
Sustaining Diaspora: Multidimensionality in the Korean diasporic experience

This roundtable gathers scholars who engage multiple disciplines and publics -- anthropology, ethnic studies, film, history, linguistics, and literature among them -- to discuss the multidimensionality of the Korean diasporic experience. In a moment in which "Koreanness" is increasingly commodified, this roundtable addresses the multiple dimensions through which Korean identity is constructed, as well as the multidisciplinary forms through which scholars approach the study of Korea and the Korean diaspora. In particular, we bring together perspectives on how these discussions reverberate not only in the academy but beyond it. We ask how we as scholars can meaningfully engage our communities, cultivate more capacious publics, and build new solidarities. By de-naturalizing boundaries of race, language, nation, and diaspora, we hope to move the discussion beyond the politics of identification to the cultivation of justice.

Andrew Cheng

Simon Fraser University


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