Testcontainers made easy
Testcontainers is an open-source framework for providing throwaway, lightweight instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers, or just about anything that can run in a Docker container. Integrated with test frameworks such as JUnit and Spock, it simplifies using the same system in production and during tests, so it's no longer needed to use something like H2 for tests.
Micronaut takes Testcontainers further, eliminating the need of actually using the Testcontainers API. It will provision the test resource automatically for both development mode and testing.
In this session, Micronaut committer Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal will first explain what Testcontainers is and how it works without any framework ceremony. He will then demonstrate with examples how Micronaut Test Resources leverages Testcontainers, and how this integration dramatically improves the developer experience.

Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal
Principal Member of Technical Staff at Oracle
Madrid, Spain
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