Maria Gabriella Brodi
Vmware - Staff Solution Engineer
Mount Vernon, New York, United States
Gabry is a Solution Engineer at VMware, with many years of experience in software development and operations. She enjoys learning new tools and technologies to help her customers leverage modern design and implementation patterns. Gabry has spoken at SmartBear Connect, SpringOne, Cloud Native NY, Tanzu.TV, VMware {code} Power Sessions, and Chicago JUG.
Area of Expertise
DevSecOps with Confidence
How to ship code faster in production without sacrificing security? How to maintain consistency in CI/CD pipelines with growing fragmentation of Kubernetes? These are quintessential challenges faced by enterprises. DevOps practitioners need a mental model & actionable toolset to build robust software delivery pipelines.
Security of containers starts with a secure base image. Tanzu Build Service automates code-to-container workflows. Rebase without a rebuild delivers CVE fixes at scale. Harbor is embedded in the CI/CD pipeline to further secure images with RBAC, scan for CVEs & sign images as trusted. Traffic management in Tanzu Service Mesh helps with canary deployments. Metrics driven canaries, Testcontainers and API contracts help improve reliability of pipelines. We’ll demonstrate a GitOps based path to prod using Argo.
Come to this session to learn how Tanzu simplifies DevSecOps.
Delivered at SpringOne 2020: https://springone.io/2020/sessions/devsecops-with-confidence-in-hybrid-multi-cloud
Prod-Like Integration Testing for Distributed Containerized Applications
Integration testing for distributed containerized applications poses new challenges in terms of practices, tools, and environments for developers who want to carry out more prod-like integration testing earlier in the development lifecycle.
In-memory databases are useful but cannot provide the level of assurance needed as you test against a real database. This option is also limited to data services, but not all services provide an in-memory alternative.
Testcontainers is a framework for instantiating standalone containers for any number of services to test against. The framework offers some out-of-the-box options, but you can also provide your own image, and even your own Dockerfile to instantiate the service of your choice.
In this talk, we’ll explore testcontainers and push the boundaries in order to explore how they may be used in conjunction with Cloud Native Buildpacks. This approach has the added benefit of ensuring that all testing is carried out on the same container stack.
Delivered at SpringOne 2021: https://springone.io/2021/sessions/prod-like-integration-testing
Application Configuration Management at the Edge: Taming Thousands of Deployment Targets
Configuration management for microservice applications is challenging enough when you’re deploying to just a few production environments. Imagine deploying different combinations of these microservices to hundreds or thousands of remote production environments—edge locations with glitchy networking, limited resources, and particular configuration needs. The task grows exponentially harder and it becomes critical to approach it methodically with modern tools and techniques. In this talk, we’ll dive into the challenges that complicate application configuration management and deployment at the edge. We’ll also propose an approach for mitigating these challenges using Carvel, a suite of composable tools that can be leveraged for application building, configuration, and deployment to Kubernetes.
Delivered at cdCon+GitOpsCon 2023 https://cdcongitopscon2023.sched.com/event/1Jp9x/application-configuration-management-at-the-edge-taming-thousands-of-deployment-targets-cora-iberkleid-maria-gabriella-brodi-vmware
Weaving Through the Mesh: Making Sense of Istio and Overlapping Technologies
Kubernetes presents exciting choices to improve our system architecture. Service meshes in particular provide a comprehensive layer that seamlessly and transparently supplies discovery, routing, circuit breaking, distributed tracing (and more!), and enables easy integration into supporting systems. In some cases, these new options overlap with familiar solutions, like Spring Cloud or an API management platform. This creates confusion. Do we replace our current systems? Or are they complementary? Let’s explore how Istio addresses many of these needs and how our existing solutions might still fit into the picture.
Delivered at SpringOne 2020: https://springone.io/2020/sessions/weaving-through-the-mesh-making-sense-of-istio-and-overlapping-technologies
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