
Let's think block by block - Real world serverless AI, in a virtual world

Imagine a world where AI does more than just chat—it thinks, solves, and acts. Enter the realm of Minecraft, where virtual landscapes become the perfect proving ground for the next generation of autonomous agents.

This deep dive session takes you on an adventure beyond the ordinary, showcasing how we've engineered an AI entity capable of reasoning, problem-solving, and executing tasks in Minecraft. Leveraging the power of Amazon's Bedrock, Lambda, SNS, and a suite of AWS serverless technologies, paired with the latest Claude 3 model from Anthropic, we reveal the full potential of AI beyond the confines of chatbots.

Discover how these serverless solutions empower our AI to interact with, adapt to, and transform its environment in real-time, providing a glimpse into the future of autonomous agents in both virtual and real-world applications. Join us as we navigate the intricacies of serverless AI architecture, demonstrating its practical implications, block by block.

Derek Bingham

Developer Advocate @ AWS

Perth, Australia


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