
One shell to rule them all: Micro-Frontends

The ease at which we are building web applications is increasing over time. Each new framework shows improved capabilities, performance and tools. This is great for developers, with only one "tiny" downside: All frameworks diverge in approach which leads to de-facto inability to switch or change technologies and become less flexible over time.

Micro-Frontends approach enables us to split our products into separate modules as any of them is built with any web technology (i.e. React/Angular/Vue/...). A thin code layer orchestrates them as a single product, keeping the UX intact. The approach enables companies to stale rewrites of old production code and combine new technologies with legacy ones without breaking everything.

On this session we will see how we can orchestrate different modules written in three different technologies to work together as a single application, a true case-study, live demo, tips and tricks for developers to step into this brave new world.

Separating modules and breaking the technology chains enable us to scale up and build products with multiple front-end teams working on different technologies.

We will see the pros and cons of micro-frontends approach and how to deal with side-effects related to development, CI and deployment.

Avichay Eyal

Fullstack Architect @ Tikal Knowledge

Tel Aviv, Israel

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