MO-200 - Microsoft Excel Associate Exam Prep
Unlike the Microsoft technical certifications where the exams are presented in multiple choice format, the Microsoft Excel Associate (MO-200) exam tests candidates on performance-based scenarios using various basic to intermediate features of Microsoft Excel. Candidates have a time of 50 minutes to complete various practical tasks and achieve a minimum of 700 points out of a possible 1000 points are required to pass the exam, to earn the Microsoft Excel Associate certification. This session will explore techniques on how to tackle the questions that are presented as well as tips and tricks on how to manage your time in the exam. The exam objectives for the Microsoft Excel Associate exam can be found here:
Chintan Patel
Microsoft 365 MVP | Microsoft Certified Trainer Regional Lead: South Africa | ICT Trainer & Consultant | Mudita ISC Instructor | Technology Solutions Engineer
Benoni, South Africa
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