
Paweł Łukaszuk

Paweł Łukaszuk

Technical Leader, Senior Software Developer .NET

Białystok, Poland


Experienced software developer. Specialist in web technologies built with .NET platform, novice security engineer and leader of one-man teams.
Created projects for financial, e-commerce, travel & expense, energy and medical industry.
Big fan of work organization and automation. Believes that the processes and tools should be adapted to the situation instead of the opposite way.
Regularly performs at meetups and conferences. During weekends teaches new generation of programmers.
Free time spends on a shooting range, hiking in the forest or reading books.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Software Development
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Craftsmanship
  • .NET
  • .NET (Core) development
  • Node
  • NodeJS
  • Deno
  • IT Security
  • Programming
  • Programming Languages
  • Database
  • Databases
  • SQL
  • C#
  • functional programming
  • Web Development
  • .NET Backend
  • Backend Developer
  • Web API
  • Web Performance
  • .NET Patterns & Practices
  • IT Leadership
  • Leadership

Tips, tricks and quirks in .NET

.NET is a powerful and flexible platform with many mechanisms that can significantly increase productivity. A limited
understanding of its details, however, can prove to be fraught with consequences. During my work, I have seen many situations
where something did not work as expected. It turned out. that the information on blogs or courses was 99% correct, and I
was hitting that forgotten 1%. On this presentation a few such cases.
I will also debunk few really popular interview questions which we used to answer wrong.

Passwordless Web 1.5

You've been using passwords forever. In fact, you've never liked them. As a user, you had no choice, and as a developer, you had no real alternatives. Until now.

In this session, we will explore the evolution of digital security, highlighting the significant drawbacks of passwords, such as susceptibility to breaches, phishing, and poor user experience. I will introduce passkeys, explaining how they leverage public key cryptography to provide a more secure and user-friendly authentication method. I will also discuss the technical underpinnings of implementation.

Migration to nowhere

Cloud is amazing. It's fast, reliable and flexible. Starting brand new application in cloud is incredible easy.
But moving existing solution to cloud...
...well that's a different story.
Many consultants say that it's easy - first lift and shift and then go cloud native. I wish it was so simple.
In this talk I will share my experience from few migration projects. Believe me - this won't be happy story. Because changing everything without breaking anything is hard.
This will be story full of "I wish I knew back then..." so you don't fall into same traps as me.

Fundamental web-security flaws

On prepared website we will jointly look for simple vulnerabilities left by 'novice' programmers, e.g. SQL injections, incorrect of backend validation of forms, listing of folder contents, broken access control and many others.

Workshop for novice web security enthusiasts
Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

When 0 and 1 are not enough

What if we throw away old x86 and switch for quantum computers?
The Quantum Revolution, until recently so distant, is now within reach.
Explore the amazing world of quantum computing with me. Find out that today you can write programs without zeros and ones.

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

Speaker's toolbox

Delivering an effective speech or presentation requires more than just a great topic and amazing speaking skills. Professional speakers use a variety of tools and software to improve their presentations and engage their audiences.
In this presentation, I will introduce you to my toolbox and offer tips how I used it effectively.

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

Unboxing Deno

New framework from the creator of Node.js was supposed to be faster, more secure and more convenient to use on a daily basis than its predecessor.
How many of these promises have been kept? What is the status of the project? What are the strengths and weaknesses? Will it find its place on the JavaScript backend, where Node.js has reigned for years?
And the most important: is Deno really ready for production?

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

Small things we got wrong in .NET

.NET is a powerful and flexible platform with many mechanisms and paradigms that can greatly improve productivity.
Having a limited understanding of its details can backfire. During my work I have seen multiple situations when something works not the way it was expected. It turned out that information in blogs or courses was correct in 99% and I came across this forgotten 1%
In this talk I will show few such cases.

Preffered time: 35 - 60 mins

Passwordless Web

You have a password for your phone, computer, mail, facebook, github, linkedin, bank ... and a hundred other sites.
Are they all complicated, unique and do you change them regularly? Do your app users do in the same way?
Or would it be better to get rid of passwords once and for all?
It's quite simple, sit back for a moment and listen to how to do it.

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

Data-Driven Governance

Big (red) Brother is watching You!
Only in China so far, but it's not clear what the future will bring.

For many years Chinese government has been implementing tools and algorithms to evaluate citizens.
A lot of myths have grown up around this venture. Some say it is the beginning of the Orwellian world of full control, others say it is the answer to the growing needs of the moment.
During the presentation we will take a closer look at this one of the biggest data science projects in history.

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

Inconvenient truth about passwords

Passwords are one element of our digital security. There are a lot of myths and lies about them, meanwhile a lot of seamingly good pieces of advice is outdated.
In this presentation, I will talk how the world of passwords looks like in 2023. What the rules for creating and managing them should be. How to embrace hundreds of passwords and not go crazy. Why passwords leak and how to limit the damage from leaks.

Preferred time: 25 - 60 mins

Secret Life of Algorithms

Have you ever wondered why your search results are as you see them?
How are the recommended Facebook entries selected?
What really determines your credit decision?
Computers, programs and algorithms surround us. They make our lives easier, but at what price?
During my presentation I will present few algorithms which control our life. I will show examples, how our sensitive data can be used against us.

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

Where is my mind?

Open website, read the headings, run your eyes over the paragraphs, click on the link.
Go to a new website and start again. In the meantime, check Facebook, Twitter, email.
Quickly get bored and grab your phone.
Forget what you really wanted to do.
Concentrating on one activity comes harder and harder, and reading a book with understanding becomes a challenge.

