
Michael Lynn

Michael Lynn

Principal Developer Advocate

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


Michael is a Developer, Instructor, Conference Speaker and a passionate advocate for MongoDB's data platform. He focuses on MongoDB for Startups and MongoDB for Academia. When he's not helping students and startups leverage the power of MongoDB, he's most likely lifting heavy things, jumping rope, or spending time with his family in Philadelphia, PA. You can listen to Michael weekly as he interviews developers, data professionals and MongoDB staff on the MongoDB Podcast available on all Podcast Networks.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Databases
  • Application Development
  • Web Apps
  • cloud
  • Cloud Native
  • Database and Cloud
  • Cloud Native Infrastructure
  • Cloud Containers and Infrastructure
  • Cloud Native Applications
  • Mobile
  • Mobile Development
  • Mobile Apps
  • mobile app development
  • MobileDevOps
  • Data Platform
  • data engineering
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Microsoft Data Platform
  • All things data
  • Database Administration
  • Database

Migrating from RDBMS to NoSQL with MongoDB

Migrating from a relational database to NoSQL can be a daunting task. In this workshop, I'll explore the key differences between traditional relational databases and NoSQL, and discuss the primary motivations for migrating to NoSQL. We will then dive into the MongoDB Relational Migrator, a tool designed to help developers migrate data from a relational database to MongoDB. Finally, I will provide attendees with a hands-on workshop where they will learn how to use the MongoDB Relational Migrator to migrate data from a relational database to MongoDB. By the end of the talk, attendees will have an understanding of the benefits of NoSQL and strategies for migrating their legacy databases.

Scaling with Confidence: How MongoDB Helps You Build Resilient and Scalable Cloud-Native Application

Cloud-native applications are becoming increasingly popular due to their scalability, agility, and resilience. However, building cloud-native applications can be complex and challenging, especially when it comes to choosing the right database technology. MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that provides a flexible data model, rich query language, and scalable architecture that makes it an ideal choice for cloud-native applications.
In this talk, we will explore how MongoDB can help you build resilient and scalable cloud-native applications. We will start by defining cloud-native applications and discussing their benefits. We will then delve into MongoDB best practices for cloud-native applications, including how to use MongoDB in a containerized environment, how to use Kubernetes with MongoDB, and how to use MongoDB Atlas, the fully managed MongoDB service, in cloud-native applications. We will also cover how to scale MongoDB in a cloud-native environment using techniques such as sharding and replication, and how to monitor and optimize the performance of MongoDB in a cloud-native environment.
This talk is suitable for developers and architects, and IT Decision Makers who are building or planning to build cloud-native applications and want to learn how MongoDB can help them achieve scalability, agility, and resilience. Attendees will leave this talk with a deep understanding of how to use MongoDB in cloud-native applications, and how to scale MongoDB to handle their growing workloads.

Zen and the Art of Data Modeling for NoSQL with MongoDB

Data modeling is critical for efficient data storage and retrieval, and choosing the right data model is crucial for building scalable and performant applications. In this talk, we will explore best practices for designing document data models in MongoDB, including denormalization and schema validation. We will also cover common design patterns for document data models, such as hierarchical, relational, and embedded data models. We will discuss the benefits and limitations of MongoDB's document model and highlight tips for optimizing query performance. Additionally, we will explore the concepts of polymorphism, embedding, and referencing in MongoDB and provide real-world examples of when to use each approach. Join us for an in-depth exploration of MongoDB data modeling and learn how to design efficient, scalable, and flexible data models for your application.

Although this talk covers MongoDB, it should not be confused with a promotion or sales pitch of any kind. The concepts apply to all document-oriented databases.

Unleashing the Power of NoSQL: A Developer's Journey from RDBMS to NoSQL with MongoDB

In the ever-changing landscape of data management, NoSQL databases are gaining popularity for their ability to handle unstructured and semi-structured data. As a developer, understanding how to migrate from RDBMS to NoSQL databases is becoming increasingly important. In this talk, we will explore the process of migrating from RDBMS to NoSQL, with a focus on MongoDB. We will discuss the differences between RDBMS and NoSQL databases, and explain the key considerations for planning and executing a successful migration. We'll cover topics such as data modeling, query languages, and data migration strategies, and provide best practices and tips for a seamless transition. Whether you're considering a migration to NoSQL or just want to expand your database knowledge, this talk will provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate the world of NoSQL databases.

In this talk, we'll explore the process of migrating from RDBMS to NoSQL with MongoDB. You'll learn about the key considerations and best practices for a successful migration, including data modeling, query languages, and data migration strategies. Whether you're a developer, database administrator, or technical lead, this talk will provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate the world of NoSQL databases and unleash the power of MongoDB.

Michael Lynn

Principal Developer Advocate

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


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