
Nikhil Soni

Nikhil Soni

InfinityVerse, Founder, Mentor, Expert, Educator and Researcher

इन्फिनिटीवर्स, संस्थापक, सलाहकार, विशेषज्ञ, शिक्षक और शोधकर्ता

Bhopāl, India


Nikhil is Founder of InfinityVerse, Entrepreneurship Mentor for NASDAQ, Amazon Influencer, Recognized Apple Swift Teacher, Freelance User Researcher & Xbox Technical Support Expert at Microsoft, Product Enthusiast at Sony North America, GATE CS, IIT JEE Physics Chemistry Math Educator at Unacademy, Micro-Entrepreneur at Vedantu, Google Product Expert, User Experience Researcher, Firebase Customer Advisory Council Member for Google, Aerospace Researcher for OrbitX, ISRO's Space Tutor Organization.

Nikhil is one of the few Indians whose name sent to Jupiter's Moon by NASA's Europa Clipper Mission. Nikhil is only male from Vindhyanchal region whose name was sent to Jupiter Moon Europa by NASA.

Expertise in a variety of technologies, including Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and cloud computing platforms. Strong communication and problem-solving skills.

Founded InfinityVerse, a technology company backed by Google and Microsoft.

Served as CEO of Wooplr, a eCommerce Company founded by IIT Delhi Alumini.

Business Manager at PrepBytes.

Freelanced as a User Researcher, Xbox and Windows Technical Support Expert, Sony Product Expert, Google Cloud Trusted Tester, Google Product Expert, and User Experience Researcher at Microsoft and Google.

Recognized as an Apple Teacher and Apple Swift Teacher by Apple.

Currently serving as a Freelance GATE ESE CS/IT & IIT JEE Physics Educator at Unacademy, Former CS/IT & Physics Expert, Math's Expert, SME for CS/IT, and JEE Mains Expert at various online education platforms.

Former Financial Investigator at Amazon.

Worked as a Talent Acquisition Coordinator for Rural India at SBI, HR at Plavate, and HR Virtual Intern at General Electric (GE).

Worked as an Influencer for Amazon and Tech Influencer for DigitSquad.

Did Virtual Internships as UG & Master Asia Intern at Microsoft, Solution Architect Intern at AWS, Software Engineering Intern at HP Enterprise and Walmart, Token Service Technology Intern at VISA, Data Visualization Intern at Tata Group, Engineering Intern at JPMorgan Chase & Co, GE and Goldman Sachs, Agile Intern at Cognizant, STEM Intern at Deloitte, Developer Intern at Accenture, and Global Consumer Banking Intern at Citibank.

I've Mentored for Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, ECell IIT Bombay, Newchip Accelerator.

* Recognized as a preferred expert once a week each month for the entire year as an Xbox Support Expert.
* Earned Silver, Bronze, and Chatterbox achievement badges throughout the year and got Certified as skilled in knowing and handling customer expected behavior via empathy, effective communication, accountability, and resourcefulness as a Windows Support Expert by Microsoft.
* Led my startup, InfinityVerse, to be ranked among the Top 10 Companies 2023-2024: Unveiled Leading the Future of Business and Innovation!
* Secured partnerships with Microsoft for Startup Founders Hub and Google for Startup Cloud AI, which provided up to $748,000 in funding credits.

If we discuss only experience:-
Please refer to About section of my LinkedIn profile.

निखिल इनफिनिटीवर्स के संस्थापक, NASDAQ के लिए उद्यमिता सलाहकार, Amazon के प्रभावशाली व्यक्ति, मान्यता प्राप्त Apple Swift शिक्षक, Microsoft में स्वतंत्र उपयोगकर्ता शोधकर्ता और Xbox तकनीकी सहायता विशेषज्ञ, Sony North America में उत्पाद उत्साही, GATE CS, Unacademy में IIT JEE भौतिकी रसायन विज्ञान गणित शिक्षक, Vedantu में माइक्रो-उद्यमी, Google उत्पाद विशेषज्ञ, उपयोगकर्ता अनुभव शोधकर्ता, Google के लिए Firebase ग्राहक सलाहकार परिषद के सदस्य, OrbitX के लिए एयरोस्पेस शोधकर्ता, ISRO के अंतरिक्ष ट्यूटर संगठन हैं।

निखिल उन कुछ भारतीयों में से एक हैं जिनका नाम NASA के यूरोपा क्लिपर मिशन द्वारा बृहस्पति के चंद्रमा पर भेजा गया था।

Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, Android और क्लाउड कंप्यूटिंग प्लेटफ़ॉर्म सहित विभिन्न तकनीकों में विशेषज्ञता। मज़बूत संचार और समस्या-समाधान कौशल।

Google और Microsoft द्वारा समर्थित प्रौद्योगिकी कंपनी InfinityVerse की स्थापना की।

IIT दिल्ली एल्युमिनी द्वारा स्थापित ईकॉमर्स कंपनी Wooplr के CEO के रूप में कार्य किया।

