Michel Murabito
CNCF Ambassador & Developer Advocate @Mia-Platform
CNCF Ambassador & Developer Advocate @Mia-Platform
Milan, Italy
I'm Michel Murabito, Mich to my friends! Born in 1986 in Turin with Sicilian roots, I now live in Milan. My journey in software began at 12, coding for fun. At 18, I started my first job as a software developer and have continuously sought new challenges to grow and learn. Today,
I'm a Developer Advocate at Mia-Platform and a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Ambassador, sharing my passion for cloud native technologies with a community of curious minds. I'm also an organizer of the Cloud Native Days Italy (formerly KCD Italy) and KCD San Francisco Bay Area, fostering collaboration and innovation within the cloud native ecosystem.
Sono Michel Murabito, Mich per gli amici! Nato nel 1986 a Torino, con radici siciliane, ora vivo a Milano. Il mio percorso nel software è iniziato a 12 anni, scrivendo codice per divertimento. A 18 anni ho iniziato il mio primo lavoro come sviluppatore software e da allora ho sempre cercato nuove sfide per crescere e imparare.
Sono Developer Advocate presso Mia-Platform e Ambassador della Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), condividendo la mia passione per le tecnologie cloud native con una community di menti curiose. Sono anche organizzatore dei Cloud Native Days Italy (ex KCD Italy) e del KCD San Francisco Bay Area, promuovendo collaborazione e innovazione nell'ecosistema cloud native.
Area of Expertise
dxday 2025 Sessionize Event
Commit University
Talk: Migliora la Developer Experience in un mondo Cloud Native con Platform Engineering e AI RAG
Dilaxia Explore
Talk: Migliora la Developer Experience in un mondo Cloud Native con Platform Engineering e AI RAG
Devfest Milano 2024 Sessionize Event
DevFest Venezia 2024 Sessionize Event
Cloud Native Day Bergen
Talk: Enhanced Developer Experience in a Cloud Native world
BetterSoftware 2024 - Sustainable IT Edition Sessionize Event
Talk with Sara Trappetti: Navigare il CNCF Landscape: Un pezzo alla volta
Cloud Native London Meetup
Talk: How to build a Conversational DevX interface using RAG
KCD Porto Sessionize Event
KCD Italy
Panel About Open Source and Community
MLOps @localhost - Remote 2024
Talk: Compose GenAI Apps: May the Force Be with Your Data and Models
Platmosphere 2024
Talk: Mia-Platform Expert Summit
London Platform User Group
Panel: Highlights from KubeCon Europe 2024
Cloud Native London - Remote 2024
Talk: How to turn Cognitive Load into creativity
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe - Booth App Tag Delivery 2024
Talk: Empowering and Accelerating Cloud-Native Development with Buildpacks.io
DevMy - YouTube 2024
Talk: Platform Engineering: DevX nel paese delle meraviglie
TECH JOBS FAIR - Remote 2024
Talk: Un Viaggio nell'Universo della Developer Experience
DevFest Mediterranean 2024
Talk: Trasformare il carico cognitivo in creatività
DevFest Venezia 2023 Sessionize Event
eXtreme Programming User Group Bergamo
Talk: Guida Galattica per Platform Engineer (e non) - The Galactic Guide for Platform Engineers (and others)
DevFest Milano 2023 Sessionize Event
Devfest Pescara 2023 Sessionize Event
Cloud Day 2023 Sessionize Event
Codemotion Milan 2023 Sessionize Event
Dutch Kubernetes & Cloud-Native Meetup
Talk: How to stop Firefighting in DevOps Teams and improve Developer Experience?
Cloud Native Podcast
Title: Decoding Platform Engineering: Build vs Buy Dilemma
DevOps Time - Podcast
Topic: Esplorando il Platform Engineering
Pycon (IT) 2023
Panel: Nessuno fa Continuous Delivery: dimostrami il contrario!
