Nela Dunato
Brand Identity Designer & Strategist
Dizajnerica vizualnih komunikacija
Rijeka, Croatia
Nela Dunato is an artist, designer, writer, and teacher from Croatia. She’s been working as a graphic designer since 2005, and has started her own design consultancy in 2013. Her focus is helping passion-driven businesses to create expressive brand identities and exceptional client experiences.
She’s the author of the book “The Human Centered Brand” that teaches service based business owners and creatives how to create an authentic brand and grow meaningful relationships with their clients.
She also teaches design as a course instructor, leads in-person workshops, and speaks at events. She’s been writing articles about art, design, marketing, business, and creativity for over a decade.
Nela Dunato je umjetnica, dizajnerica, predavačica i spisateljica iz Rijeke. Dizajnom se profesionalno bavi od 2005. godine, a 2013. pokrenula je vlastiti dizajn studio s fokusom na pomaganje vlasnicima malih tvrtki u razvoju atraktivnih vizualnih identiteta.
Autorica je knjige “The Human Centered Brand” koja educira vlasnike malih tvrtki pružatelja usluga kako da stvore autentičan brend i bolje se povežu sa svojim klijentima.
Nela također održava radionice iz područja dizajna i marketinga te redovito piše članke o umjetnosti, dizajnu, brendingu, poduzetništvu i kreativnosti. Nekoliko godina predavala je tečaj grafičkog dizajna na Pučkom otvorenom učilištu Algebra.
Area of Expertise
Build a Product Based on Values
We're encouraged to focus on objective, measurable, numeric data to make better decisions – but we're human beings, not robots. Knowing what your core values are and keeping them top of mind can result in designing better products, maintaining harmonious customer and team relationships, as well as creating a more unique and effective branding and marketing strategy.
If you’re looking for a way to add more meaning to your strategic and day-to-day work, this workshop will guide you in the process of discovering your own company core values, and offer methods of evaluating business and design decisions that you can share with your own team.
Move It Forward Rijeka – sigurne i osnaŽENE
Speaker on a mini tech conference for women
Ladies of New Business
Online conference for women in business. The theme of this edition was "Leadership in a time of crisis".
I was one of four panelists speaking on the topic of financing projects during a time of crisis.
Wave 4 Tourism
Speaker and panelist. Talk title: "More than sun and sea: how to highlight the uniqueness of a tourist brand?"
Online conference organized as a fundraiser to help Croatian earthquake victims.
ACE! conference
Build a Product Based on Values
The life of a digital creator is riddled with decisions.
- How do you decide which new features to implement, and which ones to ignore?
- How do you select the customers or clients you’d enjoy working with?
- How do you choose an employee who is the best fit for your team?
We’re encouraged to focus on objective, measurable, numeric data to make better decisions – but we’re human beings, not robots. Leading a meaningful and satisfying career requires much more than getting paid well, or meeting ambitious goals. We also need to honor our true values. Knowing what your core values are and keeping them top of mind can result in designing better products, maintaining harmonious customer and team relationships, as well as creating a more unique and effective branding and marketing strategy. If you’re looking for a way to add more meaning to your work, this talk offers ideas, examples, and prompts to get you started.
Video: https://vimeo.com/347031274
Creative Tourism Lab
My half-day workshop “Branding in the Travel Industry” was a part of the 6-week incubation program for startups in the tourism industry.
Lean on Yourself – Lean In Circle Osijek
The Lean on Yourself Conference, organized by Lean in Osijek, aims to encourage women to start their own business, by leaning on their own abilities, skills and talent.
I lead a short workshop on branding yourself and your business.
Rikon 2018 Sessionize Event
Digital Olympus
Human Centered Branding: The Key to Marketing with Authenticity
Branding approaches that are typically taught in books and universities are designed for corporations and startups. Unfortunately, they don’t work so well for service oriented businesses, such as creative agencies and freelancers. Marketing consultants need to pay attention to these differences when managing other people’s brands, as well as maintaining their own brand. Today’s consumers are well educated and have more options at their fingertips than ever. They can smell manipulation and dishonesty from a mile away.
Businesses need to change their approach to branding and marketing if they want to grow a loyal audience. Human centered branding excels where corporate and personal branding both fall short. In this talk, you’ll get practical tips on how to grow a relationship-focused business and connect with your clients on a deeper level. And if your clients are service based businesses as well, you’ll learn an indispensable framework that will transform your approach to marketing.
Stress Free Systems Summer School
Online workshop for a community of small business owners: "Create a Resonant, Remarkable & Sustainable Brand"
WordCamp Europe
The Human-Centered Brand
Branding advice for corporations and startups doesn’t work for service-oriented businesses, such as freelancers and agencies. Human centered branding excels where corporate and personal branding both fall short. In this talk, you’ll get practical tips on how to grow a relationship-focused business with an authentic brand that you not only put on during the working hours, but are able to live by 24/7.
