
Marco Arena

Marco Arena

C++ Software Engineer & Community Lead

C++ Software Engineer & Community Lead

Milan, Italy


Marco Arena is a software engineer and community lead with extensive experience in C++ development.

He is currently pioneering Artificial Intelligence adoption at Tetra Pak as a technical leader. Previously, he worked as a software engineer for the Ferrari F1 racing team, focusing on mission-critical software and driving the adoption of the latest C++ standards.

Beyond coding, Marco is a seasoned community manager, blogger, and speaker with over 11 years of experience. He founded the Italian C++ Community (2013), Coding Gym (2016), and ML Modena (2020), and co-founded the ISO C++ Italian body (2020). His initiatives have attracted thousands of participants.

Recognized for his contributions, Marco has received the Microsoft MVP award nine times since 2016, highlighting his significant impact on the community.

Marco Arena è un software engineer e community lead con una vasta esperienza nello sviluppo in C++.

Attualmente, sta guidando l'adozione dell'intelligenza artificiale in Tetra Pak come uno dei leader tecnici. In precedenza, ha lavorato per il team di formula 1 della Ferrari, concentrandosi su software mission-critical e guidando l'adozione dei recenti standard del linguaggio C++.

Oltre al coding, Marco è un community manager, blogger e speaker con oltre 11 anni di esperienza. Ha fondato l'Italian C++ Community (2013), Coding Gym (2016) e ML Modena (2020), e ha co-fondato l'ISO C++ Italian body (2020). Le sue iniziative hanno attirato migliaia di partecipanti.

Riconosciuto per i suoi contributi, Marco ha ricevuto il premio Microsoft MVP per nove volte dal 2016, evidenziando il suo significativo impatto sulla comunità.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • cpp
  • software engineering
  • community

Coding Gym: una palestra, ma non solo di programmazione

Per diventare un bravo sviluppatore software non basta programmare bene ma è altresì
necessario saper interagire con il proprio team di lavoro e comunicare efficacemente le proprie
Si tratta di soft-skills che possono essere allenate con pratica costante.

Ecco che Coding Gym si propone come incontro periodico per allenare sia le proprie skill
tecniche che quelle comunicative in un ambiente del tutto informale e non competitivo.

Coding Gym (https://coding-gym.org) è un format di laboratori di programmazione a cadenza
mensile - attivo in diverse città italiane - dove si affrontano a coppie problemi di
programmazione autocontenuti utilizzando il linguaggio che si preferisce.
Dopo aver affrontato ogni esercizio viene moderata una retrospettiva per condividere
apertamente le soluzioni trovate e per discutere dei compromessi di ognuna.

In questo workshop faremo una sessione di Coding Gym: lavoreremo a coppie su due problemi
di programmazione e al termine di ognuno ne parleremo durante la retrospettiva. La sessione
viene moderata da alcuni trainer che forniranno indicazioni e feedback ai partecipanti.

per partecipare al workshop sono necessarie 3 cose:
- un account su HackerRank (https://www.hackerrank.com/)
- registrazione (bottone “Sign Up”) a questo contest https://www.hackerrank.com/coding-gym-iad19
- portarsi dietro il proprio laptop

Coding Gym

Coding Gym is an international format of programming labs open to any language. It is designed for continuous improvement, guided by the principles of the Coding Gym manifesto:

"We help others practice programming, software development, and communication skills by making coding laboratories open to any programming language where cooperation is valued over competition, doing and sharing are valued over teaching, and where competing solutions come with discussing and understanding tradeoffs."

How It Works:

Coding Gym is NOT a contest!

Participants ("gymmers") work in pairs on 3 self-contained problems using any programming language of their choice, all within a browser.

After each exercise, a Coding Gym "trainer" moderates a retrospective session where gymmers present their solutions, discussing pros, cons, and tradeoffs.

The trainer may also set new questions such as "What happens if the input size increases by 100 times?", or may introduce new solutions and concepts, potentially altering the problem on the spot to encourage discussion on changes and their impact. These variations can lead to discovering new ways of simplifying or complicating the problem.


Coding Gym is not tied to any specific paradigm or programming language. It uses any tool, technique, or paradigm necessary to achieve its goals, promoting freedom in problem-solving.

For each problem, Coding Gym encourages gymmers to explore, study, and experiment with alternative solutions and variations. This approach helps participants break free from their mental patterns, evolving and learning new concepts and techniques. Each new solution brings compromises, advantages, and disadvantages that must be identified and understood as part of the practice.

A key aspect of Coding Gym is recognizing that technical skills alone are not sufficient. Professionals also need to master effective communication and collaboration. Coding Gym provides opportunities to practice these skills directly, enabling participants to collaborate with others and to explain their ideas and solutions in public. We eliminate stress, anxiety, and strict deadlines, replacing them with a fun and friendly atmosphere that fosters creativity and personal growth.

More information on https://coding-gym.org

Coding Gym has been conceived, developed, and directed by Marco Arena since 2016.

Coding Gym at DevFest Milano 2024 is organized by Marco Arena and Paolo Di Giglio.

Coding Gym

Coding Gym is an international format of programming labs open to any language. It is designed for continuous improvement, guided by the principles of the Coding Gym manifesto:

"We help others practice programming, software development, and communication skills by making coding laboratories open to any programming language where cooperation is valued over competition, doing and sharing are valued over teaching, and where competing solutions come with discussing and understanding tradeoffs."

How It Works:

Coding Gym is NOT a contest!

Participants ("gymmers") work in pairs on 3 self-contained problems using any programming language of their choice, all within a browser.

After each exercise, a Coding Gym "trainer" moderates a retrospective session where gymmers present their solutions, discussing pros, cons, and tradeoffs.

The trainer may also set new questions such as "What happens if the input size increases by 100 times?", or may introduce new solutions and concepts, potentially altering the problem on the spot to encourage discussion on changes and their impact. These variations can lead to discovering new ways of simplifying or complicating the problem.


Coding Gym is not tied to any specific paradigm or programming language. It uses any tool, technique, or paradigm necessary to achieve its goals, promoting freedom in problem-solving.

For each problem, Coding Gym encourages gymmers to explore, study, and experiment with alternative solutions and variations. This approach helps participants break free from their mental patterns, evolving and learning new concepts and techniques. Each new solution brings compromises, advantages, and disadvantages that must be identified and understood as part of the practice.

A key aspect of Coding Gym is recognizing that technical skills alone are not sufficient. Professionals also need to master effective communication and collaboration. Coding Gym provides opportunities to practice these skills directly, enabling participants to collaborate with others and to explain their ideas and solutions in public. We eliminate stress, anxiety, and strict deadlines, replacing them with a fun and friendly atmosphere that fosters creativity and personal growth.

More information on https://coding-gym.org

Coding Gym has been conceived, developed, and directed by Marco Arena since 2016.

Marco Arena

C++ Software Engineer & Community Lead

Milan, Italy


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