CloudConf Torino 2023
Talk: Platform Engineering: L'Arte di Creare Ecosistemi Digitali
Title: A chat about Platform Engineering
KCD UK 2022
Title: Open Source Security Enforcement over your APIs
DevFest Pescara 2022 Sessionize Event
DevFest Triveneto
Talk: Rönd: una piattaforma distribuita e open source per le tue policy di sicurezza
Codemotion Milan 2022
DEVulgari eloquentia: tra content creation e personal branding
CloudConf 2022
Talk: Rönd: una piattaforma distribuita e open source per le tue policy di sicurezza
Linux Day Messina
Talk: Talk: Rönd: una piattaforma distribuita e open source per le tue policy di sicurezza
GrUSP Online
Talk: micro-lc: come orchestrare Micro-frontend
Pointer Podcast
Interview: Vita da sviluppatore
Talk: Orchestrare Micro-frontend con micro-lc
Commit University
Talk: Micro-frontend crearli e orchestrarli con micro-lc
Codemotion Workshop Fest
Workshop: Orchestrare Micro-frontend con micro-lc
Tech Italia Meetup
Talk: Orchestrare Micro-frontend con micro-lc
Talk: Il lavoro dei tuoi sogni in ambito STEM? Guida pratica su come trovarlo, ottenerlo e mantenerlo
DevFest XMAS
Talk: Orchestrare Micro-frontend con micro-lc
API Date
Talk: Digital Integration Hub (DIH) come strategia vincente per i problemi di oggi e di domani
DevCast by Codemotion
Talk: Orchestrare Micro-frontend con micro-lc
Interview: Vita da Developer
Crafted Software
Talk: Realtime geo tracking con Typescript e Firebase con Mich Murabito
Interview: Programmazione, community e mentoring con Mich Murabito
Talk: Firebase: a serverless story
DevFest Italia 2020 Sessionize Event
PWAConf 2020
Talk: Use Firebase in Progressive Web Apps
GDG DevParty Together Sessionize Event
DevFest Pisa 2020 Sessionize Event
MUG - Marca User Group Creatore evento
Talk: Firebase, a Serverless story!
GDG Cloud Milano
Talk: Firebase Functions - Il lato chiaro e scuro della Forza
GDG DevFest Urbino 2019 Sessionize Event
DevFest Urbino 2019
Talk: Firebase functions: il lato oscuro ed il lato chiaro della Forza
DevFest Veneto 2019 Sessionize Event
GDG DevFest Pescara 2019 Sessionize Event
DevFest MED
Talk: Firebase Functions - Il lato chiaro della Forza
Talk: Firebase: a serverless story
GDG Milano
Talk: Angular Components Like a Jedi!
Campus Party - CPIT3
Talk: Tech Team like a Jedi
Angular Rome
Talk: Angular Components like a Jedi
GDG Torino
Talk: L’importanza della community per un dev
DevFest Pisa 2019
Talk 1: Ecco perché gli sviluppatori sono dei supereroi
Talk 2: Evolution of Javascript
DevFest Emilia Romagna 2018 Sessionize Event
DevFest Veneto 2018
Talk: La Morte Nera, e se fosse prototipizzata con Firebase e React?
Startup Weekend Catania 2018
DevFest Trento 2018
Talk: La rotta di Kessel: come farla in meno di 12 Parsec con Firebase e React
Firebase Night Torino
Talk: La Rotta di Kessel' come farla in meno di 12 Parsec con Firebase!
Frontender Verona
Talk: Build Modern (And Fast) Progressive WebApps
SMAU Milan 2018
Talk: Sviluppo Web & Mobile nel 2018
DevFest Milano 2018 Sessionize Event
Campus Party - CPIT2
Talk: Developer a Jedi Path
Angular Day 2018
Talk: The Jedi Path to Angular Universal
TechDay Messina 2018
Talk: Build Modern (And Fast) WebApps
University of Padova
Talk: Essere sviluppatori digital oggi!
DevFest Pisa 0.1
Talk: Run Fast with Modern JavaScript
Workshop: Make your WebApp fast, light and modern (Codelab)
Sindacato Networkers
GDG Milano
Talk: Superheroes apps con Angular e Firebase
Angular Rome
Talk: Firebase per Applicazioni complesse in Angular
GDG Torino
Talk: JavaScript: from Zero to Jedi
GDG Pisa
Talk: JavaScript from Zero to Jedi
DevFest Veneto 2017
Talk: Become an JavaScript superhero Dev!
DevFest Med 2017 (Part 2)
Talk: Become an JavaScript superhero Dev!
Startup Weekend Catania
DevFest Med 2017 (Part 1)
Talk: Build with Bricks a gentle introduction to web component
DevFest Bari 2017
Talk: Become an JavaScript superhero Dev!
Angular Day 2017
Talk: Superheroes apps con Angular e Firebase
GDG Milano
Talk: Apps Script Superheroes 1.0
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