Roland Guijt
Microsoft MVP, Pluralsight author, ASP.NET insider
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Roland is a Microsoft MVP, ASP.NET Insider and Pluralsight author enjoying a constant curiosity around new techniques in software development. His focus is on all things .NET and browser technologies.
As a long-time trainer and speaker, he led many courses on these topics and spoke about these topics at many international conferences. He's currently working with Duende software to help building out their products.
Area of Expertise
Be Sharp with New Features in C#
New features in C# have the tendency to be somewhat theoretical in nature. It's hard to determine what's actually useful in daily life.
This session solves that problem. You'll just see demos of the latest C# features that are actually useful in practice.
Enhancements that have to do with strings, generics, lambdas, pattern matching, namespaces and immutability, just to name a few categories.
Blazor Authentication? Hold My Beer!
How to correctly implement authentication in Blazor depends on the mode your using it in. Blazor Server requires an approach that is totally different than when using Blazor WebAssembly. And if you use a mix of the two rendering modes things can get very complicated.
This session is here to help you out. We'll cover the right way to do cookie and OpenID Connect authentication for both modes as well as the mix mode.
At the end of the session you'll be able to confidently secure any Blazor application.
Blazor: Blazing into the Future of Web Development
It sounds like a dream: Using C# and .NET for both the server- and browser-part of your application. No more JavaScript. Because of the power of Web Assembly this becomes a reality.
You'll experience the advantages of this model in this session. And you will know how to create an application using it. We'll also take a look at the different hosting models of Blazor using server-side and client-side rendering. All by example.
After seeing this session you'll be ready to say goodbye to JavaScript and to write full-stack C# web applications!
Level Up Your Security: OpenID Connect/OAuth Update
So you have a well functioning Identity Provider be it in the cloud or self managed and you're like "All's well that ends well".
Don't make that mistake.
OpenID Connect and OAuth2 are living specifications. They are constantly revised because new attacks are constantly invented.
In this demo rich session we're exploring the latest developments. Did you know that implicit flow is deprecated for example? And that a request to the authorize endpoints might leak all kinds of information that can easily be prevented? And that client authentication can be way more secure than using a simple password?
Please come and join me and I'm certain you'll implement at least one of my tips as soon you're back at the office.
Workshop: Creating APIs on Steroids with gRPC
What's that in the sky? Is it a plane? Is it WCF? No it's better. It's gRPC that's now natively supported in ASP.NET Core. It's more efficient than any API technique you've ever used and it's is way, way faster. That makes it very suitable for communication between microservices.
In this workshop you'll learn what gRPC is but most importantly you'll gain hands-on experience implementing one in ASP.NET Core. Of course consumers of the API and authentication won't be forgotten.
You'll leave with the ability to create and consume APIs on steroids.
- Theory around gRPC basics
- When to use it and when not to use it
- HTTP/2 in-depth
- Creating a gRPC service from scratch
- Creating clients
- Augmenting services
- Implementing streaming support
- Authentication and authorization
Computer setup:
You will need a laptop with Visual Studio 2022
Working with Immutability and Records in C#
Immutability is an important feature to have in a programming language.
Unfortunately C# hasn't been very good at it: UNTIL NOW! With Records and other language enhancements we can finally code using immutable types.
In this session you'll learn why that is important and of course we'll zoom into the new Record type and see what makes it tick!
OAuth2 and OpenID Connect: Easy Now
Chances are that you still have applications that do their own authentication. But do you really understand the industry standards OAuth2 and OpenIDConnect? No?
Maybe because of the fact that every tutorial on the internet seems complicated.
In this session I'll explain the duo in a very easy-to-get way. I'll also show you how to set up the most simple OAuth/OpenID Connect environment possible and to build on that going forward. You'll see an OpenIdConnect identity provider and several different types of applications as clients in action.
Don't Trust the Browser: Secure SPAs with BFF
OpenIdConnect and OAuth are the industry standards to protect both frontend and backends applications with tokens.
Sending tokens to the browser is like trusting a bunch of lions to keep a cow safe. So why do we do it in our Single Page Applications using the implicit flow for example?
BFF or Backend For Frontend solves this problem. Come and find out how this works using ASP.NET Core on the server and React on the browser side. If you're not into ASP.NET Core: come anyways because the concepts are applicable to any technology.
Real-time Web Applications with ASP.NET Core SignalR
A real-time web application is actively sending data from server to browser or other client. You already know this principle from email browser clients that pop up new emails as they come in.
In this session you'll learn to apply this technique to your ASP.NET Core application. I'll show you how to build real-time functionality into every ASP.NET Core application by diving into the code of a demo application showing you the server- and client-side.
And when your app's ready there are a couple of things you should know when you want to scale out a SignalR app. You could do the plumbing yourself or using the new Azure SignalR service.
After this session you're ready to write and deploy your ASP.NET Core SignalR application.
Getting a gRIP on ASP.NET Core gRPC
What's that in the sky? Is it a plane? Is it WCF? No it's better. It's gRPC that's now natively supported in ASP.NET Core. It uses the same underlying RPC principle of the good ol' WCF. It's just implemented better, it's more efficient and it's is way, way faster. That make it very suitable for communication between microservices for example.
In this session I'm talking about what gRPC is but also how you can implement it right away in any ASP.NET Core application. I'll not only do that by building a gRPC endpoint into an existing ASP.NET Core application, but you'll also learn that on the consuming side there are also a lot to like.
You'll leave with the ability to create and consume APIs on steroids.
Blazor: Blazing into the Future of Web Development
You're starting a long-term relationship with Blazor in this full-day workshop. Throughout it you'll build components for existing applications but not before you get a clear explanation of each step we take.
Here's what you'll learn:
- What is Blazor?
- The different hosting models.
- Writing a basic component
- Understanding how a component is processed
- Databinding
- Handling and creating events
- Advanced component capabilities such as cascading values, attribute splatting and component references
- Creating highly reusable component templates
Blazor Components Deep Dive
Met Blazor components kun je veel meer dan wat je in "Getting started" sessies en blog posts ziet.
In deze sessie zoomen we specifiek in op het Blazor component zelf. Ik ga er vanuit dat je weet wat Blazor is. We kijken onder meer naar hoe event propagation, child content, attribute splatting en een chained bind werkt en je zult leren hoe templated components werken.
Na deze sessie kun je veel meer dan alleen een "Hello world" applicatie maken in Blazor.
Authentication Your Own Way
An identity provider enables you to do centralized authentication with single sign-on using industry standards. Cloud services are great as long as you don't need customization beyond of what it offers. This is where creating your own with IdentityServer comes in.
I'll show you the ins and outs of creating the service and how to deploy it to Azure.
But not before I make sure you understand the terminology around it. Once you get the basics we'll get into beyond the basics mode and I'll show you some of the other marvelous things that a custom identity provider brings.
After this session you're ready to implement a identity provider in ASP.NET Core that supports authentication across your organization.
ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs and React: A Winning Team
There's a lot of smartness built into minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core which allows you to create straightforward, maintainable REST APIs while maintaining all the goodness of ASP.NET Core.
After explaining the concepts of minimal APIs, I'm showing you how such an API sticks together and I'll show you a frontend that makes the most out of it using the immensely popular React, that can use React-Query to talk to our minimal API in a very smart way. without having to worry about things like caching and refreshing data anymore!
DevSum 2023 Sessionize Event
Techorama 2023 Belgium Sessionize Event
DevSum 2022 Sessionize Event
NDC Porto 2022 Sessionize Event

Roland Guijt
Microsoft MVP, Pluralsight author, ASP.NET insider
Utrecht, The Netherlands
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