
Towards Standardized Platforms: How the CNOE Project Can Help

Platform building has become an emerging practice in the IT world, and enterprises strive for unified platform experiences on top of Kubernetes and GitOps.

This endeavor comes at a risk: How to choose the right building blocks and make sure they are maintained and play nicely with each other?
The CNOE project makes an effort to mitigate these risks by providing reference architectures and implementations built on pluggable and extensible open-source tooling.

The speaker will outline the when and why of building platforms before introducing the CNOE project, its tenets, and its aims.
He will also live-demo the deployment of a reference IDP using idpbuilder, a tool maintained by the CNOE project, to provide attendees with steps to get started with platform building and putting together CNCF tools such as ArgoCD, Backstage, or Crossplane.

Attendees will learn what problems IDPs in general and the CNOE project in particular try to solve, and which steps it takes to get started.

Daniel Bodky

Open-Source Enthusiast with a Passion for Automation

Nürnberg, Germany


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