Most Active Speaker

Pawel Potasinski

Pawel Potasinski

CTO at InfiniteDATA Services

Sr Program Manager w Microsoft

Warsaw, Poland


CTO at InfiniteDATA Services, a company specializing in developing state-of-the-art data platforms for large enterprises. In his professional career Pawel has always been associated with data engineering and analytics (SQL, BI, Big Data). Founder of the Polish SQL Server Users Group (PLSSUG), today known as Data Community Poland. Regular speaker at conferences, community events and user groups. Former Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP).

CTO w firmie InfiniteDATA Services, która specjalizuje się w projektowaniu i wdrażaniu nowoczesnych platform danych dla dużych organizacji. W swojej karierze zawodowej Paweł od zawsze był związany z inżynierią i analityką danych (SQL, BI, Big Data). Założyciel Polskiej Grupy Użytkowników SQL Server (PLSSUG), dziś znanej jako Data Community Poland. Regularnie występuje jako prelegent na konferencjach, wydarzeniach organizowanych przez społeczności oraz spotkaniach grup użytkowników. Były Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP).


  • Most Active Speaker 2024
  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Law & Regulation


  • Microsoft Fabric
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Purview
  • Azure Databricks
  • Snowflake
  • LLMs
  • Azure AI
  • Azure Open AI


Take your Power BI solutions to the next level with Microsoft Fabric en

The world of data and analytics will never be the same since Microsoft Fabric was publicly announced in 2023. This unified platform served in the Software-as-a-Service model and offering end-to-end analytics capabilities opens up a whole spectrum of completely new ways of working for all personas involved in data analytics, including Power BI developers and users.

A great example of a new feature in Fabric that can significantly support Power BI developers and administrators in their work is Semantic Link which connects Power BI workload with elements of data engineering or even data science present in Fabric. But this is just one of many Fabric features that can improve productivity of Power BI users and enable them to move from insights to actions quicker than ever before.

In our session we will cover how different personas from the Power BI world can benefit from switching to Fabric. Come to this session to find out how you can leverage the power of AI-powered, AI-ready and AI-enabled Microsoft Fabric to move your Power BI analytics to the next level and beyond.

After this session you will:
- Have a general understanding of Fabric as a platform and how Power BI fits in.
- Know how you can grow a Power BI solution to a Fabric solution.
- Know how you can leverage Copilot and other AI capabilities to help you build and enrich Fabric solutions.
- Understand what Semantic Link is and how it will enrich your Power BI solutions.

Microsoft Fabric for Power BI specialists en pl

The world of data and analytics will never be the same since Microsoft Fabric, a unified data platform operating in a Software-as-a-Service model, was launched in 2023. Fabric opens up a whole new spectrum of possibilities and ways of working for all data scientists, including those who have previously worked in Power BI roles. If you have ever worked with Power BI, come to this session to learn what Fabric has to offer you and how it can change the way you approach building and managing analytics solutions. Numerous technology demos and a large portion of materials for building your Fabric workbench are guaranteed.

Microsoft Fabric dla specjalistów Power BI en pl

Świat danych i analityki już nigdy nie będzie taki sam, odkąd w zeszłym roku światło dzienne ujrzał Microsoft Fabric, ujednolicona platforma danych działająca w modelu Software-as-a-Service. Fabric otwiera całe spektrum zupełnie nowych możliwości i sposobów pracy dla wszystkich osób zajmujących się analityką danych, w tym osób pracujących do tej pory w rolach związanych z Power BI. Jeśli kiedykolwiek przyszło Ci pracować z Power BI, przyjdź na naszą sesję, by dowiedzieć się, co Fabric ma Ci do zaoferowania i jak może zmienić podejście do tworzenia rozwiązań analitycznych i zarządzania nimi. Gwarantujemy liczne demonstracje technologii i dużą porcję materiałów do samodzielnego budowania Twojego warsztatu pracy z Fabric.

Microsoft Fabric and Snowflake - better together en pl

Snowflake AI Data Cloud has its prominent place among leading data platforms on the market. Microsoft Fabric is a new kid in the town, earning more attention from customers each month. In May 2024 Microsoft and Snowflake announced expansion of their partnership in order to enable bi-directional data access between Snowflake and Fabric, ensuring more efficient and flexible data management for customers using both platforms in their data ecosystems. Come to this session to learn from Snowflake and Fabric practitioners about how to get the most out of the latest integration features between both platforms. We guarantee an extensive demo to be shown and lessons from the field to be shared with you.

