
Mentoring and growing stronger teams using Agile techniques

We manage the outcome of our software projects using Agile principles and techniques like time boxed cycles, shorter feedback loops and small defined outcomes… so why don't we apply these techniques to staff growth?

Staff grow at different rates, they have unique needs and differing circumstances, so why do we impose a one-size-fits-all approach to staff development? Furthermore, why do we subject our teams to a sterile and delayed feedback KPO / KPI approach in the tech industry, an industry that is growing and experiencing rapid change?

These are all questions that puzzled me.

Five years ago I started mentoring 3 team members using an agile approach which was refined over time and with each iteration, it is now an accepted and valued practice on all my teams. This is my story.

In this talk I'll unpack;

* The agile mentoring approach and the mentoring life cycle
* The different personas I have adopted in agile mentoring
* The different people patterns I have adopted in agile mentoring
* The tools I use to manage the process
* The career framework I apply
* Lessons I have learned.

Join me as I share a fresh approach to mentoring team members which ultimately results in;

* Higher job satisfaction and less burn-out among employees
* More confident teams
* Less learning on active projects, and more focused learning outcomes
* Higher staff retention.

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