
Reza Rahman

Reza Rahman

Principal Program Manager, Java on Azure at Microsoft

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


Reza Rahman is Principal Program Manager for Java on Azure at Microsoft. He works to make sure Java developers are first class citizens at Microsoft and Microsoft is a first class citizen of the Java ecosystem.

Reza has been an official Java technologist at Oracle. He is the author of the popular book EJB 3 in Action from Manning Publishing. Reza has long been a frequent speaker at Java User Groups and conferences worldwide including JavaOne and Devoxx. He has been the lead for the Java EE track at JavaOne as well as a JavaOne Rock Star Speaker award recipient. He was the program chair for the inaugural JakartaOne conference. Reza is an avid contributor to industry journals like JavaLobby/DZone and TheServerSide. He has been a member of the Java EE, EJB and JMS expert groups over the years. Reza implemented the EJB container for the Resin open source Java EE application server. He helps lead the Philadelphia Java User Group. Reza is proud to be a founding member of the Jakarta EE Ambassadors.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Java EE
  • Jakarta EE
  • Azure
  • java

Jakarta NoSQL Powered by Cosmos DB on the Cloud

Jakarta NoSQL is a new standard for accessing non-relational databases on the cloud. Cosmos DB is a best-of-breed planet scale NoSQL database on Azure that is compatible with MongoDB, Cassandra and Gremlin.

In this session we will see how to use these technologies together in cloud native Jakarta EE applications. Most of the session will be demos with a minimal number of slides.

Why Jakarta EE Developers are First-Class Citizens on Azure

Java/Jakarta EE is an important technology to support on Azure. Enterprise Java is a heterogenous ecosystem with as much as a third of workloads still running on Java/Jakarta EE application servers such as WebLogic, WebSphere/Open Liberty, JBoss EAP, WildFly, and Payara. This is particularly true for large enterprises that need to lift and shift their existing mission-critical, largely monolithic applications to Azure. Traditionally, Azure has not focused on strong support for such workloads but that is changing now and going forward.

This session will outline the efforts to better support Java/Jakarta EE workloads on Azure. We will touch on the history of the open-standard enterprise Java movement and why open standards are and remain important to enterprises. We will discuss what is possible now, what is coming soon and what is further afield. This includes services, tools and guidance to better support Java/Jakarta EE users opting for virtual machines, Kubernetes, or PaaS. It also includes integration with Azure services such as the Azure Service Bus through Java/Jakarta EE APIs such as JMS.

This is also an invaluable opportunity to hear from you and better understand how Microsoft can support you best.

Why You Should Adopt an Open-Source Code of Conduct

Technology communities almost by definition need to be open, welcoming, diverse, and inclusive to do the most good for the most amount of people. Yet without adequate checks and balances technology communities have an unfortunate track record to be anything but – especially for people on the wrong side of power dynamics such as women and minorities.

Adopting a well-developed Open-Source Code of Conduct such as the Contributor Covenant is a key tool in countering this problem. In this introductory session we will cover what Open-Source Codes of Conduct are, what they seek to accomplish, what makes a good one and why you should adopt one in your project, community, event, group or even company.

Jakarta EE on Azure Magic Mystery Show

This fast-paced, demo-driven, entirely slide free session will show you the many ways of effectively deploying a Java/Jakarta EE application to Azure. We will start by deploying a local Java/Jakarta EE application to basic IaaS on Azure. We will then deploy the same application to an entirely managed Azure PaaS. Finally we will deploy the application to Azure using Docker and Kubernetes. We will discuss the trade-offs of each approach on the way, offering guidelines for which approach might be best for your application on the cloud. At the end of the session, you will have all the demos on GitHub so you can explore them on your own.

Fundamentals of Diversity and Inclusion for Technologists

Enhancing diversity and inclusion in every aspect of technology is an essential conversation everyone should be a part of. In an increasingly interconnected world, we have a shared responsibility to ensure technology is a force that works to benefit everyone, countering structural sources of inequity where needed.

This session aims to jump start your personal diversity and inclusion journey by explaining the basics in simple terms with relevant examples for technologists. Concepts covered will include unconscious bias, privilege, equity, allyship, covering and microaggressions.

Effective Kubernetes for Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Developers

There are several key techniques to understand while using Kubernetes with Java EE, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications. Examples include:

* How Kubernetes primitives (such as deployments and services) align with application server administration, clustering, auto-discovery, and load-balancing.
* How to add self-healing capabilities using Kubernetes probes and monitoring with open source tools like Prometheus/Grafana.
* How the CI/CD pipeline of your application can be adapted to Kubernetes.
* How Kubernetes can be extended using Operators to effectively manage application server clusters.

This workshop walks through each of these considerations in turn. At the end of the workshop, you will have all the materials on GitHub so you can explore on your own.

Cloud Native Java with Open Liberty and OpenShift

Jakarta EE and MicroProfile have come a long way to become effective APIs for cloud native applications. Open Liberty is one of the best examples of this with its focus on being lightweight, modular, container-friendly and high-performance. Similarly OpenShift is one of the most productive and feature rich ways of running Kubernetes. Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Liberty and OpenShift is a killer combination.

In this fast-faced, demo-heavy and mostly slide-free session we will show first-hand how to run Liberty on OpenShift. We will demo in real time how to stand up a cluster quickly and deploy a realistic Jakarta EE/MicroProfile application that integrates with some services on the cloud such as database, directory server, cache or log aggregator. The demos will use Azure as an example. At the end of the session, you will have all the demos available on GitHub so you can explore them on your own!

Applied Domain-Driven Design Blueprints for Jakarta EE

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an architectural approach that strongly focuses on materializing the business domain in enterprise software through disciplined object-oriented analysis. This session demonstrates first-hand how DDD can be elegantly implemented using Jakarta EE via an open source project named Cargo Tracker.

Cargo Tracker maps DDD concepts like entities, value objects, aggregates and repositories to Jakarta EE code examples in a realistic application. We will also see how DDD concepts like the bounded context are invaluable to designing pragmatic microservices.

A Freakonomic Take on Open Standards and Jakarta EE

Words like standard, de-facto, de-jure and open are frequently used and abused in our industry. The reality is that few people really understand what these words actually mean or how these ideas effect their own professional lives in the long and short term.

This session aims to clear the air on some of these terms and outline why open standards like Jakarta EE are critically important to you today and in the future. We will explore these concepts in the context of well-established economic theories on competition, monopoly power, the network effect, innovation, open source and open standards - in true Freakonomist style!

Contributors Guide to the Jakarta EE 11 Galaxy

Jakarta EE 10 has now been delivered and work on Jakarta progresses. This is a perfect time to begin exploring the horizons of Jakarta EE 11 and how you can help make it reality.

We will guide you on how to begin contributing towards Jakarta EE 11. We will cover ways of contributing, what paperwork is needed as well as the likely possibilities for Jakarta EE 11 including high level themes, platform level changes and some detailed features. Some technologies that might change include Jakarta Security, Concurrency and Messaging. New APIs that could be added include Jakarta NoSQL, RPC, Repositories, and Configuration. We will talk about non-specification projects such as the Starter, Tutorial and Samples.

We will also discuss what might be after Jakarta EE 11. Bring your thinking caps!

Reza Rahman

Principal Program Manager, Java on Azure at Microsoft

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


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