
Roy Wanyoike

Roy Wanyoike

Software engineer

Nairobi, Kenya


Junior Software Developer

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Angular
  • Svelte
  • Nodejs
  • Vuejs
  • SvelteJS
  • React
  • ReactJS

Server Components: The Epic Tale of Rendering UX

Server components, introduced in React v18 end these shortcomings, enabling rendering React components fully on the server, into an intermediate abstraction format without needing to add to the JavaScript bundle.

This talk aims to cover the following points:

1. A fun story of how we needed CSR and how SSR started to take its place

2. What are server components and what benefits did they bring like 0 javascript bundle size

3. Demo of a simple app using client-side rendering, SSR, and server components and analyzing the performance gains and understanding when to use what

4. My take on how rendering UI will change with this approach

Everyone Can Easily Write Tests

Let’s take a look at how Playwright can help you get your end to end tests written with tools like Codegen that generate tests on user interaction. Let’s explore UI mode for a better developer experience and then go over some tips to make sure you don’t have flakey tests. Then let’s talk about how to get your tests up and running on CI, debugging on CI and scaling using shards.

Showcasing Real-World Mobile Apps Built with Svelte Native: Unleashing the Power of Elegance and Per

This concept paper invites attendees to embark on an inspiring journey through the realm of mobile app development powered by Svelte Native. The presentation will highlight real-world mobile applications that exemplify the framework's elegance, efficiency, and cross-platform capabilities. By exploring diverse app scenarios, from healthcare to entertainment, this session aims to ignite the audience's creativity and confidence in adopting Svelte Native for crafting exceptional mobile experiences.

Offline Support and Data Synchronization

Exploring strategies for handling offline support and data synchronization in React Native apps. Discuss tools and libraries like Redux Persist, AsyncStorage, and GraphQL to manage local and remote data.

Caching API Responses

Implement caching of API responses to store data locally on the device. When the app is offline, you can fetch data from the cache instead of making network requests.

Building and Packaging Svelte Native Apps: Empowering Mobile Development with Elegance

In the rapidly evolving landscape of mobile app development, Svelte Native has emerged as an innovative framework that offers an elegant approach to creating powerful, performant, and cross-platform applications. This concept paper aims to explore the intricacies of building and packaging Svelte Native apps, highlighting the framework's unique features and advantages. By delving into the development process, deployment strategies, and real-world application examples, this presentation will equip attendees with insights and practical knowledge for harnessing the potential of Svelte Native in their mobile development projects.

The Return of 'Write Less, Do More'

We obsess — rightly — over bundle size, performance, code coverage, and anything else we can quantify. But what if I told you that the number one predictor of a project's sustainability is the one thing we're *not* measuring? In this talk, we'll take a look at what the academic literature can tell us about writing maintainable, bug-free code, and see how a new generation of compiler-frameworks like Svelte can apply those lessons to help us build rich, reliable applications.

Strict mode in Angular

In Angular, strict mode is a compiler option that enforces stricter rules and additional checks during the development and build process. It is designed to catch potential issues and help developers write more reliable and maintainable code. Strict mode can be enabled by setting the "strict": true flag in the Angular compiler options.

When strict mode is enabled, the Angular compiler applies the following stricter rules:

Strict Type Checking: TypeScript's strict type checking options are enabled, including stricter type inference, no implicit any types, and stricter null checks. This helps catch type-related errors at compile-time.

Enhanced Template Checks: Angular performs more thorough template checks to catch common mistakes and potential errors. It enforces stricter template type checking, including checking for template variable scopes, unused variables, and incorrect property bindings.

Strict Null Checks: The compiler applies stricter checks for null and undefined values. It helps prevent common errors caused by null or undefined values, such as null reference errors.

Strict Property Initialization: Angular enforces stricter rules for initializing class properties. All properties must be explicitly initialized, either in the constructor or at the declaration site, to avoid potential undefined values.

Strict Event Initialization: The compiler enforces stricter rules for initializing event emitters. Event emitters must be assigned with a new EventEmitter instance to avoid potential issues with uninitialized or null event emitters.

Enabling strict mode in Angular helps improve code quality, maintainability, and reduces the likelihood of runtime errors. It is recommended to use strict mode in Angular applications to leverage the benefits of these stricter rules and catch potential issues early in the development process.

Roy Wanyoike

An Application Programming Interface (API) allows software applications to interact with each other. It is a fundamental part of modern software patterns, such as microservices architectures.

API security is the process of protecting APIs from attacks. Because APIs are very commonly used, and because they enable access to sensitive software functions and data, they are becoming a primary target for attackers.

API security is a key component of modern web application security. APIs may have vulnerabilities like broken authentication and authorization, lack of rate limiting, and code injection. Organizations must regularly test APIs to identify vulnerabilities, and address these vulnerabilities using security best practices. This article presents several methods and tools for API security testing, and a range of best practices that can help you secure your APIs.

This is part of an extensive series of guides about application security

In this talk i will cover the following

Why Is API Security Important?
How is API Security Different from General Application Security?
REST API Security vs. SOAP Security
GraphQL Security
Methods Of API Security Testing
Top Open Source API Testing Tools
API Security Best Practices

Internalization in angular

Internationalization, sometimes referenced as i18n, is the process of designing and preparing your project for use in different locales around the world. Localization is the process of building versions of your project for different locales. The localization process includes the following actions.

Extract text for translation into different languages
Format data for a specific locale
A locale identifies a region in which people speak a particular language or language variant. Possible regions includes countries and geographical regions. A locale determines the formatting and parsing of the following details.

Measurement units including date and time, numbers, and currencies
Translated names including time zones, languages, and countries

RenderCon Kenya 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Nairobi, Kenya

Google I/O Extended Pwani 2023 Sessionize Event

July 2023 Mombasa, Kenya

Roy Wanyoike

Software engineer

Nairobi, Kenya


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