
Let's Build A Custom Smart EBike with IoT and AI Services

In the ever-evolving landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT), the integration of cutting-edge technologies has the potential to revolutionize traditional industries. This technical presentation unveils the journey of creating a Smart IoT Bike, a project that seamlessly combines Azure cloud services and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the biking experience and safety.

Our project's foundation lies in Azure IoT Hub, a robust platform for connecting, monitoring, and managing IoT devices. We will delve into the architecture, demonstrating how Azure IoT Hub facilitates real-time data ingestion from various sensors embedded in the bike, such as GPS, accelerometer, and heart rate monitors.

We will showcase how computer vision and machine learning models are employed to analyze live video streams from onboard cameras, ensuring rider safety by detecting potential hazards and providing timely alerts.

Furthermore, our Smart IoT Bike leverages Azure Machine Learning for predictive maintenance. We will discuss how data from sensors are used to predict and prevent mechanical issues, extending the bike's lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.

Min Maung

Mentor, Technical Presenter, Data Scientist

Chicago, Illinois, United States


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