This is how the internet is messing our brains.
In this presentation, I will talk about the mechanisms and effects of brain changes.

Preferred time: 35 - 50 mins

How to train Junior developers

The IT industry has never been as open as it is now: we hire students, people after courses, 'non-technical' people.
In this speech I'll present how to efficiently introduce a Junior to the realities of professional software development. I'll show an approach that helped me to effectively utilise the skills of a new developer with reasonable engagement of the rest of the team.

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

How to handle mature projects

Job adverts mammoth us with buzzwords, benefits and a pay-spread. The sad truth is that you won't see Blockchain, DDD or CQRS in your next project.
Unfortunately, we spend most of our careers maintaining or developing existing projects. During the presentation, I will share a list of actions you may take when entering a project so as to avoid the pitfalls of unknown.

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

Let's get more functional

- Functional programming is difficult.
- It is impossible to program functionally in an object-oriented language.
- I won't get any benefit from functional programming
I have heard this many times, you probably have too.
In this presentation I will show that this is not true. If you can program object-oriented in C# then you can also do it functionally. You don't need F# for that.

Preferred time: 35 - 60 mins

meet.js Białystok #60

I'm sorry Dev, I'm afraid I can't do that - the developer's skirmishes with GenAI

December 2024 Białystok, Poland

MS Tech Summit

Small things we got wrong in .NET


June 2024 Warsaw, Poland

bstok.ms #8

Small things we got wrong in .NET

May 2024 Białystok, Poland

4Developers 2024

It's time to say goodbye to passwords


April 2024 Warsaw, Poland

Warszawskie Dni Informatyki

Small things we got wrong in .NET


April 2024 Warsaw, Poland

4Developers Łódź 2023

Deno in the wild


November 2023 Łódź, Poland

4Developers Wrocław 2023

Small things we got wrong in .NET


November 2023 Wrocław, Poland

4Developers Poznań 2023

Small things we got wrong in .NET


October 2023 Poznań, Poland

4Developers Poznań 2023

Deno in the wild


October 2023 Poznań, Poland

4Developers Katowice 2023

Deno in the wild


October 2023 Katowice, Poland

4Developers Gdańsk 2023

Deno in the wild


September 2023 Gdańsk, Poland

Sollers Tech Talks x Białystok

How to train Junior developers

June 2023 Białystok, Poland

ProMEET #41

Unboxing Deno

April 2023 Wrocław, Poland

meet.js Białystok #48

Unboxing Deno

January 2023 Białystok, Poland

ProMEET #39

Small things we got wrong in .NET

September 2022 Wrocław, Poland

ProMEET #39

Passwordless Web

September 2022 Wrocław, Poland

4Developers 2022

Small things we got wrong in .NET


April 2022

ProMEET #36

Working with an unknown system, domain and other project spooky stuff

November 2021

Virtual Wednesday Innovation Night #12

Inconvenient truth about passwords

April 2021

4Developers Poznań 2019

Passwordless Web


November 2019 Poznań, Poland

4Developers Wrocław 2019

Where is my mind?


November 2019 Wrocław, Poland

4Developers Wrocław 2019

How to train Junior developers


November 2019 Wrocław, Poland

meet.js Białystok #29

How to handle mature projects

October 2019 Białystok, Poland

4Developers Katowice 2019

How to handle mature projects


October 2019 Katowice, Poland

4Developers Kraków 2019

Let's get more functional


October 2019 Kraków, Poland

HackYeah 2019

Junior panel


September 2019 Warsaw, Poland

HackYeah 2019

Let's get more functional


September 2019 Warsaw, Poland

HackYeah 2019

Secret Life of Algorithms


September 2019 Warsaw, Poland

Hello, Olsztyn!

Let's get more functional

August 2019 Olsztyn, Poland

Hello, Olsztyn!

Serverless with Azure Functions

August 2019 Olsztyn, Poland

ProMEET #25

Secret Life of Algorithms

July 2019 Wrocław, Poland

4Developers 2019

When 0 and 1 are not enough


best presentation on Machine Learning & Data Science track

April 2019 Warsaw, Poland

Boiling Frogs 2019

How to train Junior developers

March 2019 Wrocław, Poland

meet.js Białystok #26

Passwordless Web

February 2019 Białystok, Poland

HackYeah 2018

PWA in three quarters of an hour


November 2018 Warsaw, Poland

4Developers Wrocław 2018

PWA in three quarters of an hour


November 2018 Wrocław, Poland

4Developers Katowice 2018

PWA in three quarters of an hour


November 2018 Katowice, Poland

4Developers Łódź 2018

How to train Junior developers


October 2018 Łódź, Poland

4Developers Łódź 2018

I know that I know nothing


October 2018 Łódź, Poland

4Developers Kraków 2018

PWA in three quarters of an hour


October 2018 Kraków, Poland

4Developers Gdańsk 2018

How to train Junior developers


September 2018 Gdańsk, Poland

4Developers Gdańsk 2018

I know that I know nothing


September 2018 Gdańsk, Poland

4Developers 2018

Let's get (a bit) more offline


April 2018 Warsaw, Poland

ProMEET #14

Make your Website (a bit) offline

February 2018 Warsaw, Poland

Kariera IT Białystok

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps

June 2017 Białystok, Poland

meet.js Białystok #15

Make your Website (a bit) offline

May 2017 Białystok, Poland

meet.js Białystok #10

Data visualization in D3.js

November 2016 Białystok, Poland

Paweł Łukaszuk

Technical Leader, Senior Software Developer .NET

Białystok, Poland


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