
Ryan Foote

Ryan Foote

Ryan Foote, Many of his Name, King of the Basement and the Garage, Lord of the Grill and Protector of the Beef

Dayton, Ohio, United States


With over 15 years of experience in software development, I have survived through highs and lows, trials and tribulations, trends, new hotness, old and busted, and finally arrived at a place of realization... True wisdom is realizing that you know nothing. Or at least enough to be dangerous.

In my professional career, I have learned that whatever can go wrong, will, and whatever goes right, comes from exploration, communication and sharing of experience.

The entirety of my career has been spent working in industries where software development isn’t the end product, but the means to an end. With that experience, I believe I can help others in navigating the pitfalls that can keep them from delivering optimal value to their organization, which is end-user satisfaction.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Transports & Logistics
  • Business & Management


  • Cloud
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Cloud Computing on the Azure Platform
  • Cloud & Infrastructure
  • .net core
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Visual Studio / .NET
  • Visual Studio Team Services
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Git
  • Entity Framework

Unit to UI: Automating All the Tests

By now, you have surely seen the demos, read the tutorials, attended the talks. Modern team process tools make it insanely easy to create CI/CD pipelines. But most canned examples don’t seem to go far enough. What about the front-end? We need to be able to build, test and deploy our ENTIRE application stack, including the front-end and including automated user interface tests.

Let’s dig just a smidge deeper.

In this session, we will learn how to create an automated build pipeline for building and testing our Angular and ASP.NET Core application. In addition to building the application, we will learn how to configure the pipeline to not only run our Angular and C# unit tests, but also our Selenium user interface tests.

Easy Refactoring with CQRS

Are your controller actions gigantic? Is your service layer bloated? Are testing and maintenance a nightmare? Need a more scalable solution?

The CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) development pattern can help address these issues. However, implementing a distributed CQRS architecture can be intimidating. If not well designed, it can make your application exponentially more complex and difficult to maintain.

So, why not start simple?

Using the popular .NET library, MediatR, it’s super easy to write simple, testable, scalable CQRS applications.

In this session, we will explore CQRS and its core concepts while refactoring a traditional ASP.NET Core application using MediatR. We will emphasize separation of concerns, dependency injection, code reuse, thin controllers, and unit testability. You will leave with knowledge and confidence to start using MediatR in your own projects.

Git Flowing: Small Team Development with GitFlow

Sure, you use Git. But, HOW are you using Git? Do you have a branching strategy? Automation? Are you working in a team? You’re not just pushing straight to master right? RIGHT?

The GitFlow model will help you formulate better branching strategies, which will make effective, concepts such as tagging and semantic versioning. GitFlow paves the way for successful and safe concurrent team development.

In this session, we will explore the GitFlow model and learn how to implement a branching strategy based on this model. We will leverage Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to learn the proper team workflow for working with our new branching strategy.

Get Hooked on Webhooks!

Serverless. Cloud-native. Event-driven. Big data. Are these terms white noise yet? Right up there with DevOps, Big Data, and Internet of Things, am I right (*winks at you while nodding and giving fingerguns*)?

I get it. People overuse the terminology, abuse the patterns and put square things into round places.

But seriously… Those things can be REALLY FREAKIN’ COOL!

What if I told you there was a super easy way to connect applications, both on-premises and in the cloud, via events, and is massively scalable? What if this super easy magic could even support big data ETL operations? Would the white noise start sounding any… less white? Maybe grey? I don’t know noises.

Well, you are all in luck. There IS a super easy way to do all of this. Webhooks!

In this session, you will learn how webhooks can provide event-driven, distributed architecture. Using Microsoft Azure EventGrid, you will be able to easily integrate systems and applications, providing a decoupled, cloud-native and distributed design that is easy to maintain.

You will learn how to configure EventGrid topics and webhook subscriptions as well as how to publish events to EventGrid using the Microsoft Azure EventGrid API.

Scrumbut: The Perils & Pitfalls of Custom Agile

“Yeah, we do Scrum, but...”

The infamous Scrumbut. The not-so-desirable side effect of doing Scrum “your way”. Because your organization is different right? While this is true. No two organizations are the same, but the way they implement Scrum should be. Unfortunately, that is not typically the case.

In this session, we will explore examples of “Scrumbut”, highlighting where things went off the rails. The goal is to leave the session with ways to combat “Scrumbut”, and re-energize your Agile efforts in your organization.

How to Lose a Developer in 10 Days

…or 11, or 30, or after 15 years

Are you tired of giving your all to your team, only to have your developers seem disengaged, uninterested, or even leave? People tend to leave bosses, not jobs and perception is not always reality. Sometimes giving your all does not mean to others what it means to yourself. It could be that one’s “giving it all” is another’s “mailing it in”. Perhaps you consider yourself an expert communicator. However, what if your communication style is at complete odds with the rest of the team?

Managing expectations and perception vs. reality and mastering communication styles are just a few of the ways we can strengthen relationships and mitigate developer turnover. In this session, I would like to discuss the reasons why people leave bosses. Similar to how exploring our past helps with our future, exploring how to lose developers can help find ways to keep them.

Spoiler Alert: It may turn out that YOU are a big part of the problem.

Ryan Foote

Ryan Foote, Many of his Name, King of the Basement and the Garage, Lord of the Grill and Protector of the Beef

Dayton, Ohio, United States


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