
IoT ... big data ... cloud - let‘s start small!

When I was looking for a sidekick to my day-to-day developer job, I stumbled across the Arduino ecosystem of microcomputers, which means open source software and hardware. So why not revive my electronics skills, start with some IoT, as well as get going with some cloud stuff, I thought.

So, in this session let me demonstrate to you my first IoT project that actually deserves that name.

I'll introduce you to the Arduino world (hardware and IDE), show you how to connect an Arduino class microcomputer with some sensors (i.e. temperature, air quality...) to a network, then have it transmit data to the (Arduino and even Azure-) cloud where the data can be stored, analyzed and also visualized on your own environmental data dashboard. All of this is accomplished with really low-cost hardware and free cloud offerings.

(Almost) no hardware was harmed in preparation for this session.

Thomas Hütter

Explorer of things, builder of stuff

Brüggen, Germany


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