
Rupesh Kumar

Rupesh Kumar

Connecting the dots, to view the big picture!

Gainesville, Virginia, United States


Rupesh Kumar has more than 20 years of Information Technology (IT) experience in managing Enterprise level DevOps initiatives in federal and commercial sector. He has led mission-critical, strategic projects in the various industries, including planning complex custom software solutions that align business goals with technology solutions to drive process improvements, competitive advantage, and bottom-line gains. He currently works as a Principal in DevOps for Humana and leads their Platform Architecture stream to enhance Engineer experience. He is a certified AWS Solutions Architect, Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert and hold US patent and a provisional patent. He is also the recipient of DevOps World 2020 Innovation Award.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Government, Social Sector & Education
  • Health & Medical


  • devops
  • DevOps & Automation
  • DevOps Transformation
  • automation
  • ITSM
  • Lean
  • agile

How DevOps can help reduce Developer’s Cognitive Load

Our DevOps journey at Humana started in 2018 and since then we have matured and learned a lot based on our successes and failures. As of today, we have over 300+ teams using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to build, test and promote their code. We have over 20k pipelines which are building and deploying 100M line of code using our DevOps platform. We also have 100% adoption of DevOps by Mainframe and Salesforce teams. The DevOps adoption journey so far has been great. We are looking at the 86% adoption rate across the entire organization but then you may wonder. "What is the problem then?" Well, with more and more tools getting integrated as part of DevOps Ecosystem and with constant shift left of the information, reports, issues, findings etc. we found that our Developers had a significant high cognitive load which started to affect the productivity, morale and well-being of the individuals. In today's already competitive market and with first mover advantages, Agility is the key but taking care of the well-being of our developers and their cognitive load is a "debt" in the making if nothing is done to address it.

I would like to discuss in detail, the steps we have taken and how we have moved the needle in our organization to highlight the problem and action taken to work towards reducing the Team's cognitive Load and provide a delightful experience for our developers. Remember "Happy developer: Happy Customer!”

Team's Cognitive Load: How DevOps is helping our Developers

Our DevOps journey at Humana started in 2018 and since then we have matured and learned a lot based on our successes and failures.

As of today, we have over 300+ teams using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to build, test and promote their code. We have over 20k pipelines which are building and deploying 100M line of code using our DevOps platform. We also have 100% adoption of DevOps by Mainframe and Salesforce teams. The DevOps adoption journey so far has been great.

We are looking at the 86% adoption rate across the entire organization but then you may wonder. "What is the problem then?"

Well, with more and more tools getting integrated as part of DevOps Ecosystem and with constant shift left of the information, reports, issues, findings etc. we found that our Developers had a significant high cognitive load which started to affect the productivity, morale and well-being of the individuals.

In today's already competitive market and with first mover advantages, Agility is the key but taking care of the well-being of our developers and their cognitive load is a "debt" in the making if nothing is done to address it.

I would like to discuss in detail, the steps we have taken and how we have moved the needle in our organization to highlight the problem and action taken to work towards reducing the Team's cognitive Load and provide a delightful experience for our developers.

Remember "Happy developer"; "Happy customers"!

The evolution of Humana’s DevOps Journey from change driving people to people driving change

Change in the only constant. People love change but when asked if they want *to* change that creates a sense of fear. When one hears about change our brain goes into Critter State (fight, flight, freeze or brain hijack) and provides a buffet of imaginative options on what can go wrong. Learning the difference between “change” and “to change” helps the leaders build a roadmap of taking people from Critter State to Smart State thus enabling effective and impactful DevOps transformation.

We, at Humana started our DevOps journey in 2018, when organization change lead the way and we are excited to come back to provide an insightful update on our current DevOps journey how our people are driving the change today, to keep the momentum going and serving our Humana Engineers, by providing the tools, platforms and streamlined processes so that they can continue to create delightful experiences for our Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare and Pharmacy customers.

