
Navigating the Labyrinth of Explainable AI: Ethical Implications and Practical Steps

More and more decisions these days are taken by AI based systems. Or at least they are influenced by AI. In a world increasingly driven by artificial intelligence, the importance of making these systems transparent and understandable cannot be overstated. In this enlightening session we'll delve into the fascinating and crucial realm of Explainable AI (XAI).
This session promises a exploration of XAI - its definition, its importance, and the methods to achieve it.
We will demystify the often-complex theories behind XAI and bring them down to a practical level, exploring how to create AI models that are not only performant but also understandable and accountable. Interlacing theory with real-world scenarios, we'll also demonstrate what happens when AI goes wrong due to a lack of explainability, emphasizing the need for transparent algorithms.
A significant portion of this session will be dedicated to the ethical considerations of AI. We'll delve into how the ethical use of AI intertwines with explainability, underscoring the imperative that as we develop increasingly advanced AI systems, we do so with a keen eye on the ethical implications.
Join Dennis in this illuminating journey into the heart of XAI. Leave equipped with a renewed perspective on the importance of explainability in AI, a solid understanding of how to implement it, and the insight to navigate the ethical landscape that accompanies these powerful technologies. And have some fun as well!

Dennis Vroegop

Loving technology and the people working with it.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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