
DevOps Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop and Secure It Once In a While, You Could Miss It


Remember Ferris Bueller... Bueller... Bueller? Ferris woke up one morning saying "how could I be expected to handle school on a day like this?" and that begins a day filled with seeking adventure. Well trying to elegantly intersect security with DevOps these days can also leave us feeling a bit like Ferris did about high school that day. But it doesn't have to be. From the iconic opening scene, the infamous Mr Peterson call, Abe Froman - Sausage King of Chicago and more, Ferris provides us with key insights on the impact security can have. Join us as we borrow a few lessons from Ferris to see what we can do to move security from mundane to marvelous.

Rob Cuddy

Global Application Security Evangelist

Irvine, California, United States


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