Michiel Rozema
Analytics expert @ Quanto, Data Platform MVP
Power BI expert @ Quanto
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Former Data Insight Lead at Microsoft in the Netherlands. Founder of the Dutch Power BI User Group, organizer of the Power BI Summer School, data analytics consultant, trainer, and author of multiple books on Power BI, like 'Extreme DAX' published in January 2022, as well as the 'Introduction to Microsoft Fabric' video course for Microsoft Press and LinkedIn Learning.
I have a Master's degree in mathematics and a 25+ year career in the IT industry, in both technical and managerial roles. I have been awarded the Microsoft MVP award in the data platform category since 2019.
Een van de oprichters van de Power BI Gebruikersgroep, ex data insight lead bij Microsoft, oprichter en directeur van Quanto, organisator van de Power BI Summer School, data analytics consultant, trainer, spreker, schrijver van o.a. het Handboek Power Pivot en Extreme DAX.
Area of Expertise
Fresh produce: using Power BI as a calculation engine for BC en
Power BI is the leading platform for business intelligence. The core of the Power BI platform is formed by datasets with DAX calculation capabilities that enable interactive reporting on large sets of data. Join this session to learn about another way to use this technology: perform hugely complex aggregations and calculations to enrich business processes.
In this session, we present a Power BI solution based on a real-life use case involving BC and the Power Platform. We deal with inventory analysis and financial settlements for perishable goods, like tomatoes, for which the age of inventory is relevant. The Power BI model requires recursive calculations over a period of one week, which is the base unit for the client’s business process. The calculation results are fed back to BC using Power Automate and Power Apps. The same set-up is used to run scenario analyses over extended periods of time. We discuss the solution architecture and do a deep dive on the specifics of the calculation engine implemented in Power BI.
The secrets of Power BI - understanding context. en
To get the most out of DAX calculations in Power BI, a good understanding of context is indispensable. In this session you’ll learn about the characteristics of different kinds of context in Power BI models: row context, query context, and filter context. We’ll also discuss the behaviour of DAX functions within different contexts.
In complex DAX calculations, multiple contexts can be active at the same time. To really understand what is going on, it is important to be able to identify these. Therefore we’ll discuss DAX functions that activate and transform context. In short, after this session context in Power BI will have no secrets for you anymore!
Value level security in Power BI en
This session shows is all about creating the lowest granularity of data security that can be made in Power BI.
When you use Power BI, you want to implement security. That is not an easy task, but you can do it. In this session we show you what you need to have to enable security. We start with RLS and follow up with Column security. This will also imply value security: depending on the role of the user detail data will or will not be shown in the reports. After this session you understand the needs of real security in Power BI.
Extreme business problems need Extreme DAX solutions. en
This is a 1-day post-conference workshop.
Dynamic Analysis Expression (DAX) functions are an essential part of your Power BI model. But sometimes working with DAX can be frustrating. Did you meet situations in which you do not understand how DAX calculates? Or when the results of your DAX functions are different as expected? Do you have a difficult business question, but you do not know where to start to solve it? Or do you feel there is so much more to discover in DAX? If one of these questions triggers you, then this Post conference session is for you.
In one day, you get a deep and profound knowledge in the working of DAX functions: you also learn how to use DAX functions in business cases. In this Post Conference session, we take you on a tour in how to get the most out of DAX. We start by explaining the different contexts of DAX functions. Understanding the different contexts is the key to an effective use of DAX in your Power BI model. Context belongs therefore to the core fundamentals of DAX. Then we take a DAX deep dive into two business cases. where we thoroughly use the different contexts to solve the business problems.
The program of this day:
• Introduction
• Context and the way DAX functions behave.
• Business case #1: a real estate portfolio. In this business case we show you (financial) metrics to analyze the future of investments. We introduce what-if parameters in conjunction with complex DAX functions.
• Business case #2: intercompany business. During this session, we show two core business challenges: intercompany business and consolidated views. In this part we need to dive deep into the context of -tailor-made- DAX functions to get the required results.
On top of this program, during the day we will show you a couple of secret strategies in how to approach extreme and advanced DAX analyses.
Best practice Power Query en
Power Query seems to be the easiest way to do ETL. Just click in the ribbon and your data and your data is automatically cleaned. Things get more complicated when you need more queries for your model. If you don't create structure, queries tend to get messy.
This session is all about structuring your M-language queries. Using groups, local and global parameters, documentations in the M-language statement creates a profound structure. Before you know, you create small, but beautiful M-code. This session is not rocket-science, but we like to trigger your common sense and bring you the ability to get and write better, more efficient queries.
Advanced Security scenario’s in Power BI nl
Het gebruik van Power BI neemt snel toe. Steeds meer organisaties zetten Power BI in en ook het aantal gebruikers binnen organisaties groeit. Vraagstukken rondom databeveiliging zijn altijd al een belangrijk onderwerp, maar worden met een toenemend aantal gebruikers steeds belangrijker. Hoe zorg je ervoor dat gebruikers toegang hebben tot de informatie die ze nodig hebben? En, zeker tegen de achtergrond van strenge privacyrichtlijnen als AVG (GDPR): hoe scherm je gegevens af van mensen die geen toegang mogen hebben?
In Power BI is veel aandacht besteed aan informatiebeveiliging. In sommige gevallen is hierbij (SQL Server of Azure) Analysis Services nodig. In deze deep dive leer je stap voor stap alles over de verschillende aspecten van beveiliging in en rond Power BI. Daarbij gaan we ook in op de vraag hoe je deze beveiliging beheersbaar inregelt voor grotere aantallen gebruikers via Active Directory.
Ook niet-technische georiënteerde gebruikers kunnen de informatie uit deep-dive sessie gebruiken om beveiligingsstrategieën samen te stellen.
Implementing Next-level Calculations with DAX Table Functions en
Table functions are an advanced part of the DAX language. They're not always easy to use but enable all kinds of advanced calculations based on data; like extrapolation.
This sessions introduces you to the concepts of DAX table functions. We cover topics like context in table functions, using table functions for filtering, and designing for performance.
Advanced Interaction in Power BI Visual Reports en
Power BI visual reports depend on interaction to focus on the most important insights, while enabling users to dive deeper into detailed information. The challenge with many Power BI models is that they offer many different insights, which easily leads to an overkill of interaction options in a report. How do we help report users to keep their focus while offering lots of interaction?
This session covers several techniques to implement advanced interaction to help users navigate all insights provided. These include field parameters, conditional button actions, and dynamic drill through, among others.
Solving complex equations with DAX en
DAX is capable of far more than you may think. This session shows you some of the extreme power of DAX. Using the mathematics of long-term financial investments, we will show that some insights are easy to establish with rather straightforward DAX functions. Other insights, however, involve mathematically hard calculations; like the answer to the question: what is the minimum rent to make a long-term investment viable? Answering this involves solving a complex mathematical equation, which is normally done by an iterative algorithm. We show you how to approach this in DAX.
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