
Romain Huet

Romain Huet

Head of Developer Relations at Stripe


Romain leads global developer relations at Stripe. He joined Stripe from Twitter, where he was a Senior Developer Advocate and the first member of Twitter’s developer relations team outside the US. In 2014, Romain helped launch Fabric, Twitter’s mobile development platform, and Digits, a way for people to securely sign in to apps with their phone number rather than a password. This year alone, Romain’s worldwide developer tour has led him to meet thousands of developers at events and conferences in dozens of cities across the US, Europe and Asia. Most recently, Romain was on stage two weeks ago at Twitter Flight in San Francisco during Jack Dorsey’s keynote, where he performed a live coding demonstration of Twitter’s latest developer products.

Prior to Twitter, Romain was co-founder & CTO Jolicloud, whose free operating system was designed to work on low cost computers and connect them to the cloud. Joli OS was the first operating system based on Linux, Chromium, HTML5 and Open Web technologies, paving the way towards a new generation of browser-based platforms like Chrome OS. In 2010, the Jolibook, a computer running Joli OS, was a finalist for “Netbook of the Year” at Engadget Awards, alongside Google’s first Chromebook.

Previously, Romain worked at Netvibes where he pioneered the Facebook API development with the most popular widget of the personalized start page and helped create UWA, the open source JavaScript engine to make Netvibes apps run everywhere.

Romain has an M.S. in Computer Science from Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes, France.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology

Building for Builders: Designing APIs for the Internet Economy

As developers building the apps, services, and commerce experiences that power the modern world, we have an increasingly significant and direct impact on the global economy. Yet far too often, the limiting factor isn’t our own creativity or execution—it’s the quality of the software tools and APIs available to us. This is especially true in Europe, where talented developers building an online business have to consider how to operate across the continent, serving customers in multiple markets, languages, and regulatory landscapes.

Romain Huet will talk about Stripe’s approach to empowering developers globally through careful API design and technical tooling. He’ll focus on Stripe’s infrastructure for building marketplaces and supporting payment methods around the world, and how it allows developers to streamline their payments- and commerce-related work and instead focus on building delightful experiences for their end users.

Romain will do some live coding to build a platform and immediately take it to a global scale, covering best practices for providing a modern checkout experiences across a range of countries and payment methods, including how Stripe has embraced new web standards such as the Payment Request API. With new requirements for marketplaces and payments methods emerging every day, he’ll describe our efforts behind creating Stripe Connect and Stripe’s Sources API to minimize the work required to reach customers across the globe.

Join Romain Huet as he discusses how the API economy and great tooling and experiences can help increase the leverage of developers around the world.

Romain’s session is for both entrepreneurs and developers who want to understand the underpinnings and future of developer tools, and how to increase the leverage of developers around the world.

Romain Huet

Head of Developer Relations at Stripe


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