Renato Losio
Cloud Expert, AWS Data Hero, InfoQ Editor, Remote 🌍
Berlin, Germany
Renato has extensive experience as a cloud architect, tech lead, and cloud services specialist. Currently, he lives in Berlin and works remotely as a principal cloud architect. His primary areas of interest include cloud services and relational databases. He is an editor at InfoQ and a recognized AWS Data Hero. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.
Area of Expertise
Big Data & RPA Europe 2025 Upcoming
Finding the Best Marathon with Machine Learning
SREday Cologne 2025 Upcoming
Things Fall Apart: Navigating Managed Databases for Over a Decade as a Non-DBA
AWS CN-UG Amarathon Geek
Amazon S3: Around the World in 80 Buckets
2024 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event
AWS Community Day - Hungary 2024 Sessionize Event
SkySummit Sessionize Event
WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024 Sessionize Event
AWS Summit Milano
Si Fa Presto A Dire Amazon RDS
AWS Berlin User Group
Balancing Acts: A Developer's Journey with RDS
AWS User Group Budapest
re:Invent Recap Event – Budapest
DevOpsCon Munich 2023
Cloud Minimalism: Declutter Your AWS Deployment
re:Invent Rewind: Highlights, Numbers, and Oddities Through 12 Editions
Cloud Day 2023 Sessionize Event
2023 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event
Workshop @ Serverless Architecture Con – Berlin 2023
Workshop: Working with Serverless Databases
AWS Community Day - Hungary Sessionize Event
DEV/KEX session
How to Cook Spaghetti Aglio e Olio Using Machine Learning
AWS User group Milano
Si Fa Presto A Dire RDS
CreativeMornings Berlin
A Taste of Technology: Cooking ‘Spaghetti Aglio e Olio’ with Machine Learning
re:publica Berlin 2023
How to Cook Spaghetti Aglio e Olio Using Machine Learning
DevOpsCon - London 2023
Cloud Minimalism: Declutter Your AWS Deployment
PASS Data Community Summit
The Future of Relational Databases on the Cloud
2022 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event
Serverless Architecture Con – Berlin 2022
Drawing the NYC Skyline with a serverless database
Workshop @ Serverless Architecture Con – Berlin 2022
Workshop: Working with Serverless Databases
eMERGE 2022
SQL vs NoSQL in a Serverless World
DevOpsCon London 2022
AWS Free Tier: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Cloud Computing Conference Greece
The Future of Relational Databases on the Cloud
AWS Berlin User Group
Riding AWS in Preview
DevOpsCon 2021 Munich
Watch Your Wallet and Reduce Your Cloud Carbon Footprint: Cost Optimization on AWS
re:Invent 2021
COM202 Drawing the New York City skyline with Amazon Aurora Serverless v2
AWS Free Tier: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
2021 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event
EuropeClouds Summit
AWS Free Tier: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
WorldFestival 2021 Sessionize Event
WorldFestival 2021
Watch Your Wallet! Cost Optimization on AWS
Devcast - Italian Edition
The Day I Forgot My Database On: A Journey to Serverless Databases
DevOps Pro Europe 2021
Watch Your Wallet! Cloud anti-patterns that make your AWS bill skyrocket
Percona Live ONLINE
A First Look at Aurora Serverless v2
DevOpsCon London
The Day I Forgot My Database: A Journey to Serverless Databases
Serverless Architecture Con 2021- The Hague
A Journey to Serverless Databases
Is Serverless the Future of Relational Databases?
CloudWorld 2021
Learn How to Manage Better Your Costs on AWS, Make Your Bill Less Scary or Your Credits Last Longer
All Day DevOps
Serverless Databases: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Percona Live Online
Serverless Databases: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
TestCon Europe 2020
Hey, where is my country? How to test your app and website for geolocation and geopolitical challenges
Serverless Architecture Conference
Serverless Databases: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
DeveloperWeek Global: Cloud 2020
Is Serverless the Future of Relational Databases?
Dev Around The Sun Sessionize Event
Codemotion “Devs Lunch Box”
What is a serverless database?
DevOps Pro Europe 2019
Serverless Databases: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Codemotion “Devs Lunch Box”
How to run MySQL on AWS
AWS User Group Meetup
A first look at Amazon RDS Proxy
Codemotion Berin 2019
Look Mom No Hands! Moving from a managed relational database to a serverless one
DevOpsHeroes 2019 Sessionize Event
Codemotion Milan 2019
Hey, where is my country? Software development and territorial disputes
Freelancer Bootcamp
10 Years of Lessons and Mistakes Learned from an Accidental Remote Worker
Berlin DevOps 2019-09
Is serverless really the future of relational databases?
DevOps Berlin by Amsource Technology
Is Serverless the Future of Relational Databases?
Think About! Conference
Look Mom No Hands! Moving from a managed relational database to a serverless one
Berlin Remote Future Summit Meetup
The Accidental Remote Worker: 10 Years of Lessons and Mistakes Learned
Make Random Great Again
Alexa, what is the capital of Israel?
DevOps Pro Europe 2019
MySQL on the cloud: a journey from virtual machines to serverless deployments
Think About! Meetup
Hey, where is my country? Software development and territorial disputes
Factory Görlitzer Park
Hey, where is my country?
DevOpsConf Russia
MySQL on the cloud, from virtual machines to serverless options
Factory Berlin
Geolocation Challenges in Disputed Territories'
DevOpsConf Berlin
Operational Challenges of relational Databases on the Cloud
re:publica 2018
The (accidental) developer in disputed territories
SFI Kraków
Architectures on the cloud: from traditional deployments to serverless architectures
The (accidental) political developer
Percona Live Dublin
Do not press that Button
AWS User Group Meetup
Finding marathon cheats using Amazon Rekognition
weDev Pavia
Development and testing of mobile applications on AWS
WeDev Pavia
Architetture su Amazon Web Services: dai deployments tradizionali alla serverless architecture
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