Most Active Speaker

Mario-Leander Reimer

Mario-Leander Reimer

CTO, Managing Director, #CloudNativeNerd @ QAware GmbH

Rosenheim, Germany


Passionate software developer and architect. Proud father. #CloudNativeNerd. Leander is the CTO at QAware. He’s continuously looking for innovations in software engineering and ways to combine and apply state-of-the-art technology in real-world projects. As a speaker at national and international conferences he shares his tech experiences and he teaches cloud computing and software quality assurance as a part-time lecturer.


  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Cloud & Infrastructure
  • Architecture
  • AWS Cost Optimization
  • Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Cloud Native Java Continuous Delivery
  • Core Java / Java SE
  • Enterprise Java / Jakarta EE
  • Cloud & DevOps
  • Cloud-native

50 Shades of K8s Autoscaling

Elasticity and unlimited scalability are the holy grail for any cloud-native application. Now you might think: “That’s easy!!! I just run my containers on a Kubernetes cluster and I am done.” But is it really that simple?

Turns out it’s not! Your application as well as your cloud infrastructure and K8s cluster need to address and support these non-functional requirements.

This session will have a detailed and also practical look at the different ways of autoscaling in Kubernetes. We will give an overview of the technical foundations and prerequisites, and then showcase several frameworks and technologies that can be used to flexibly autoscale your cluster and your cloud-native workloads.

Vom Elfenbeinturm zur Agilen Architektur

Architektur für agile Projekte muss anders definiert, beschrieben und kontinuierlich weiter entwickelt werden. Nicht alle Entscheidungen werden auf einmal getroffen, noch werden sie alle getroffen, wenn das Projekt beginnt. Dieser Vortrag beschreibt verschiedene Methoden, Tools und Team Topologien die auch in großen agilen Projekten erfolgreich angewendet werden können um Architektur Erosion und Wildwuchs entgegen zu wirken.

About Software Craftsmanship and Mastery

What does it take to be a professional software craftsman (or craftswoman)? What does to take to attain mastery in our profession? And how can we stay excellent as an individual and as a software company over a long period of time? If you are looking for answers to these and other related questions, then this talk is for you.

BaselOne 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Basel, Switzerland

Kubernetes Community Days Munich 2023 Sessionize Event

July 2023 Munich, Germany

Digital Crafts Day 2023 - by DCN Sessionize Event

April 2023 Weiden, Germany

Mario-Leander Reimer

CTO, Managing Director, #CloudNativeNerd @ QAware GmbH

Rosenheim, Germany


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