
AI data privacy: Securing your own data on open platforms (like openAI)

This is a combined talk with Min Maung.

This presentation will delve into the intersection of AI, data privacy, and data ownership, focusing on its implications for the enterprise. It is an era where business competitiveness is tightly interwoven with AI advancements, yet, data privacy and ownership concerns present critical challenges. We will discuss how businesses can protect privacy while harnessing AI's potential, exploring regulatory frameworks like GDPR and CCPA that guide this delicate equilibrium.

We'll investigate ownership issues concerning private data models, a growing concern as AI becomes a cornerstone for enterprise innovation. Join us as we delve into the depths of data privacy in the enterprise AI landscape, highlighting the significance of striking a delicate balance between technological advancement and ethical responsibility.

The journey promises insights into overcoming data privacy challenges and fostering a culture of privacy-centered innovation in the business world.

Min Maung

Mentor, Technical Presenter, Data Scientist

Chicago, Illinois, United States


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