Video: https://wordpress.tv/2018/07/13/nela-dunato-the-human-centered-brand-2/
Project Management Meetup Zagreb 2018.2
Talk and panel: How to encourage constructive design feedback
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kotc_W13tGM
WebCamp Zagreb
Logo Design Crash Course
Become a better logo designer – learn how to create symbols that attract attention.
Logo design skills open up more revenue opportunities for you, as well as a way to make a lasting impact on the businesses you work with and literally leave a mark.
The job of the logo designer is highly responsible, because the lifespan of a logo is much longer than that of a website design, app interface or an advertising campaign. This workshop offers the information and action steps for creating original, eye-catching symbols that break language barriers and instantly communicate ideas.
WordCamp Zagreb
The Human-Centered Brand
Branding advice for corporations and startups doesn’t work for service-oriented businesses, such as freelancers and agencies. Human-centered branding excels where corporate and personal branding both fall short. In this talk, you’ll get practical tips on how to grow a relationship-focused business with an authentic brand that you not only put on during the working hours, but are able to live by 24/7.
Voted Best Speaker Award by the audience
Video: https://wordpress.tv/2017/12/20/nela-dunato-the-human-centered-brand/
WordCamp London
Ending Design Revision Hell
Design is easy to see, and this makes it an easy target to shoot down by anyone and everyone. Bad design process leads to many problems, such as matters of personal taste determining the outcome of the project, and endless revisions that postpone the website launch date. In this presentation you’ll learn the two biggest mistakes designers and other professionals make in their process, and how to fix them so your design concepts get accepted faster.
Video: http://wordpress.tv/2017/06/06/nela-dunato-ending-design-revision-hell/
Career Booster
Razvoj osobnog brenda
WebCamp Zagreb
End Design Revision Hell
Learn the two biggest mistakes professionals make in their design process, and how to fix them so your concepts get accepted faster.
Design is easy to see, and this makes it an easy target to shoot down by anyone and everyone. Bad design process leads to many problems, such as matters of personal taste determining the outcome of the project, and endless revisions that postpone the website launch date. In this presentation you'll learn the two biggest mistakes designers and other professionals make in their process, and how to fix them so your design concepts get accepted faster.
Video: https://youtu.be/SAvrM6z9f4o
WebTalks Rijeka Meetup
Blogovi i content marketing za freelancere
“Postolareva djeca idu bosa” kažu, pa tako i mi web profesionalci nerijetko imamo zapuštene stranice na kojima se sadržaj osvježava svake prijestupne – što je prava šteta, jer je sadržajni marketing jedan od najefikasnijih načina da se uspješno prezentirate pred potencijalnim klijentima, povećate svoj ugled i dobijete nove, zanimljive prilike.
Na ovom predavanju čut ćete koje su sve koristi od redovitog pisanja članaka za web, najčešće isprike zašto ne pišemo te odgovor na paralizirajuće pitanje “O čemu da pišem?” Za kraj, dobit ćete i pregršt savjeta i tehnika kako da pokrenete, održavate i promovirate svog blog uz što manji trošak vremena i živaca.
WordCamp Split
End Design Revision Hell
Design is easy to see, and this makes it an easy target to shoot down by anyone and everyone. Bad design process leads to many problems, such as matters of personal taste determining the outcome of the project, and endless revisions that postpone the website launch date. In this presentation you’ll learn the two biggest mistakes designers and other professionals make in their process, and how to fix them so your design concepts get accepted faster.
Voted Best Speaker Award by the audience
10. WordPress Meetup Zagreb
Blogovi i content marketing za freelancere
“Postolareva djeca idu bosa” kažu, pa tako i mi web profesionalci nerijetko imamo zapuštene stranice na kojima se sadržaj osvježava svake prijestupne – što je prava šteta, jer je content marketing jedan od najefikasnijih načina da se uspješno prezentirate pred potencijalnim klijentima, povećate svoj ugled i dobijete nove, zanimljive prilike. Na ovom predavanju čut ćete koje su sve koristi od redovitog pisanja članaka za web, najčešće isprike zašto ne pišemo te odgovor na paralizirajuće pitanje “O čemu da pišem?” Za kraj, dobit ćete i pregršt savjeta i tehnika kako da pokrenete, održavate i promovirate svog blog uz što manji trošak vremena i živaca.
Video: https://meduza.carnet.hr/index.php/media/watch/9057
Eurocon 2012
Panel on Sci-Fi art with Milivoj Ćeran, Bella Pagan, and Aleksandar Žiljak, moderated by Pavle Zelić.
"Since the publication of the first pulp novels, cover illustration was essential part of the success of each book. But the background of the fantastic art is much wider, and this panel will try to address the famous artists that paved way for the Frazzetta, Vallejo, Giger and Moebius. We will try to point out conventions and the artist who created and broke them, and finally, give insight in the process of the producing such art."

Nela Dunato
Brand Identity Designer & Strategist
Rijeka, Croatia
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