We are working hard each day to challenge the routine and pioneer simplicity and build a data driven mindset around change, letting people drive the change based on data. In our session we will provide you some key lesson learned around how growing people and their engineering practices actually creates the differentiator for a business and not the technology or platforms that an organization purchases.

Team's Cognitive Load: How DevOps is helping our Developers

Our DevOps journey at Humana started in 2018 and since then we have matured and learned a lot based on our successes and failures.

As of today, we have over 300+ teams using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to build, test and promote their code. We have over 20k pipelines which are building and deploying 100M line of code using our DevOps platform. We also have 100% adoption of DevOps by Mainframe and Salesforce teams. The DevOps adoption journey so far has been great.

We are looking at the 86% adoption rate across the entire organization but then you may wonder. "What is the problem then?"

Well, with more and more tools getting integrated as part of DevOps Ecosystem and with constant shift left of the information, reports, issues, findings etc. we found that our Developers had a significant high cognitive load which started to affect the productivity, morale and well-being of the individuals.

In today's already competitive market and with first mover advantages, Agility is the key but taking care of the well-being of our developers and their cognitive load is a "debt" in the making if nothing is done to address it.

I would like to discuss in detail, the steps we have taken and how we have moved the needle in our organization to highlight the problem and action taken to work towards reducing the Team's cognitive Load and provide a delightful experience for our developers.

Remember "Happy developer"; "Happy customers"!

Are you on Cloud yet?

Cloud has never been so important as during the global pandemic. The COVID-19 has sealed the deal with what cloud services have to offer. As per Gartner report, worldwide cloud spending will be around 14% of the enterprise IT spending by 2024 and almost 70% of organizations which are already using cloud services today plan to increase their cloud spending in the wake of the disruption caused by COVID-19.

If you are an organization which is planning to embark on your cloud adoption journey, please join me in knowing what it takes to be cloud-ready (no sales pitch, just honest opinion) and to do it in a cloud-smart way.

Don't break silos instead bridge them

The IRS is a behemoth of an organization with 70k+ employees spanning across teams of teams, each with its own unique agenda. Dev wants to build features. Security and Test want to validate for security and quality. Ops wants operational excellence and autonomy. Come learn how the IRS developed an innovative award-winning solution called the “CICD Template Framework” to bridge these silos. Our solution keeps organizational accountability and autonomy and allows seemingly siloed organizations to take an active part in the Enterprise CICD Pipeline, creating net positive synergy.

“How to Break Silos by Letting Everyone Stay in a Silo”

The IRS is a behemoth of an organization with 70k+ employees spanning across teams of teams, each with its own unique agenda. Dev wants to build features. Security and Test want to validate for security and quality. Ops wants operational excellence and autonomy. Come learn how the IRS developed an innovative award-winning solution called the “CICD Template Framework” to bridge these silos. Our solution keeps organizational accountability and autonomy and allows seemingly siloed organizations to take an active part in the Enterprise CICD Pipeline, creating net positive synergy.

DevOps: Culture eats Strategy for breakfast

Understand that the culture of an organization as a “whole” is bigger than the culture of the individual people. I will share some of the valuable lesson learned on how we dealt with bumps, traffic jams, congestions in our DevOps transformation journey and what worked and what did not.

DevOps At Scale: How We Overcame The Greatest Challenges

DevOps is now part of the gene of any IT industry.
Come join me to learn how the 3 core elements - People, Process, and Technology should work in harmony to produce a systemic music across organizations to create and sustain DevOps at scale.

DEVOPS & ITSM: Marriage made in Organization

Most of the times, we see ITSM and DevOps at two end of the spectrum and considered polar opposite but guess what opposites attract.

There is rich and mature aspects of ITSM on one hand and agility of DevOps on another and together they can synergize to create a beautiful and long lasting marriage within the organization

2023 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event

October 2023

DevOps Enterprise Summit LAS VEGAS 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

2021 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event

October 2021

2020 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event

November 2020

Rupesh Kumar

Connecting the dots, to view the big picture!

Gainesville, Virginia, United States


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