Mark Michaelis
Chief Technical Nerd, Author of Essential C# series, MVP/RD
Spokane Valley, Washington, United States
Mark Michaelis (itl.tc/Mark) is founder and CEO of IntelliTect, a high-end software development and management consulting company based in Spokane, Washington. At any given time, Mark leads his successful company while flying all over the world for Microsoft and other clients or speaking engagements. He continually delivers conference sessions on leadership or technology, is updating the next edition of his book or is crafting his Essential .Net column for Microsoft Developer Network Magazine (MSDN).
A world-class C# expert who honed his engineering skills by serving on several Microsoft software design review teams, including C#, Azure and Azure DevOps, Mark is the author of Essential C# 7.0 (itl.tc/EssentialCSharp). As a direct result of his work with C# and Azure DevOps, Mark has been a distinguished Microsoft MVP since 1996, and a Microsoft Regional Director since 2007. A firm believer in autonomy, mastery and purpose, Mark’s unmatched management and leadership style enables him to successfully handle a day with only 24 hours in it.
Mark and his wife, Elisabeth, have invested a significant amount of the profit generated by IntelliTect into fighting debilitating poverty around the world. They have done this by thoughtfully partnering with charity organizations to increase access to basic food and water infrastructure, improve educational opportunities and fight injustices like human trafficking and the systematic oppression of women.
When not bonding with his computer, Mark enjoys soccer, hiking and showing his kids real life in other countries. Mark lives in Spokane, Washington, with his wife Elisabeth and three children, Benjamin, Hanna and Abigail. He is looking forward to finding his next adventure.
Area of Expertise
Essential PowerShell for Developers
Are you a .NET developer with vast years of experience with the .NET API but still stuck writing command line scripts as batch files? Are you frustrated by your inability to leverage .NET without defining a class library and executing the compiler to run a simple command? Attend this session to learn the “power” of PowerShell, how to leverage it in your daily development practices, and to familiarize yourself with the vast resources, tools, and extensions that make PowerShell a must-have tool for every developer. Whether you want to use it in everyday task automation, your DevOps pipeline or importing/export of files that come your way, this is the session for to automate your put your computer to work instead of you. Attend this session as a way to catapult you out of the era manual steps and into 21st-century scripting, command shells, and DevOps.
Essential PowerShell for Developers
Are you a .NET developer with vast years of experience with the .NET API but still stuck writing command line scripts as batch files? Are you frustrated by your inability to leverage .NET without defining a class library and executing the compiler to run a simple command? Attend this session to learn the “power” of PowerShell, how to leverage it in your daily development practices, and to familiarize yourself with the vast resources, tools, and extensions that make PowerShell a must-have tool for every developer. Whether you want to use it in everyday task automation, your DevOps pipeline or importing/export of files that come your way, this is the session for to automate your put your computer to work instead of you. Attend this session as a way to catapult you out of the era manual steps and into 21st-century scripting, command shells, and DevOps.
Modernizing C# Guidelines
With the release of C# 10.0 comes a host of coding choices that are non-trivial to resolve. Questions such as when to use a record class rather than just a class, should I ever declare a struct rather than a record struct, what about global using statements vs project elements, or should I ever not use file scoped namespace declarations. C# 8 .0 & 9.0 include raise similar questions such as when is a protected interface member relevant, how does one declare a non-nullable property without incurring C# warnings (and does C# 11.0 help with this). The recent C# feature additions seems simple at first but there are numerous idiosyncrasies to wrestle with. Don't miss out on this session to understand the internals of modern day C# and how and when to best leverage these features and what C# 8.0-11.0 provides to improve the language.
Finally, System.CommandLine
In this session we will learn about how to program with System.CommanLine, leveraging it for both the simple and the complex command line parsing scenarios. In addition, we will dig into the new console rendering along with other additional features of the System.CommandLine namespace.
Essential VSCode Tips and Tricks
Don't miss this session to learn about VSCode and leveraging it as your editor every day. We will walk through navigation, commands, keyboard shortcuts, snippets, task runner, debugging, and leveraging the integrated terminal. In addition, we will cover VS Code customization including some of the best extensions.
The Exponential Technology Revolution
In the year 2020, there is a confluence of exponential technologies driving a 4th Industrial Revolution. In this session, we explore the world as we emerge from Quarter 1 of the 21st century, delving into the revolution that is occurring around us catalyzed by cloud computing, AI, ML, IoT, Big Data, nanotechnology, quantum computing, block chain and the like. In this session, we delve into the opportunities, challenges, and ethics that we face today. Don't miss this session to catch the vision and obligations that accompany the world of tomorrow.
Interfaces as Abstract Classes in Modern C# - What?
With recent updates to C#, interfaces now support implementations. Implementations, however, are more than just instance public methods. There is now support for both static members and accessibility modifiers. However, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. When, for example, should use use an interface implementation versus an abstract class? In this discussion we talk about the new interface implementations and discuss both how to use the features but, more importantly, when to use them and what are the resulting best practices. Don’t miss this session to learn about the new C# interface implementation capabilities and when and how to use them.
DevSum 2024 Sessionize Event

Mark Michaelis
Chief Technical Nerd, Author of Essential C# series, MVP/RD
Spokane Valley, Washington, United States
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