Most Active Speaker

Patrick Koch

Patrick Koch

Cloud Adoption Engineer at AVL List GmbH

Graz, Austria


Cloud Adoption Engineer | Blogger "DevOps Experiences" 🚀 | Speaker | Co-organizer Microsoft Developer User Group Graz | Microsoft MVP | HashiCorp Ambassador


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • DevOps & Automation
  • Software Development
  • Release management
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Containers
  • Azure DevOps
  • Kubernetes
  • cloud
  • Cloud & DevOps
  • Azure
  • Rancher
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Native
  • GitHub
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Cloud Migration
  • Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)
  • Terraform
  • Infrastructure as Code

Deployment of multiple Containers in Azure as Container Instance using Docker Compose

The intention of this session is to explain how deploy multiple Containers in Azure as Container Instance using Docker Compose

Containerize a Legacy Software App and implement Continuous Delivery - A DevOps Progress Report

A legacy software application, which development was launched more than two decades ago and which is used by almost all major manufacturer of the automotive industry, experienced significant changes during the last years:
Agile software development was introduced, the application was promoted to a strategic platform product of the company. In addition the „first generation“ of just three developers was extended to three agile teams and an attempt was made to go towards to DevOps. This is the starting point at which we began our journey, as „new generation“ of the development, responsible for establishing agile software development for the very first time and for implementing a powerful, stable and state of the art continuous delivery pipeline almost from the scratch. The next challenge was to take advantage of containers: deploying to containers, using it for the infrastructure, ...
So, how does the transition of the infrastructure towards to DevOps and to containerization look like - considering these preconditions? Which DevOps metrices could be measured and improved?
This story is intended as a progress report: it is about the strategies and their successes/failures, told from the perspective of a Product Owner and of a DevOps Engineer.

Common cloud migration pain paints and how to tackle them

There are different obstacles, that you’re facing when starting almost from scratch with the cloud migration of your application. They are related to architectural aspects: what about the structure, what about the components of the microservice, which has to be established in the cloud? Which services of the cloud provider should be used, e.g. serverless services or a Kubernetes service? They are related to technical issues - probably common mistakes, for example, inappropriate deployment rules of workloads, scheduling problems of Kubernetes pods, wrong or missing policy settings for pulling container images, etc. They can be referred to as financial aspects: what costs can be expected after implementing a minimum viable product or in the future by hosting a productive environment for your customer?
Which problems could be overcome by using infrastructure as code?

I’ve faced several of those issues and would like to reveal my approaches by providing explanations with regard to real implementations.

Benefits of using Infrastructure as Code for your Cloud-Native Approach

Why is the usage of 'Infrastructure as Code' essential, if you would like to adopt a cloud-native approach?
This talk is about explaining several benefits and why you need to automate your cloud infrastructure for enabling a modern way of developing and hosting software applications in the cloud.
This session contains a live demonstration of how fast a resource such as an Azure Kubernetes Cluster can be provisioned using a Terraform configuration.

Azure Spring Clean 2024 Sessionize Event

March 2024


Title: "Common Cloud Migration Pain Points and How to Overcome Them - Based On Practical Experience"

There are different obstacles, respectively challenges that you’re facing when starting almost from scratch with the cloud migration of your application. They are related to architectural aspects. What about the structure? What about the components of the microservice, which have to be established in the cloud? Which services of the cloud provider should be used, e.g. Serverless services or a Kubernetes service? They are related to technical issues. There are probably common mistakes, for example, inappropriate deployment rules of workloads, scheduling problems of Kubernetes pods, wrong or missing policy settings for pulling container images, etc. They can be referred to as financial aspects. What costs can be expected after implementing a minimum viable product or in the future by hosting a productive environment for your customer? I’ve faced several of those issues and would like to reveal my approaches by providing explanations with regard to real implementations.

December 2023 Munich, Germany

DevOpsCon 2023

Title: "Common Cloud Migration Pain Points and How to Overcome Them - Based On Practical Experience"

There are different obstacles, respectively challenges that you’re facing when starting almost from scratch with the cloud migration of your application. They are related to architectural aspects. What about the structure? What about the components of the microservice, which have to be established in the cloud? Which services of the cloud provider should be used, e.g. Serverless services or a Kubernetes service? They are related to technical issues. There are probably common mistakes, for example, inappropriate deployment rules of workloads, scheduling problems of Kubernetes pods, wrong or missing policy settings for pulling container images, etc. They can be referred to as financial aspects. What costs can be expected after implementing a minimum viable product or in the future by hosting a productive environment for your customer? I’ve faced several of those issues and would like to reveal my approaches by providing explanations with regard to real implementations.

December 2023 Munich, Germany

DevOpsCon 2023

Title "DevOps Exchange"
Sharing my knowledge about migrating to Azure and using Infrastructure as Code with speakers and attendees of the DevOpsCon 2023 in Munich during a panel discussion

December 2023 Munich, Germany

Festive Tech Calendar 2023 Sessionize Event

December 2023

HashiDays 2023

Title: "Migration of a containerized legacy application to the cloud"

From legacy to the cloud of a 30-year-old application used in the automotive industry. Who was the main driver, what was the result, and how did we use IaC?

October 2023 Munich, Germany


Title: "Common Cloud Migration Pain Points and how to overcome them"

June 2023 Bucharest, Romania

Global Azure Austria 2023

Title "Benefits of using Infrastructure as Code for your Cloud-Native Approach"

Why is the usage of 'Infrastructure as Code' essential, if you would like to adopt a cloud-native approach?
This talk is about explaining several benefits and why you need to automate your cloud infrastructure for enabling a modern way of developing and hosting software applications in the cloud.
This session contains a live demonstration of how fast a resource such as an Azure Kubernetes Cluster can be provisioned using a Terraform configuration.

