
What Your Crazy Ex Could Teach You About Saving Your CI/CD Pipeline

Let’s talk about that person that just couldn’t take a hint—you know who I’m talking about. They send you an SMS to hang out, and you don’t get around to responding, but that doesn’t stop them from texting again, and again, and again…

Now, this may be bad for your dating life, but it may not be that bad for your DevOps practices. Let’s look at how you could set up automated SMS messages for failures in your DevOps pipeline to raise the alarm when needed and keep messaging until acknowledged or resolved.

In this talk, Diana will show a DevOps pipeline that violates an operating policy. This operating policy—enforced by Open Policy Agent—will trigger an API call to an SMS provider to kick off a sequence of SMS alerts until we acknowledge and fix the issue.

While she is NOT encouraging you to respond to your crazy ex, Diana hopes this parallel will help you improve your DevOps pipeline.

Diana Pham

Developer Advocate at Vonage and Appwrite Hero

Denver, Colorado, United States


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