
Paolo Rotolo

Paolo Rotolo

Android Developer @ Blinkist

Berlin, Germany


I've been fascinated by computers and software since I was young: at 12 I discovered the open-source world, joined the Ubuntu Community and started my journey in the software development magic.
Android developer since 2013 when I bought my first Android phone. I immediately fell in love with the platform and started developing some projects like Numix and libraries like AppIntro and then bringing that passion to work.
Currently working at Blinkist in Berlin.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • android
  • Android Development
  • Kotlin

Brick by Brick: Building Open Source libraries

So you have an idea, and you want to publish a library for it? But where do you start? Doing Open Source is a fine art which requires skill you don’t easily learn on schoolbooks. Creating a new library is like building a new house that people want to live in: you need to start with a great foundation, build your inner walls and then add all the niceties that make your house the best place to live in.

Join us as we share our journey building Open Source Android libraries: we’ll start from tools to help you organize your code, we’ll learn how to publish your libraries publicly and how to effectively maintain them. Throughout this journey, we’ll share our experience maintaining popular Android libraries such as Detekt, Chucker and AppIntro.

A house won’t be a home without someone living inside it, though. As your library won’t be a popular library without a strong community around it. So we’ll have the opportunity to share our insights on building strong communities around Open Source, getting developers together, finding new contributors and dealing with maintainer burnout.

Curious to know how to build a shiny new library brick by brick? Then make sure to don’t miss out this talk, and we can’t wait to see what you all will be building!

A Guide to Android Background Work in 2023

It's hard to keep track each year of the best practices to perform background work on Android: behavior changes targeting new SDK versions, new permissions, new policies, updated tools and libraries.

This talk will examine the most popular types of background work developers could need to run and suggest the appropriate tools, along with some tips learned from developing production apps.

Particular attention will be dedicated to WorkManager's new features and recent platform behavior changes which impact this topic.

After attending this talk you'll know:
- New rules and behavior changes of most newer Android versions regarding background work;
- What Immedate, Long Running, and Deferrable work are and which tools to use for them;
- New features in WorkManager's latest releases;
- Real-life experiences with background jobs consistency around different smartphones vendors;
- Some tips, especially when working with Bluetooth and location in background;

Kotlin Multiplatform for Android/iOS devs

Kotlin è ormai il linguaggio ufficiale per scrivere applicazioni Android. Ultimamente però, il rilascio in Beta di Kotlin Multiplatform ha reso possibili nuovi scenari: una sola codebase per realizzare delle applicazioni Android, iOS e perchè no, magari anche server o desktop.

In questo talk scopriremo insieme le basi di Kotlin Multiplatform, come funziona, e alcuni esempi tratti da situazioni reali di condivisione del codice tra applicazioni Android e iOS.

Se avete già un’app Android scritta in Kotlin, c’è il serio rischio che a fine talk vorrete provare a farla girare anche su altre piattaforme ;)

droidcon London 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 London, United Kingdom

droidcon Italy 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Turin, Italy

DevFest Pisa 2023 Sessionize Event

April 2023 Pisa, Italy


Kotlin Multiplatform for Android & iOS library developers

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile is now in Beta, enabling a whole new series of possibilities to share code between platforms. But sometimes things don't go as planned, especially when using an out-of-the-box multiplatform library on a native iOS project. In this session, we'll talk about what we learned from our experience while porting some Android libraries to Multiplatform ones, with a focus on how it's possible to improve the user experience on Swift when consuming Kotlin Multiplatform artifacts.

February 2023 Brussels, Belgium

DevFest Bari 2022 Sessionize Event

December 2022 Bari, Italy

Come to Code 2022

Session title: The Kotlin Programming Language
They say that Kotlin is a modern programming language that makes developers happier. The Kotlin programming language gained popularity in 2017 when Google announced it as an officially supported language for Android development as an alternative to Java. Now it’s used by 80% of the most popular Android apps and it is also spreading on servers, desktops, and even for native development.
In this talk, we’re going to explore the main features of the language, the reasons why it makes writing code so comfortable (even multiplatform!), and some tricks that will let you rediscover the beauty of programming, on every platform.

October 2022 Pignola, Italy

Flutter Festival Bari 2022

Talk title: State Management in Flutter

La gestione dello stato è un’argomento complesso: specie se sei approdato a Flutter da un framework imperativo (Android, iOS UIKit) hai bisogno di guardare allo sviluppo mobile da una nuova prospettiva. Vedremo insieme perchè alcune vecchie assunzioni in Flutter non valgono più, i principi della programmazione dichiarativa e alcuni approcci per la gestione dello stato a seconda della complessità dell’applicazione.

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/paolorotolo/state-management-in-flutter-flutter-festival-bari

May 2022 Bari, Italy

DevFest Pisa 2020 Sessionize Event

April 2020 Pisa, Italy

Milan Kotlin Community Conf 2019 Sessionize Event

November 2019 Milan, Italy

Kotlin/Everywhere Milano 2019 Sessionize Event

November 2019 Milan, Italy

Paolo Rotolo

Android Developer @ Blinkist

Berlin, Germany


Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.

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