
Internal Development Platforms: Are IDPs Right For Me?

When developers are working locally, they act with impunity, allocating new resources at a whim. However, what happens when they must approach the ops team, bowls extended, asking "please, sir. May I have so'more?" Wouldn't it be easier if there was a system set up to allow development to allocate any necessary resources from a pre-approved list?

Internal Development Platforms (IDP) entered the chat. IDPs give ops teams the ability to create a catalog of approved resource types. This allows dev teams to specify required resources from the catalog during development. During your CI/CD pipeline, the IDP looks at the list of required resources, matches them with rules provided by the ops team, and either creates new or reuses existing resources to stand up the environment. This allows dev teams to worry about development while ops teams worry about allocating resources, securing resources, and, hopefully, keeping costs down.

During this talk, we'll talk about IDPs and how they work, show where they are appropriate to use, and give an example of an IDP in action. By the end of this session, you'll have all the information you need to decide if IDPs are right for your organization.

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Chris Gardner

Senior Products and Platform Engineering Manager for Accenture

Huntsville, Alabama, United States


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