
Peter Liske

Peter Liske

Engineering Lead, Mentor, Architect, Senior Family Manager, Open Source Developer

Engineering Lead, Mentor, Architect, Senior Family Manager, Open Source Developer

Berlin, Germany


Peter Liske is working as Engineering Lead at Zalando. He studied Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics in Berlin and went through all stages of software development – from system administrator to scrum master, from developer to architect.
Peter's current favorite topics are web security, family management, and sustainable agile work culture.

Peter Liske arbeitet als Engineering Lead bei Zalando. Er hat Informatik, Mathematik und Physik in Berlin studiert und war seitdem sämtliche Bereichen der Softwareentwicklung tätig – vom System-Administrator bis zum Scrum Master, vom Entwickler bis zum Architekten.
Auch neben der Arbeit beschäftigt sich Peter gern mit Themen um Web-Sicherheit, Familien-Management und nachhaltiger agiler Arbeitskultur.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • web security
  • event-driven architecture
  • family management
  • agility
  • sustainability

Peter Liske

Engineering Lead, Mentor, Architect, Senior Family Manager, Open Source Developer

Berlin, Germany


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