
Piotr Przybyl

Piotr Przybyl

Senior Developer Advocate @Elastic, Software Gardener

Senior Developer Advocate @Elastic, Software Gardener

Wrocław, Poland


Notorious engineer at work and after hours, tracing meanders of the art of software engineering. Remote Software Gardener, mostly working in web-oriented Java gardens. Java Champion. Testcontainers Champion. Oracle ACE. Programming usually in Java (since 1.3), Scala and Go, but in other languages too. Fan of agility, seen mostly as choosing the right tools and approaches after asking the right questions. Developer, trainer and conference speaker. In his talks, Piotr covers not only hardcore Java but also software architecture, computer security, and soft-skills.

Notoryczny inżynier w pracy i poza nią, podążający za meandrami sztuki programowania. Java Champion. Testcontainers Champion. Oracle ACE. Zawodowo Remote Software Gardener, od kilkunastu lat wyrywający chwasty w ogródkach webowych. Zwykle przycinający Javę (od wersji 1.3), Scalę i Go do kształtów pożądanych przez klientów, ale i inne języki nie są mu obce. Miłośnik lekkości i zwinności, która powinna przejawiać się przede wszystkim w stosowaniu właściwych narzędzi. Programista, trener, prelegent. W swoich wystąpieniach mówi nie tylko o czystej Javie, ale także o architekturze oprogramowania, bezpieczeństwie komputerowym i umiejętnościach miękkich.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Java
  • Core Java / Java SE
  • software architecure
  • Java and Server-side
  • Testing
  • testcontainers

Making your Testcontainers experience smoother

Integration tests are nice. We all know that and love using them, don't we?
It's just using all those databases, message brokers and other things as real dependencies, only wrapped by Testcontainers, might result in a really heavy CI/CD pipeline and developers' attitude to never run them locally, because they're so slooooooooooow.
What if I could show you a number of techniques, mindset changes and tricks to get your integration tests shortened from quarters to seconds? Would that be interesting for you, to benefit from the confidence integrations tests give you, before you're able to brew a fresh coffee?
It's really not about re-inventing the wheel, but using it the smart way.

Java™ 21. What's new and noteworthy

Hey, there are two major Java versions released every year! We don’t have to wait 3 years or so for new features anymore. Isn’t that cool? 😉

Java was supposed “to be slow”. However, Java turns out to evolve so fast, that next releases aren’t just version bumps, but might significantly change the rules of the game. That’s a good reason to check out what’s new in Java.

To name a few changes:

* Pattern Matching for switch,
* Record Patterns,
* Virtual Threads,
* Calling native stuff,
* what’s gone and what will be gone,
* and other stuff.

If you find them interesting, let’s dive deep together into new interesting stuff.

Integration tests are needed and simple

The pyramids in Egypt were built in ancient times. We still admire them today, appreciating the craftsmanship and hard work of their builders. However, do we build houses from giant stone blocks today? Not likely, current times bring other needs and offer other technologies.

Pyramids of testing were also built some time ago. We admire legacy projects with a rich set of tests, but do we create projects today the same way we did 10-15-20 years ago? If not, why do we still want to test them the same way?

Maybe the shape of today's projects' tests should no longer resemble a pyramid? Our needs are different, and the possibilities, thanks to the Testcontainers family of libraries, have also advanced a lot.

If you have a feeling that integration testing can bring a lot to your project, but somehow you haven't had the chance to get acquainted with Testcontainers so far, or you're afraid that it's just "magic for top developers", this lecture is for you.

We will quickly, easily and pleasantly rearrange the pyramids of our times ;-)

Go Go Java Developer

“You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.” – Geoffrey Willans
For years I've been developing mostly in JVM languages. Sometimes in other C-derived languages, which was both cool and easy.
A few months ago (due to career shift) I had to learn Go rapidly. While technically Go has keywords looking similar to C, many things are simply different and even unheard of in C-based OOP languages. Learning Go is a great journey and the best are these AH-HA moments, when doing things in Go I suddenly understood Java better.
Sure, during a single talk I won't teach you Go. Thing is: I don't event want to, as all I want is to show you some concepts in Go which can help you (just as they helped me) become better Java developer and understand why we need projects Valhalla and Panama. It's about leaving our comfort zone to get... more comfort.

Butcher Virtual Threads like a pro!

Java™ 21 is real now. And so are virtual threads.
Everyone got excited about them, yet you prefer to keep your Java 8 job forever and you already have a nice plan to "accidentally" derail the migration to 21 by using virtual threads in a very, very unfortunate way. What a pity...
So you decided to come for this talk to look for some inspiration ;-)

Okay, please join us to learn how NOT to use virtual threads, and see the potential performance pitfalls of using them the wrong way.

Piotr Przybyl

Senior Developer Advocate @Elastic, Software Gardener

Wrocław, Poland


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