प्रीपबाइट्स में बिजनेस मैनेजर।

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट और गूगल में यूजर रिसर्चर, एक्सबॉक्स और विंडोज टेक्निकल सपोर्ट एक्सपर्ट, सोनी प्रोडक्ट एक्सपर्ट, गूगल क्लाउड ट्रस्टेड टेस्टर, गूगल प्रोडक्ट एक्सपर्ट और यूजर एक्सपीरियंस रिसर्चर के रूप में फ्रीलांस काम किया।

एप्पल द्वारा एप्पल टीचर और एप्पल स्विफ्ट टीचर के रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त।

वर्तमान में अनएकेडमी में फ्रीलांस गेट ईएसई सीएस/आईटी और आईआईटी जेईई फिजिक्स एजुकेटर, पूर्व सीएस/आईटी और फिजिक्स एक्सपर्ट, मैथ्स एक्सपर्ट, सीएस/आईटी के लिए एसएमई और विभिन्न ऑनलाइन शिक्षा प्लेटफॉर्म पर जेईई मेन्स एक्सपर्ट के रूप में काम कर रहे हैं।

अमेजन में पूर्व वित्तीय अन्वेषक।

एसबीआई में ग्रामीण भारत के लिए टैलेंट एक्विजिशन कोऑर्डिनेटर, प्लावेट में एचआर और जनरल इलेक्ट्रिक (जीई) में एचआर वर्चुअल इंटर्न के रूप में काम किया।

अमेजन के लिए इन्फ्लुएंसर और डिजिटस्क्वाड के लिए टेक इन्फ्लुएंसर के रूप में काम किया।

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट में यूजी और मास्टर एशिया इंटर्न, एडब्ल्यूएस में सॉल्यूशन आर्किटेक्ट इंटर्न, एचपी एंटरप्राइज और वॉलमार्ट में सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियरिंग इंटर्न, वीज़ा में टोकन सर्विस टेक्नोलॉजी इंटर्न, टाटा ग्रुप में डेटा विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन इंटर्न, जेपी मॉर्गन चेस एंड कंपनी, जीई और गोल्डमैन सैक्स में इंजीनियरिंग इंटर्न, कॉग्निजेंट में एजाइल इंटर्न, डेलोइट में एसटीईएम इंटर्न, एक्सेंचर में डेवलपर इंटर्न और सिटीबैंक में ग्लोबल कंज्यूमर बैंकिंग इंटर्न के रूप में वर्चुअल इंटर्नशिप की।

मैंने नैस्डैक एंटरप्रेन्योरियल सेंटर, ईसेल आईआईटी बॉम्बे, न्यूचिप एक्सेलेरेटर के लिए मेंटरिंग की है।

* पूरे साल के लिए हर महीने एक बार एक पसंदीदा विशेषज्ञ के रूप में पहचाना गया, जो कि Xbox सपोर्ट एक्सपर्ट के रूप में है।
* पूरे साल सिल्वर, ब्रॉन्ज और चैटरबॉक्स अचीवमेंट बैज अर्जित किए और Microsoft द्वारा विंडोज सपोर्ट एक्सपर्ट के रूप में सहानुभूति, प्रभावी संचार, जवाबदेही और संसाधनशीलता के माध्यम से ग्राहक अपेक्षित व्यवहार को जानने और संभालने में कुशल के रूप में प्रमाणित किया गया।
* अपने स्टार्टअप, इनफिनिटीवर्स को 2023-2024 की शीर्ष 10 कंपनियों में स्थान दिलाया: व्यवसाय और नवाचार के भविष्य का नेतृत्व करने का अनावरण किया!

* स्टार्टअप फाउंडर्स हब के लिए माइक्रोसॉफ्ट और स्टार्टअप क्लाउड एआई के लिए गूगल के साथ भागीदारी हासिल की, जिससे फंडिंग क्रेडिट में $748,000 तक की राशि मिली।

अगर हम केवल अनुभव पर चर्चा करें:-
कृपया मेरे लिंक्डइन प्रोफाइल के अबाउट सेक्शन को देखें।

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Finance & Banking
  • Government, Social Sector & Education
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneur
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Careers & Entrepreneurship
  • The Entrepreneurial Journey in AI: Building a Top-Tier Tech Agency
  • Technical Coaching
  • Opportunities in Technical Writing
  • technical documentation
  • Technical Leadership

Gemini 2.0: A Game-Changer for Businesses and Developers ~Founders & Google Trust Tester Perspective

Dive deep into the world of Google Gemini 2.0, a groundbreaking AI model that's reshaping industries. This session will explore how businesses can leverage Gemini 2.0 to drive innovation, streamline operations, and enhance customer experiences. We'll delve into real-world applications, from automating tasks to generating creative content. As a Google Trusted Tester, I'll share firsthand insights into the capabilities and limitations of this powerful tool. Join us to uncover the potential of Gemini 2.0 and learn how to harness its power for your business.

Navigating the Cloud: Leadership Lessons from the Startup Trenches.