Microsoft Fabric i Snowflake - lepie razem czy lepiej... nie mówić? en pl

Snowflake AI Data Cloud zajmuje czołowe miejsce wśród dostępnych na rynku platform danych. Microsoft Fabric jest wciąż nowym produktem, przyciągającym coraz większą atencję klientów każdego miesiąca. W maju 2024 r. Microsoft i Snowflake ogłosiły rozszerzenie swojego partnerstwa w celu umożliwienia dwukierunkowej wymiany danych między Snowflake i Fabric, zapewniając bardziej wydajne i elastyczne zarządzanie danymi dla klientów korzystających z obu platform w swoich ekosystemach danych. Przyjdź na tę sesję, aby dowiedzieć się od praktyków Snowflake i Fabric, jak najlepiej wykorzystać najnowsze funkcje integracji między obiema platformami. Gwarantujemy obszerne demo i praktycznie wnioski z naszych testów i wdrożeń.

Semantic Link in Microsoft Fabric - why Power BI professionals can fall in love with notebooks en

The world of data and analytics will never be the same since Microsoft Fabric was publicly announced last year. This unified platform served in the Software-as-a-Service model and used for comprehensive analytics opens up a whole spectrum of completely new capabilities and ways of working for all personas involved in data analytics. One of the new Fabric features that can significantly support Power BI developers and administrators in their work is Semantic Link. It connects Power BI workload and elements of data engineering or data science present in Fabric. In our session we will present in live demo (!!!) the use cases of Semantic Link from the Power BI professional perspective. Come to this session to find out how you can leverage the power of Semantic Link in a bit of a PySpark, SQL and DAX code in Fabric notebooks to: document and query your Power BI semantic models and their metadata, refresh semantic models or their parts, monitor your tenant settings, validate data quality and more.

Microsoft Fabric for SQL developers en

I love SQL. I've been writing SQL, solving problems with SQL and even thinking with SQL since I started my professional career. Now, with Microsoft Fabric, the new cool kid among platforms for data analytics, I feel like my SQL skills built over the last two decades are super useful. If you are in love with SQL too, come to this session and I will show you (with tons of live demos!) how you can benefit from using SQL in Fabric and what options you have to grow and learn some new useful skills for working with data.

Microsoft Fabric - Introduction and Quick Start en

The world of data and analytics will never be the same after Microsoft Fabric was announced at the Build event. This unified SaaS platform for end-to-end analytics opens a whole spectrum of completely new possibilities. Come to this session to learn what Fabric is, what are its key pillars and the most disruptive features, and most of all how to start using it in Public Preview.

OneLake - the foundation of Microsoft Fabric, OneDrive for data and the data silo killer en pl

One of the key pillars of Microsoft Fabric is that it’s lake centric and open. At the core of this pillar there’s OneLake - a single, unified storage system for all your data. Come to this session to learn how different teams working with Fabric can easily explore and discover data, re-use existing data products and work in a Data Mesh operating model without the need to maintain separate data lakes and keeping many copies of the same data.

Come to this session to learn how Microsoft Fabric users can benefit from OneLake - the storage foundation of the platform.

OneLake — fundament Microsoft Fabric, OneDrive dla danych i zabójca silosów danych en pl

Platforma Microsoft Fabric jest oparta o centralny data lake oraz jest otwarta na integrację z zewnętrznymi systemami na każdej warstwie. U podstaw tych cech Fabric leży OneLake - pojedynczy, geograficznie rozproszony i centralnie zarządzany system przechowywania wszystkich danych organizacji. Przyjdź na tę sesję, aby dowiedzieć się, jak różne zespoły pracujące z Fabric mogą łatwo eksplorować i odkrywać dane, ponownie wykorzystywać istniejące produkty danych i pracować w modelu operacyjnym Data Mesh bez konieczności utrzymywania oddzielnych data lake'ów i przechowywania wielu kopii tych samych danych.

Przyjdź na tę sesję, aby dowiedzieć się, w jakie korzyściu użytkownikom Microsoft Fabric daje OneLake - centralny data lake platformy.

SQLDay 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming

May 2025 Wrocław, Poland

Microsoft Fabric Community Conference Sessionize Event Upcoming

March 2025 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Power BI & Fabric Summit 2025 Sessionize Event Upcoming

February 2025

SQLDay 2024 Sessionize Event

May 2024 Wrocław, Poland

Power BI & Fabric Summit 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024

Fabric February 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024 Oslo, Norway

Data Toboggan - Winter Edition 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024

Data Saturday Lublin Sessionize Event

September 2023 Lublin, Poland

Data Toboggan - Cool Runnings 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023

SQLDay 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Wrocław, Poland

SQLBits 2023 - General Sessions Sessionize Event

March 2023 Newport, United Kingdom

Power BI Summit 2023 Sessionize Event

March 2023

Data Toboggan 2023 Sessionize Event

January 2023

Data Toboggan - Cool Runnings 2022 Sessionize Event

July 2022

SQLDay 2022 Sessionize Event

May 2022 Wrocław, Poland

ShareCon365 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 Warsaw, Poland

Pawel Potasinski

CTO at InfiniteDATA Services

Warsaw, Poland


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