Matthew Groves
Microsoft MVP, DevRel, coder
Grove City, Ohio, United States
Matthew D. Groves is a guy who loves to code. It doesn't matter if it's C#, jQuery, or PHP: he'll submit pull requests for anything. He has been coding professionally ever since he wrote a QuickBASIC point-of-sale app for his parent's pizza shop back in the 90s. He currently works for Couchbase, helping developers in any way he can. His free time is spent with his family, watching the Reds, and getting involved in the developer community. He is the author of AOP in .NET, Pro Microservices in .NET, a Pluralsight author, and a Microsoft MVP.
Area of Expertise
Using Fluent Migrations to Put Your Schema in Git
I just made a change to the database schema, but now the team needs it for my feature to work. How can I keep track of my database changes and communicate them to the rest of the team? Migrations give a structured way to structurally alter your database structure as your application evolves . . . structurally. They also provide a way for everyone on the team: developers, testers, CI admins, DBAs, etc, to apply the latest changes wherever they are needed - with uniformity and low friction. Fluent Migrations for .NET provide a discoverable, human readable API that supports dozens of different databases (including SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle). Topics covered in this session:
* Why you should use migrations
* How to write fluent migrations
* A look behind the scenes of how fluent migrations work
* Drawbacks/downsides to using migrations
* Other migration options for EF and NoSQL (Couchbase)
Ad hoc SQL scripts make you want to flip a desk? Keep your team on the same page with fluent migrations.
(This session will briefly mention EF Migrations, but is not primarily about EF).
Cache Rules Everything Around Me
Caching can bring speed to the slow systems in your enterprise. In this session, we'll explore how to avoid expensive computations and reduce database (or other systems) load with caching. Considerations include when to cache (cache policy), how to cache, and when/how to evict. This session will also explore and discuss problems and gotchas like cache sizing, eviction mistakes, and where your cache should live. Finally, we'll look at how caching is implemented in the "memory-first" Couchbase architecture.
Legacy Relational to Modern NoSQL in Three Steps
Databases are like languages: it’s very useful to know more than one. NoSQL databases promise better performance, scaling, lower cost of ownership, and flexibility for many use cases. With recent advances in NoSQL including ACID transactions, SQL queries, scopes, collections, and more, making the jump to NoSQL is becoming more straightforward. In this session, you will learn how to automatically migrate a relational database (including tables, data, indexes, users, and even queries) over to a modern NoSQL database.
JSON Data Modeling in Document Databases
If you’re thinking about using a document database, it can be intimidating to start. A flexible data model gives you a lot of choices, but which way is the right way? Is a document database even the right tool? In this session we’ll go over the basics of data modeling using JSON. We’ll compare and contrast with traditional RDBMS modeling. Impact on application code will be discussed, as well as some tooling that could be helpful along the way. The examples use the Couchbase Capella document database, but the principles from this session can also be applied to CosmosDb, Mongo, RavenDb, etc.
Introduction to SQL++ for Big Data: Same Language, More Power
The most popular databases in the world all speak SQL, and almost 60% of Stack Overflow members use SQL. SQL is the query language that dominates when it comes to interacting with data. Data has changed the 1970s; it’s no longer just stored in flat tables, but as rich, hierarchical object structures like JSON. SQL isn’t dead though, it just needed to evolve a little bit. In this session, you’ll learn about the next iteration of SQL: SQL++. Born from a UCSD research project, SQL++ is backwards-compatible and can work with heterogeneous data, with or without schemas and indexing. It is still the readable, declarative, highly composable language that you’re used to, but with extra super-powers. This session will focus on the enhancements that SQL++ brings, will show some of the databases that are already implementing it (including Couchbase, AsterixDB, Drill), and guidance on why and when to use it. You will enter with SQL skills and leave with big data skills.
9 Things you can do for Free with Couchbase Server
Couchbase Server is a powerful, distributed "NoSQL" document database. Did you know there a free version of it called Couchbase Server Community Edition? This session will showcase the amazing features that you can use without buying a license. After this session, you can store JSON, cache it, query it with SQL, scale it, text search it, replicate it, and sync it to mobile devices, all with a single platform.
Putting the SQL back in NoSQL
Do you like the familiarity of SQL, but need the speed and flexibility of JSON data that NoSQL databases can provide? You don't have to choose anymore. SQL++ is an emerging standard to apply SQL to JSON data. In this session, you'll learn how SQL++ eases the transition to building an application with modern NoSQL technology. The basics of SQL++ and the necessary extensions to working with JSON technology will be covered. Finally, you'll learn how to start using a SQL++ implementation in production with Couchbase Capella, a cloud DBaaS with one of the top SQL++ implementations available.
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