Join Nikhil Soni, Founder of InfinityVerse, as he shares invaluable insights on leading a tech startup in the cloud era. This session will explore key leadership strategies, the importance of innovation, and how to leverage cloud technologies for business growth. Attendees will gain practical tips on fostering a culture of creativity and resilience, essential for thriving in today's dynamic tech landscape. Engage in an interactive discussion to elevate your entrepreneurial journey!

Harnessing the Power of the Microsoft Data Platform

In this session, we will delve into the key features and advancements of the Microsoft Data Platform, highlighting how it can transform the way you approach data management and analytics.

We will cover topics such as:
- Azure Data Services: Discover how Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and other data services can help you build scalable and resilient data solutions.
- Power BI: Learn how to harness the power of Power BI for data visualization and business intelligence, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.
- Azure Synapse Analytics: Explore the capabilities of Azure Synapse Analytics in unifying data warehousing and big data analytics, allowing you to gain insights from large and diverse datasets.
- Azure Databricks: Dive into the world of Azure Databricks, a collaborative Apache Spark-based analytics service that simplifies big data processing and machine learning.

Throughout the session, we will share real-world examples and best practices to help you navigate the Microsoft Data Platform effectively.

Join us as we embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of the Microsoft Data Platform and explore how it can revolutionize the way you work with data. This session is open to anyone interested in the Microsoft data ecosystem, regardless of their level of expertise. Together, let's discover the transformative power of data and how it can drive innovation and success in your organization.

Harnessing Microsoft AI: Transforming Security in a Digital Age

As organizations face an increasingly complex threat landscape, the integration of advanced AI technologies is essential to fortify security measures. This session will focus on how Microsoft’s latest AI innovations can be leveraged to enhance security solutions, streamline operations, and proactively mitigate risks.

Key discussion points will include:
- AI-Driven Threat Detection: Explore how Microsoft’s AI capabilities, such as the upgraded Copilot, can analyze vast amounts of security data in real time to identify potential threats before they escalate.
- Automating Security Responses: Learn about the role of automation in security protocols, allowing organizations to respond swiftly to incidents, thereby reducing the window of vulnerability.
- Case Studies of AI in Action: Review real-world examples of organizations successfully implementing Microsoft AI technologies to transform their security frameworks, highlighting significant improvements in efficiency and threat management.
- Future Trends in Security Technology: Gain insights into upcoming AI advancements from Microsoft and how they can shape the future of security, ensuring that businesses remain resilient against evolving threats.

This session is designed for IT professionals, developers, and security enthusiasts eager to understand how to effectively utilize Microsoft’s AI technologies to create a robust security posture in their organizations. Attendees will leave with practical strategies and a vision for integrating AI into their security operations.

Everything about Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub

Here's we'll be knowing about Why and who needs Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub and how it's kind of a bonus and a necessity for a Startups growth and what to keep in mind while using it like do's and don'ts.

Empowering Innovation with HashiCorp: Real-World Applications and Best Practices

In this session, I will explore how HashiCorp tools can revolutionize the way we approach infrastructure and application management. Attendees will learn about real-world use cases from various industries, addressing common challenges faced by practitioners. I will share insights on effective solutions and lessons learned from implementing HashiCorp technologies. Additionally, we will dive into live demos showcasing recommended patterns and practices that can enhance productivity and efficiency within teams.

Empowering Businesses with AI Copilot: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

In an era where artificial intelligence is reshaping the business landscape, this session will delve into the transformative power of AI Copilot tools. Join Nikhil Soni, Founder of InfinityVerse, as he explores practical applications and real-world use cases that demonstrate how AI can optimize business processes and drive innovation.

Attendees will gain insights into:
- Understanding AI Copilot: A comprehensive overview of AI Copilot tools and their functionalities, tailored for various business needs.
- Real-World Applications: Case studies showcasing successful implementations of AI Copilot in diverse sectors, highlighting the tangible benefits and improvements achieved.
- Modernizing Business Processes: Strategies for integrating AI tools into existing workflows, enhancing productivity, and fostering a culture of innovation.
- Interactive Discussion: Engaging the audience in a collaborative dialogue to share experiences, challenges, and solutions related to AI adoption.

This session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to harness the potential of AI Copilot, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and efficiency in their organizations. Join us to be part of the future of business innovation!

Building Data-Driven Businesses: Insights for Founders and Leaders

In this lightning talk, learn how to leverage data effectively to drive business growth and make strategic decisions. As a founder and data enthusiast, I'll share practical tips on integrating tools like Power BI into your business workflows, using data to identify opportunities, streamline operations, and measure success. This session is perfect for entrepreneurs, leaders, and professionals looking to transform raw data into actionable insights that propel their organizations forward.

Microsoft Data Platform Meetup Groningen User group Sessionize Event

December 2024 Groningen, The Netherlands

Experts Live India 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024 Bengaluru, India

Nikhil Soni

InfinityVerse, Founder, Mentor, Expert, Educator and Researcher

Bhopāl, India


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