May 2023


Title: "Common Cloud Migration Pain Points and how to overcome them"

There are different obstacles, respectively challenges which you’re facing when starting almost from scratch with the cloud migration of your application.They are related to architectural aspects: what about the structure, what about the components of the microservice, which has to be established in the cloud? Which services of the cloud provider should be used, e.g. Serverless services or a Kubernetes service? They are related to technical issues - probably common mistakes, as example: inappropriate deployment rules of workloads, scheduling problems of Kubernetes pods, wrong or missing policy settings for pulling container images, etc. They can be referred to financial aspects: what costs can be expected after implementing a minimum viable product or in future by hosting a productive environment for your customer? I’ve faced several of those issues and would like to reveal my approaches by providing explanations with regard to real implementations.

April 2023 London, United Kingdom

GoTech World 2022

Title of the lecture: Common Cloud Migration Pain Points and how to overcome them

November 2022 Bucharest, Romania

Global Big Data Conference 2022

Title of the lecture: Migration of a containerized legacy application to the cloud

July 2022

DevOps Fusion

Title of the lecture: Migration of a containerized legacy application to the cloud

June 2022 Zürich, Switzerland

Scale Up - Microservices Software Architectures

Title: Migration of a containerized legacy application to the cloud

June 2022

Global Azure Austria 2022 Sessionize Event

May 2022

Global Azure Austria 2022

Migration of a containerized legacy application to the cloud

A classic legacy desktop application is usually not designed to operate in the cloud, not even as a container. Nevertheless, you can’t refuse cloud adoption and the need for scaling your resources on demand - if you want to continue to be successful and open up new business areas. That’s why we took the plunge with our MS Windows-based monolith, whose development began more than two decades ago. The start of the changeover raised more questions than answers.

• Which (new) technology services will be included in our technology stack?
• How far will we come within a year?
• Who is the main driver regarding our efforts towards to cloud migration and scalability?
• Which obstacles will we face?

This is (among others) what we are trying to answer.

May 2022

The DEVOPS Conference


Learn how to migrate a containerized legacy application in the cloud, and how it improves your DevOps. You will get a demo on using cloud resources, e.g. K8s cluster and their provisioning.

A classic legacy desktop application is usually not designed to operate in a cloud services environment, not even as a container. But you can’t refuse adopting cloud if you want to continue to be successful and open up new business areas. That’s why we took the plunge with our MS Windows-based monolith, whose development began more than two decades ago. The start of the changeover raised more questions than answers. Besides the architectural challenge, we also had to face an organizational challenge: From waterfall to agile software development using an enterprise framework.

In this presentation we will go through the steps we took regarding technology/implementation (and why), how far have we already come, which tasks are still pending, and what obstacles we have had to overcome.

March 2022

Meetup - K8s Stammtisch Graz

Migration of a containerized legacy application to the cloud

A classic legacy desktop application is usually not designed to operate in the cloud, not even as a container. Nevertheless, you can’t refuse cloud adoption and the need for scaling your resources on demand - if you want to continue to be successful and open up new business areas. That’s why we took the plunge with our MS Windows-based monolith, whose development began more than two decades ago. The start of the changeover raised more questions than answers.

• Which (new) technology services will be included in our technology stack?
• How far will we come within a year?
• Who is the main driver regarding our efforts towards to cloud migration and scalability?
• Which obstacles will we face?

This is (among others) what we are trying to answer.

February 2022 Graz, Austria

Agile Testing Days

Lecture and Workshop with Title "Migration of a containerized legacy application to the cloud"

November 2021 Potsdam, Germany

Scale Up 360 - Auto Code - Better Automotive Software Fall Europe

Title: Container orchestration within the cloud of applications used in the automotive industry

September 2021

AutoCode - Better Automotive Software

Title (en): "Containerize a Legacy Software Application and implement Continuous Delivery – A DevOps Progress Report"

March 2021


Title: (en) "Containerize a Legacy Software Application and implement Continuous Delivery – A DevOps Progress Report"

November 2020 Berlin, Germany

Autonomous Vehicle Software Code

Title: (en) "Containerize a Legacy Software Application and implement Continuous Delivery"
Chairman and Speaker

September 2020

Agile Graz Meetup: DevOps and Legacy Software

Title: (de) "Aufbau einer Continuous-Delivery-Pipeline für eine Plattform Applikation als DevOps-Ansatz: Ein Erfahrungsbericht"

September 2019 Graz, Austria

Test Automation Day

Title: (en) "Implementation of a Continuous Delivery Pipeline for a Platform Application as a DevOps Approach: A Progress Report"

June 2019 Utrecht, The Netherlands

Software Quality Days 2019

Title: (de) "Aufbau einer Continuous-Delivery-Pipeline für eine Plattform Applikation als DevOps-Ansatz: Ein Erfahrungsbericht"
Title: (en) "Implementation of a Continuous Delivery Pipeline for a Platform Application as a DevOps Approach: A Progress Report"

January 2019 Vienna, Austria

Meetup - Test Automation

Best practice about how to create an automated GUI test with the Ranorex Framework for a Desktop Application.

March 2018 Graz, Austria

Patrick Koch

Cloud Adoption Engineer at AVL List GmbH

Graz, Austria


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