin-friendly APIs
On almost every new Android release, there's an API that becomes more capable, but also more complex: Notifications.
What might NotificationCompat be if it was made all in Kotlin instead of in Java with a builder API?
How can we simplify the permission request and notification channels?
We'll look into that, seeing how your notifications can look like with Android's latest features in that area, with the simplest Kotlin code I could find, instead of verbose Java-like code.
From Users to Maintainers - Tales from the Open Source World
"Open Source it's a people problem, before being an engineering problem"
Most of the tools we use daily to create Android apps are Open Source. The Open Source community is a great space where new ideas are built and shared with developers all over the world, for free!
But what does it mean to be part of this community? How can one get started and grow as an OSS contributor? And how can OSS involvement lead to professional opportunities and career advancement?
In this panel, we will hear from both OSS maintainers and users of popular projects, who will share their experiences, challenges and insights on the OSS ecosystem.
If you haven't opened your first pull request or if you're a seasoned OSS maintainer, this panel is for you!
Why we ditched JavaScript for Kotlin/JS
You might think that Kotlin is the programming language of Android…
Well, it's only partially true, and that's not even Kotlin's raison d'être.
Kotlin 1.0 (2016) had experimental support for JavaScript, and 6 years later, we're sticking to it on the WEB, in the backend, on Android of course, and now on (native) iOS as well!
Come to learn why you might, or might not want to follow suit.
This talk will be both an up to date introduction to Kotlin, and sharing our experience with it on the WEB.
Unusable or Undebuggable? Rebelling against "best practices"
Thanks to new Compose libraries, making a good looking Wear OS app is becoming very easy!
However, on the watch, if you need to scroll, LazyColumn gives you 5-10 frames per second at best in debug mode.
Unusable? Unacceptable!
Actually, I noticed the scrolling performance wasn't that great in debug on the phone too, so I went on to fix this, succeeded, and got bonus features I missed in LazyColumn!
You'll learn the full story and see how it's all implemented.
Concrete abstraction: how much can you simplify code with Kotlin?
Abstractions help make your code last much longer… when done right! In practice, it takes some experience to leverage it.
We'll start by defining "abstraction", and seeing why it's so useful, with concrete examples.
Then, we'll see how Kotlin unique features, from extensions, lambdas and coroutines, to expect and actual, can all be used to simplify code to a point no other programming language ever reached, with the goal of inspiring you for your apps and libraries in the future.
The future of dependency management, seen from 2022
The software supply-chain is far from all-smooth!
Sure, dependency management on Android projects is great, but there's room for improvement.
Some tasks, like upgrading dependencies to the right versions, are still tedious and time consuming. There are also compatibility gotchas because of the lack of metadata.
This talk will mention the different problems that come with dependency management in real-world projects, and then we will focus on the solutions from the present, and in the future.
AndroidMakers by droidcon 2023 Sessionize Event
FOSDEM 2023 - JavaScript devroom
Why we ditched JavaScript for Kotlin/JS
FOSDEM 2023 - Kotlin devroom
Be pushy! Let's join for wider and better Kotlin support worldwide
#DevFest Dar22 Sessionize Event
droidcon Kenya 2022 Sessionize Event
droidcon Egypt 2022 Sessionize Event
droidcon NYC 2022 Sessionize Event
Munich Android Comeback
The future of dependency management, seen from 2022
droidcon Berlin 2022 Sessionize Event
Android Makers 2022
My coroutines patterns and habits, 3 years later
FOSDEM 2021 - Kotlin devroom (online)
The future of dependency management, seen from 2021
refreshVersions: why, how it was born, and how it works
Kotlin Day London 2019
Coroutines everywhere for lazy developers - Louis CAD at Kotlin Day 2019
Kotlin Everywhere Paris 2019
- Coroutines Workshop with Geoffrey Métais from VLC/Videolabs
- Étude d'une bibliothèque à base de coroutines
Android Makers 2019
Making any codebase more readable with Kotlin coroutines
Mobilization VIII
If callbacks are hell, are coroutines the way to heaven?
Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.
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