Monica Brandeis
OSM data quality activist, Analyst Team Lead
Monica Brandis has a doctorate in GIS Data Management and Volunteered Geographic Information. In base map development, her work is focused on global data pipeline process improvement for quality and accuracy. She is a GIS analyst by training and is passionate about all things data. She leads many aspects of technical team development at Locana and is particularly adept at leading any and all projects related to OSM and beyond.
OSM Trail compatibility with Curated Trail Data: A Case Study in Washington State
The US OSM community and working groups have encountered issues distinguishing social and official trails in OSM and they have outlined a trail tagging schema to identify official trails. A pilot study with the state of Washington will investigate how OSM and trail datasets curated and published by government entities can complement each other for greater enrichment of OSM trails. The first phase involves analyzing the compatibility of OSM trails with these curated datasets, comparing GIS trail data from different sources. If highly compatible, a data pipeline will be created to enrich the GIS data with attributes from the curated data. This will result in a more comprehensive resource for outdoor enthusiasts to download and utilize, enhancing their experience.
OSM quality assurance review - error detection tools
The flexible data schema of OSM lends itself to a questionable data quality, which is often highlighted by people with limited knowledge about the OSM. Map errors in OSM are most often attributed to improper tag combinations or diverse mapping practices from people around the world. To spot map errors, a group of people is dedicated to developing error detection tools for the OSM community
With countless error detection tools available today we often ask ourselves which one we should use? To answer this question we prepare to review the most commonly used error detection tools and present the findings at SotM US. Our approach includes creating a profile for each tool with the same coding schema with a synthesis of the similarity and differences among these tools. We will also investigate if the tool is easy to use and how can it be applied. Through our research, we hope to trigger a broader discussion and support the community by publishing results to the OSM wiki.
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