
Marek Matuszewski

Marek Matuszewski

Microsoft Data Platform MVP, AI Team Manager

Marek Matuszewski has 8+ years Software Development Experience and deals with Microsoft Power BI since it was released. Marek as an eternal fan of Microsoft Stack leads the AI Team at Cluster Reply.

Marek is a passionate also about Data Science and as a Microsoft Data Platform MVP loves sharing the knowledge with the world in multiple formats: YouTube videos, podcast sessions, Blog posts, webinars and speeches on conferences.

His life motto is: „Know something about everything, but everything about something “. He is aware that nowadays in a dynamically changing world it is not only the enthusiasm to learn new technologies important, but also the ability to forget the old habits.

Make an appointment with Marek for a good coffee and let yourself get inspired by his positive energy.

Useful Powershell Tricks for Power BI

The session focuses on valuable best practices for the Administrators who need to manage the Power BI tenant or to automate couple processes. If you want to know how to rebind the report to another Dataset and fight against Data Silos - this session is exactly for you.

Microsoft AI Platform in Business Cases

Artificial Intelligence (AI) wird im Business und im alltäglichem Leben immer wichtiger. Marek Matuszewski, Microsoft MVP, stellt die MS AI Platform vor und zeigt in Live Demos, wie Microsoft AI Ihr Business raketenschnell nach vorne bringen kann. Es wird interaktiv, spannend und sehr informativ!

Machine Learning straight out of the Power BI

You are not a Data Scientist, but want to predict some values in your Dataset? Microsoft introduced an exciting new feature which is Machine Learning capabilities directly in Power BI. Prepare your Datamodel, train it, evaluate the model accuracy and predict the values you are looking for.

Marek Matuszewski

Microsoft Data Platform MVP, AI Team Manager

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