Mark Scholman
Co-Founder & Director CA8 & Azure MVP
Co-Founder & Director CA8 & Azure MVP
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Mark Scholman, is co-founder and director at Cloud Autom8 (CA8) and is a Microsoft Azure MVP. His focus is on Microsoft Cloud technology including Azure, The Azure Stack Family and the components that are involved in the Hybrid Cloud offerings. Mark is also active in the IT community on his blog https://markscholman.com and YouTube channel. Mark is an author of the book Azure Hybrid Cloud Unleashed and speaks at several events such as Experts Live and local user groups including meetups and the APE (Azure Platform Engineering) Community.
Mark Scholman, is co-founder and director at Cloud Autom8 (CA8) and is a Microsoft Azure MVP. His focus is on Microsoft Cloud technology including Azure, The Azure Stack Family and the components that are involved in the Hybrid Cloud offerings. Mark is also active in the IT community on his blog https://markscholman.com and YouTube channel. Mark is an author of the book Azure Hybrid Cloud Unleashed and speaks at several events such as Experts Live and local user groups including meetups and the APE (Azure Platform Engineering) Community.
Area of Expertise
Azure Functions integrated in the enterprise network - Demystified en nl
In this session you'll learn all about how you can integrate Azure Functions, or actually any App Service, in your enterprise environment. There is a lot of misunderstanding on how App Services can be integrated, secured & managed from the network side of things. In this session all topics regarding networking integration will be covered.
Azure Functions integreren in het bedrijfs netwerk - Demystified en nl
In deze sessie neem ik je mee hoe Azure Functions, of eigenlijke elke type app service je kan integreren in je bedrijfsnetwerk. Er is veel verwarring over hoe je het kan integreren, beveiligen en beheren vanuit het netwerk perspectief. In deze sessie komen alle opties aan bod over hoe integratie in je netwerk mogelijk is.
A New era - Intelligent Cloud & Intelligent Edge en nl
"The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed." - William Gibson. In this session I will explain what is the new era of intelligent cloud and intelligent edge and how the edge can't live without the cloud and vice versa. You will learn what Microsoft technologies play part in this new platform and how to use them
Een nieuw tijdperk - Intelligent Cloud & Intelligent Edge en nl
"De toekomst is al hier - Het is alleen niet evenredig gedistribueerd." - William Gibson. In deze sessie leg ik uit wat de intelligent cloud & intelligent edge is en hoe de edge niet meer zonder de cloud kan en vice versa. Je leert welke Microsoft technologieën dit platform samenstellen en hoe je deze kan gebruiken.
Azure Stack Family - The what, why and how en
Microsoft rebranded some components and made the hybrid cloud offerings part of the Azure Stack Family. What components and products are forming the Azure Stack Family? How can i use them? In this session you get an insight into the Azure Stack Family!
Building an Azure Automation Platform en nl
How to built an framework that facilitates an end to end automation of deployment of Azure resources, handle governance and Identity & Access. In this session you will learn how to start and what traps should be avoided.
Een Azure Automation platform bouwen en nl
How bouw je een framework wat kan voorzien in het geautomatiseerd uitrollen van Azure diensten, het afdwingen van beleid en overzicht en het inregelen van login en groep beheer. In deze sessie word je uitgelegd hoe je dit het beste kan aanpakken en hoe je kan beginnen.
Azure Landing Zones with Bicep: The ultimate workout for your cloud infrastructure en nl
In this session, you will learn how to use bicep for Azure resource deployment, to create and manage Azure Landing Zones with ease and efficiency.
Deploying and configuring Azure Landing Zones can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially if you have multiple subscriptions, regions, and resources to manage. How can you simplify and automate this process without compromising on quality and consistency?
By the end of this session, you will master how to use bicep to deploy and configure Azure Landing Zones in a fast and reliable way, and get ready for a cloud infrastructure workout 💪!
Azure Landing Zones met Bicep: De ultieme workout voor je cloud infrastructure en nl
In deze sessie leer je hoe je bicep voor Azure resource deployment kunt gebruiken om Azure Landing Zones gemakkelijk en efficiënt te maken en te beheren.
Het implementeren en configureren van Azure Landing Zones kan een complex en tijdrovend proces zijn, vooral als je meerdere subscripties, azure regio’s en resources moet beheren. Hoe kun je dit proces vereenvoudigen en automatiseren zonder in te leveren op kwaliteit en consistentie?
Aan het einde van deze sessie beheers je hoe je bicep kunt gebruiken om Azure Landing Zones op een snelle en betrouwbare manier te implementeren en te configureren, en ben je klaar voor een cloudinfrastructuur workout 💪
Private DNS resolution in your Azure environment. Which scenarios provide the best implementation? en
in this session we will discuss the several options when implementing private DNS resolution for your Azure PaaS services. When you use traditional hub and spoke model or VWan will determine what eventually will work and what doesn’t.
You should be familiar with networking!
Experts Live Europe 2024 Sessionize Event

Mark Scholman
Co-Founder & Director CA8 & Azure MVP
Utrecht, The Netherlands
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